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Flitz POV
The paramedics slowly backed away giving Mari breathing room, a man turned to me "it might be best for you to go back to the waiting room"

Shocked I backed away slowly down the hall, through the commotion of doctors and patients,

The smosh squad came running in quickly and found me in the commotion, "flitz is she ok?" Wes yelled,

I looked down at the floor knowing very well that she probably would not live. I shook my head and pushed him aside,

I took a seat just waiting for the news, waiting for someone to come and tell me my girlfriend just died, I clutched my pocket feeling the outline of the velvet box.

"Flitz she'll be fine" Olivia put her arm on my shoulder, I looked at her, "you don't have to lie to me, I know very well she won't live"

"I want to help we all do, we're gonna miss her when she's gone," I wiped a tear away from my eye "she used the last of her life"

"Amara" a paramedic called me, I stood up and followed him to her room,

"She's currently on life support but shes in incredible pain, I don't have authority to do this but I suggest you pull the plug, if by some miracle she survives and wakes up, she'll be incredibly disabled mentally and physically"

I nodded tears streaming down my face, he opened the door and gestured me in, men stood around her fixing wires and filling tanks,

"What's your decision?" I breathed in heavily trying to allow the words to come out, "I-I'm gonna pull the plug"

They nodded and hurried out of the room, I pulled the ring out of my pocket, and started at it for a second,

I grasped her cold hands and kissed her on the cheek, "and to think, you were gonna be my wife"

I let go and set the box on a side table, I kneeled down next to the wires, and next to Mari, I grabbed the biggest one and-

"Of course I'll be your wife" I looked back up startled mari gripped my shoulder shakily, you've gotta face me when you propose, she sat up noisily

I stood up, "m-Mari!" She smiled tiredly, and stood up gripping the bed for balance, "now why don't we do this right?" She reached behind her and handed me the ring,

I got onto one knee and shakily opened the box, "Mari Takahashi, will you marry me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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