The mourning

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Time warp woooooooo!!!!!!!
Forward a week

Anthony POV
Ever since we lost Mari Flitz has been depressed the funerals tomorrow so i hope it'll help Flitz. I was chosen to look after Flitz. He was completely mortified when Mari died and we're worried about him he's trying to separate him self from society.
Frikin time warp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The day of the funeral

Joven POV
We dressed up getting ready for the final look at Mari before she's gone forever all in our suite and tie we gathered in the car, with out Flitz. He was at home he couldn't bear with losing Mari
Mari POV
I woke up in the dark. I looked around and saw images of all my friends and family.
"Where am I?" I asked my self I heard a slight echo. I looked at all the images. Then I saw me! In a small coffin with wood benched surrounding me with my-my friends
"I'm DEAD?" I screamed
I looked behind me and saw my body in a sparkly long black dress with my hair up done in curls and black high heals.
I thought for a moment
"I'm not ready to die yet!!!" I started sprinting towards my body
Suddenly there was a powerful wind pushing me towards the light
I dug my heels into the ground and started pushing past the wind
Then I felt a burning pain every where. I realized my body was burning from the inside out as my flesh burned away I reached the image of my body and put my hand through the image it made a rippling texture and every thing stopped. "Fuck yooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" I said putting up my middle finger. I walked through and I looked up to the sky
I jumped out of the coffin and ran
Lasercorns POV
I walked up to the microphone in front of the coffin and took out some cards with my speech.  Then someone ran past me and reached into my suits pocket
"I'm gonna need these! Sorry" they said
I looked at the girl running down the white aisle
"I-s that m-ari? I heard sohinki ask
Then suddenly the women tripped and yelled
"Fuckin high heels!"
"Yup that's Mari." Wes said dumbfounded
The whole group walked up to the coffin and sure enough Mari wasn't there.
I reached into my pocket
"She stole my car keys?!!" I said
"She's going to see Flitz!" Wes yelled running to the parking lot
"Come on! I'll drive" Joven said
"No!" We all yelled in unison
Mari POV
I drove over to Flitz house as fast as I could.
When I arrived I slammed the door open and ran in
"Flitz?!" I yelled
I ran into his bedroom and his bathroom
"Flitz I found you" I said
Flitz looked at me with a knife in his hand
"I'm going insane. This can't be real." He lifted up the knife to his neck
"No!" I grabbed his wrist
"This isn't real! This isn't real! This isn't real!" Flitz shouted breaking my grasp on his wrist
I grabbed his shirt and pulled him toward me. "This is real!" I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him. I let go and
Said "can you look me in the eyes and say that that wasn't real." I said tears streaming down my face. Flitz looked at me and hugged me.

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