The Truth

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slumped down at my desk seat, gripping the ring I had taken out Of my desk, we all sat in silence looking off at the distance at nothing in particular, lasercorn placed his hand on my shoulder, I stood up and pulled out the box, "oh" lasercorn said with a sympathetic voice, I raised it high above my head and threw it against the wall, breaking the box, I silently walked out of the room slamming the door, and entered an empty room "WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO BE SUCH AN ASS HOLE! THE LOVE OF MY FUCKING LIFE IS GONE" I crumbled to my knees against the wall mirror, it reminded me of her, how she'd dance around a room like this when she thought no one was watching, I placed my head between my knees, and looked at the floor, the way her boots made  the sound on the floor after every graceful movement she made, the way she could brighten up a room by opening the door and smiling, I missed it all, I missed Mari, I wish for a second chance

I drove home, still shocked from the suddenness, when I got home I walked in, the familiar smell calmed me a bit, I crawled into bed and just sat there and read until I fell asleep,

I sat up and checked the time "shit I'll be late for work," I got out of bed and dressed in a deep blue shirt and jeans, and drove to work, same old same old, I got to work and immediately, it was quiet, empty, and defiantly not as lively, of course it wasn't, Mari was gone, sohinki turned around from playing hearthstone, "hey flitz, how are you doing" I rolled my eyes "I'm fine" and sat down at my desk,

"You guys ready to film" I nodded, we walked over to the game bang set, "three two one"
"Hey guys and welcome to game bang!! Today we're playing joven joven or joven" I said faking a convincing enthusiastic tone, every one looked at me as I returned straight faced "that's right were playing drunk stoned or stupid! Let's go!" Lasercorn said,

"still owes you money" we laughed and all pointed at sohinki, he took it shamefully, "has the mentality of a five year old" once again it was a unanimous vote for Wes, "loves their partner to much" sohinki reads, he cringed "I think I'm just gonna throw that away" he flung it behind his back, "different around girl friend or boy friend" he slammed it down on the table angrily, and picked up another one, "are you fucking kidding me" I rolled my eyes "just give me the card," he obliged and I looked at it, "misses their girl friend/ boyfriend allways"

We got finished filming multiple videos, "every one ready? I'm locking up" the door opened "hey guys, I forgot my jacket," Mari walked in, a flash of black and red brushed past me as she quickly walked past me, "I-" she glared at me, and I felt shivers go up my spine, I saw joven try and talk to her "you ok?" He asked her, she walked away ignoring him "joven, stop trying to get into my pants" I looked back at him, he looked hurt, "I'm taking a vacation, I won't be back for awhile"

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