The trip

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Flitz POV
I sat in the front next to sunny, Wes behind me and joven behind sunny, in the back was Matt Sohinki and lasercorn

"I wanted the front!" Lasercorn said loudly, I laughed, "your a midget I wouldn't fit back there" he crossed his arms and pouted

"Lasercorn I don't want to hear you whine like a dog the whole time on this fucking trip!" Sohinki said louder

"Well too bad! Now you know how we feel playing games with you you salty bitch" lasercorn responded

"Shut the fuck up! It's too early to listen to you guys!" Wes shouted

I nodded, "up at three left at four" I yawned,

"Shut the fuck up in going to sleep" joven said putting his head on the seat belt, I nodded and laid back in my seat

Mari POV
I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes, I blinked my eyes open, "morning sunshine" Courtney said

I looked around, Shayne and joe in the front, Noah and Keith knocked out in the middle and Olivia, Courtney and I in the very back

I felt cold on my cheek, I raised my hand up and took an ice pack held my a hair band of my face,

Olivia took it and put her hair up, "thanks"

I sat dazed and confused, "where am I?" Courtney laughed, "we're on our way to Utah"

I stretched in my confined space, "what happened?" I said trying to recall what happened last night

"You went out drinking with Flitz, some one spiked your drink" I felt my pockets, "I packed your stuff. Your phone charger and other crap are in there too"

"Thanks court," she shrugged "I'm just amazing" she paused, "still not sure how you got that bruise on your face"

I thought back long and hard, "oh yea peters Slut" I mumbled,

"What?" Olivia asked

I shook my head, "nothing, it's nothing"

"Flitz was really worried about you" Olivia said smirking, I could feel my cheeks go red

"Mari your blushing! Are you getting back together?" Courtney said excitedly

I shrugged, "its complicated, it's hard when three men want you to be with them"

She laughed, "it's nice to know you have fans"

I rolled my eyes, "auhhh stop the car" Olivia said in a sickly voice

Joe pulled over to the side of the road and both Olivia and Shayne rushed out, Olivia bent over gagging

"Carsick" I asked hopping out of the car and rubbing her back, she slightly nodded

"I'll hold your hair back girl" Shayne said in a stereotypical gay voice,

She groaned and stood up her eyes watering, "better?" Courtney asked, she smirked "I'm gonna be hungry in an hour"

"Don't worry liv liv we'll be there soon" she smiled, "can I trade you front seat? I get less carsick up there"

He nodded "yea" and crawled into the back

"One sec" I popped the truck open and opened my suitcase, on the top was my phone, "woo wireless phone games!"

Time skip brought to you by FILLERS ALL THE FILLERS

I looked up from my phone and around the car, Shayne and Olivia fell asleep and Keith and Noah still sleeping

"Hey Courtney?" She looked at me, "are Shayne and Olivia together?" She shrugged

"In the whole Smosh crew every one has their crushes, I know Olivia likes Shayne but idk" she laughed "I keep track"

"Oh yea? Who likes who?" I asked interested, she pointed to Keith, "you know how Keith and Noah always joke about being together?"

I nodded recalling the videos I had watched, "Keith has come out as bisexual not on camera though," she smiled "we're pretty sure Noah is closeted"

"What about you" she looked at me blank faced, "I fucked Sohinki what do you think" I laughed

"True" I said slightly embarrassed, "are you together?" She nodded "yea"

"Joven Wes and Flitz like you" I rolled my eyes "if I had a nickel for every time I heard that I'd be standing on a yacht"

She nodded in agreement joe honked the horn, "ey bitches wake up" they all sat up in their seats, "we're here!"

I climbed out of the car and picked up a pile of snow, "oh great your awake"

Flitz stood in front of me, "how long has it been since I've seen snow" I mumbled to myself "we all saw it last year but you probably don't remember""

I glared at him and smashed the snow in my hand into his chest, "I don't want to talk about what I don't remember! Didn't I tell you that!"

I rolled my eyes, "I have to go to the bathroom"

"I-I'm sorry" he said softly, I turned back around "it's fine, I want my memories back"

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