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I heard my voice, I heard my name, the pain won't stop, I heard the voice of my beloved

All I want to do is open my eyes, to scream in agony, to let them know I'm alive

I want to sit up, I want to wrap my arms around my friends,

"She may never open her eyes ever again" echoed through my mind, I want to live, I want to escape this burning hell of pain and emotional agony

I felt touch, soft hands that twisted my hair, soft hands that held mine, "you'll be ok, just hang on"

The voice seemed familiar, a woman, I was never good at recognizing voices, I heard the creaking of the bed as she stood up and foot steps as people left

Another person sat beside me, a different feeling, he put one hand on my forehead and another on my hand,

He was different, a certain warmth, a touch that would send chills down anyone's spine,

"You won't die, on me would you?" He said loudly "please don't die your every thing I have, your the only thing I want in life"

"I love you, Mari"

Don't go don't go don't go

True Love (Flitz x Mari)Where stories live. Discover now