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Mari POV
After beating the fuck out of lasercorn I walked over to jovens desk "Hey jovie" he turned around "hi Mari!" I smiled "hey You wanna go get food" I looked at my phone 5:49" yea that'd be nice" I reached into my pocket for my wallet "I'll pay" I felt my cheeks go red "aww you don't have to do that" he laughed "I know that's why I'm doing it" we walked out to his car, "where are we going?" I asked, I couldn't stop smiling, "it's a surprise" I laughed,

We pulled into an incredibly fancy building, "your taking me here" he grinned and nodded "reservations for two" I looked up at him "your so nice!" He smiled a bit, "your such a great friend" he looked away then back with a forced smile, a blonde lady led us to a table for two, "I will be with you shortly so let's start off with a drink" I looked at the menu "champagne please" she nodded "and for you sir" joven looked over the menu, "just water please" she nodded and walked to the kitchen, we sat and talked for what seemed like forever, the waiter came back with our drinks, I took a sip of mine,  "do you know what you want for your food" I nodded "the steak with shrimp" joven looked over the menu once again "the chicken please" she wrote it down and walked back to the kitchen, "thanks for taking me here joven" he smiled "it's my pleasure" I took another sip, minuets felt like seconds and hours felt like minuets when talking to him "hey Mari" I looked up at him "what's up?" He gulped "I just figured i should tell you, I've had... Very strong feelings, for you for awhile, and I wanted you to come with me so I could tell you, I know your in a relationship with flitz but I figured i should tell you"

I nodded "to be honest joven I've been thinking of b-" "here's your food!" The waiter said enthusiastically cockblock waiter "thanks" I said, I took a huge bite of my stake, we sat in silence between us, the only sound coming from us were short small breaths between chewing, I finished my plate and so did joven "this was fun" I got up out of my seat and pecked him on the cheek,

I walked out and called an uber, I heard my phone ring, I reached into my purse, "hello?" Flitz said
"Hey babe"
"Where are you?"
"I was out for dinner with joven"
I paused
"What do you mean why"
"I thought you said you guys were just friends"
"We are, it was just dinner babe"
"I don't trust him"
"He's your fucking friend! Stop being jealous you obviously don't trust me! We've dated for two fucking years!"
I hung up before he said any thing,

Flitz POV
"Not today" I said to my self, I tucked the ring back into my desk,

I drove over to the office, I walked in "hey flitz" sohinki said "hi" I looked around and saw Mari and joven, he hugged her, I ran over to him infuriated "what the hell are you doing!" I grabbed Mari, she pushed me away from her "no what are you doing! We're just friends and your being a jealous ass hole! I have guy friends why can't you just accept that!"
"Bu- I" I whimpered
"It's over flitz" she walked away "I'm taking the day off have courtney fill in for me in gts" she walked out of the door,

True Love (Flitz x Mari)Where stories live. Discover now