Try Living With a Boyband.

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“Spencer!” My mom poked her head into my bedroom and smiled at me. “Marks here.” Mark is my manager. A great manager, really. He successfully helped me make my first album sell millions, and gets the best concerts. I really would be no where without him. I put down my laptop on my purple comforter and got up off my bed.

Hopefully he would have good news. He only came directly to my house when he had good news, or bad news. Hopefully it was the first option. I hiked up my jeans in a very unladylike fashion. Hey, not all celebrities are perfect. My room is pretty big, I guess compared to other peoples rooms. But lets face it, my house is pretty huge.

I have my queen bed in the middle, with a huge vanity and desk, a window seat (my favorite), and my closet in the corner. I don't think I can even explain my closet. Its pretty huge. My walls are painted gray, which match with my bed perfectly. Everything’s perfect. Well of course it is. We have a decorator. But anyway.

I walked out of my room and down the huge steps. My whole house is decorated in white. White furniture, white appliances, white walls. My mom seems to think it makes everything look cleaner. I think It collects more dust.

I got to the bottom step and turned in the direction of the living room, almost falling in my socks. The thing I love best about my house. The hardwood floors. Someone comes in and waxes our floors to keep them looking new, but my friend Avery and I use them to slide around on. Avery's awesome. She always comes up with the most mischievous stuff to do.

I don't think I could live without her. I glide my hand across the wall, feeling the bumps in the white paint. The wall stops and I turn into my huge white living room. Mark and my mother turn around at the same time to look at me. Mark is about in his late twenties, while my mother is in her fifties.

She has graying brown hair that is cut in a short bob, while Marks hair is black, but almost completely buzzed off. They're really polar opposites. Mark smiled as I walked closer. “Hey Spence. I got good news.” He held his fist out for a fist bump.

I raised my hand to his and pulled away. We both made that silly whooshing sound and cracked up afterwords. Mark's like my older brother that I wish I had. Well, I have an older brother but hes not as cool. “Whats up, Mark?” I sat down beside my mother and crossed my legs on the couch.

“Spence, how do you feel about going on tour?” I swear my heart stopped right there. Every singers dream. Including me. Going on tour. He smiled waiting patiently, for me to answer. I could see it in his eyes that he already knew my answer.

I mean, I would be stupid to not want to go on tour, right? “Are you serious?” I leaned forward, grinning like an idiot. He sat down across from me in a big white fluffy chair, his smile mirroring mine. “But that’s not the best part.” He stated, leaning forward like I was doing. “You're doing it with Goodbye Celebration.”


Goodbye Celebration. Goodbye Celebration. The greatest boy band of the century. More like The hottest. I picked up my Iphone and called Avery. After two rings she picked up. “SPENCER! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?” She screamed into the phone with her girlish voice. I held the phone away from my ear while she finished screaming.

“How did you find out so fast?” I laughed into the phone. Avery had the biggest crush on the bassist, Jared Cisco. I swear she has thirty pictures of him just on her walls. If she ever met him she would die. Boom. Just drop dead from a heart attack. Then she would hope that he would give her mouth to mouth. And, well you know where this is going.

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