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Mari POV
I sat on the top bunk on the bed Courtney sitting on the bottom,

"So what's going on with Flitz" she asked up to me,

"I dunno it kinda feels like I don't have a life with out all three of them" I said

She giggled, "yea I could see how you feel that way"

I heard knocking on the door to the girls cabin, "filming in an hour were having brunch"

I felt my stomach rumble like in every book and movie EVER

"Alright we'll be out in a minute" Courtney shouted back

I climbed down the ladder and slipped on my winter coat, "this thing was expensive!" I said zipping it up,

Courtney laughed "yea, you've never really had a chance to live in the snow have you?"

I shrugged, "I lived in the California of Japan"

Courtney put on a light weight jacket, "your crazy" I scoffed

"The cold has never really bothered me" she said "my parents used to call me the ice queen cause I would go out barefoot in the snow"

I laughed, the door opened, "EY Courtney stop being lesbian with out me!" Olivia stuck her head in

"Yea yea, were on our way out go ahead back to the kitchen" she says rolling her eyes and zipping up her jacket

She closed the door, "I hate how we have to walk through the cold to get to the dinning area"

"We rented out a summer camp what do you expect?" Courtney said sliding her boots onto her feet

"True" I followed and put my brand new winter boots on

We walked outside

The snow sparkled in the sunlight as we walked  to the dining building, the snow crunching beneath our feet

"Guess what were filming today!" Anthony said rather excited,

"Mouse traps" Sohinki moaned,

"How'd you know?" Ian asked smiling largely

"It's fucking obvious! You were giggling like school girls this morning we couldn't sleep" he said

I smirked "what a tragedy" I pulled a chair out from under the table and grabbed a plate,

Matt came out holding shot glasses, "good idea" lasercorn said happily grabbing one from out of his hands

"I'll get the vodka" Wes says walking into the kitchen,

"It's only eleven dumb asses" lasercorn shrugged "it's five somewhere"

Wes came back holding the bottle, "hand it over" lasercorn said taking it from his hand and pouring it into his glass

Every one else poured, "you want some Mari?" I shook my head

"Not right now, I'll drink later. I promise" Sohinki smiled "I'll be counting on you"

"Alright guys to the filming room!"

"Welcome to Smosh games!" Anthony introduced,

"We're playing exploding kittens if you lost you get snapped" Ian said

"Unfortunately we're not playing but you guys are" Anthony followed

"Oh please" I said rolling my eyes and sitting down at the table

Time skip! Why? Because fuck you that's why

"My feet still hurt!" Olivia moaned,

"Haha I'm surprised I won" joven said laying back in the chair,

"Aren't us all?" I said smirking, "shut up Mari"

"Ready to drink Mari?" Sohinki said peeking his head in from the kitchen

"Do I have to? I'm not in the mood" I said crossing my arms and doing puppy dog eyes

"Yes Mari you have to" Wes said

I sighed, "I tried, if you guys get me a margarita I'll drink"

Sohinki went into the kitchen and came out with the glass, and a few other bottles and glasses

"Wow you guys are determined" they shrugged

"We never see you drunk you don't ever really drink we wanna see you drunk" I shook my head and took a sip,

"You guys know I'm a light weight right?" They all nodded "yea that's better for us more alcohol"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I downed the drink,

"This isn't a good idea I don't know what I'll do" I said

"Mari stop worrying, that's the fun of it we won't judge you" Wes said "plus we spent most of the day filming it's nine we can send you to bed if we need to"

"Fine gimme a vodka and coke" Sohinki walked to the kitchen "yes ma'am" he said sarcastically

"I'm already fucking tipsy guys" I said, Wes laughed "damn your more of a light weight then me"

"Yea I think I'm the only one in this damn world," joven nodded "true, Wes drinks like he means it though"

"Why'd I make friends with alcoholics?" I asked myself out loud, "Mari we saved your ass more then once"

I shrugged as Sohinki handed me the drink. "Another one and she's drunk" Flitz said

I glared at him, "shut up dumb ass" he stuck his tongue out

"Sohinki don't let me kiss any one but Courtney" he nodded, "I'm not letting you kiss Courtney"

Awkward transition

"I'm pretty sure Maris drunk" Mari looked at me "shhhhhh n-no I swear to d-D-drunk I'm not God"

"I'm pretty sure your right" Sohinki smirked

"Success we got her drunk" I laughed, "very funny" she said most likely not understanding a word I said

"Why aren't an-y of juu drinking?" She says stumbling on her words "cause we had shots this morning" lasercorn said,

Joe peeked his head in the living room, "we're waking you up tomorrow really early, just fyi"

Sohinki had a guilty look on his face, Mari giggled "what's that look for?" She asked,

"Water lots of water" I said grinning, "Courtney could you get her to bed?" She nodded "it's to bad the only functioning bathroom is in here"

I nodded "that'll be hell for Mari" I said,

"We should all probably get to bed" I said getting up and grabbing my phone, 

I walked over to the men's "cabin" and lied down on my bed

Because this story is coming to an end I won't be publishing as often cause I'm an ass hole, k bai

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