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The story is coming to an end sorry to say it depends on you guys I can make more fillers or I can end it sooner it's your guys choice so comment what you'll prefer
Flitz POV
I sat on the couches while our film crew set up the cameras

Every one yawning, "Ian fuck you! It's too early to film!" Sohinki yelled,

"Put a damn smile on your face we have to film" Ian said as tired as Sohinki

Time skip brought to you by I don't care about putting every person in the Smosh in two teams...

"What are we filming this afternoon?" Anthony looked at me and shrugged,

"We should probably get pain pong or mouse traps out of the way" he sighed,

"Stop acting sad you guys never do any thing you just watch" I said rolling my eyes

He laughed, "I'm trying to be sympathetic, let's go pain pong"

I groaned, "alright guys move to the game room were playing pain pong!" Every one sighed and shambled to the room still tired

"I'll be right back I have to put a bra on" I heard Mari say, joven seemed extremely interested

"Ey perv back off!" I said, he rolled his eyes "I didn't do anything" he said in a deep voice

"Shut the fuck up!" Sohinki said, "we get it you both fucking love Mari! But if you continue like this you'll get her in the hospital again!"

"Yea, she's been through a lot" Courtney mumbled "let's not stress her any more then we need to"

"Can I have a normal life?" Mari asked walking slowly into the room,

"The fucking truth is I don't like any of you like I used to before," she said with an angry look in her eyes

"Let's just start the game"

True Love (Flitz x Mari)Where stories live. Discover now