The begging of the end

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Mari POV
I went into the bathroom to wash off my makeup then I heard a knock at the door
I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself
I opened the door sand saw flitz
"H-hi come on in" I said trying to act happy
I started walking towards the bedroom but he picked me up and started carrying me around bridal style
"Your not going any where" he said with a grin creeping on his face
"Heh heh put me down" I said giggling
He carried me to the bed room and sat me down on the bed
I got up and turned on the tv
He grabbed me and sat me on his lap
"What's wrong" he purred into my ear
I looked down trying to hide how red I was "it's nothing flitz"
He gently grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him
My face grew bright red as he seductively whispered "I know your lying"
I looked away again
Until he gently laid me on the bed
He stood up and started un buttoning his shirt
He climbed on top of me making sure he didn't put to much weight on me
He kissed me sliding off his shirt and reaching down to take off his jeans
Then he reached and fiddled with my bra
"Stop" I firmly said as I put my hand on his chest
I slid out from under him and wrapped my hands around my knees pushing them to my chest
"I-i I can't" I said as tears started to spill out of my eyes
"Joven he-he kissed me" I said bringing my head down looking at the sheets
I say in the silence then looked up at flitz
His face was plain, he looked at me and smiled "it's fine he's just jealous I have a girl like you" I looked at him weirdly "you sure I'm sorry" he looked at me still with a sweet smile on his face "are you looking to break up,"
"No of course not"
"Ok... Then I'm ok with it as long as it was an accident and it won't happen again"
"Really" I saw him put his hand behind his back
I knew it

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