26. Fire Him With Actual Fire

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Double update! Yay!

In this chapter, you'll learn so much! You will almost be able to solve the whole case! Yay!

Anyway, I give you...




Walking away from the girl lying on the floor, the girl he didn't even know the name of, he began thinking. Thinking about the girl he just shot and what he would do to the other two girls who had escaped the hypnotism he had worked so hard to make perfect. He would have to fire that Scotsman for doing his job so poorly. Fire with actual fire.

But maybe it wasn't exactly his fault. The girl upstairs had ear plugs in. Those probably messed it all up.

He kept thinking as he padded down the dark stairs. Thinking about the possibility of other kids not under the spell. Kids like those the three girls who were tied up. He would have to send out a search party for more stragglers. There couldn't be any survivors.

But, he knew there was someone in this school capable of stopping him. Two people actually. He had known that all along. Now was a game of whether or not those people would come after him or stay out of the way.

At the bottom of the stairs, he was met by a familiar face. "Boss," the new man nodded, his red hair bouncing up and down on his head. 

"I thought you were the zebra man?" The 'Boss' frowned, agitated that yet another thing could have gone wrong.

Just take the gold, they said. It will be easy, they said. They were going to get it when he was done at the school. He would count on that.

"I-I am," the zookeeper stuttered. "B-but I'm having a p-problem understanding w-what exactly I'm s-supposed t-to do with the zebra."

The 'Boss' rolled his eyes, groaning. Of course he'd hire the only idiotic, evil zookeeper to conduct one of the most important parts of the entire operation. Of freaking course.

"You are supposed to take care of that stupid animal so that we can use it to get into the zoo without being too suspicious."

"Oh, okay," the younger man nodded. "But, uh, w-why do we need to get into the zoo?"

"Do you know anything about what we're doing?!"

"I-I'm the zookeeper," the guy shrugged. "No one t-tells me anything."

The 'Boss' groaned again, beginning to walk in the direction of his associate, Dr. Caine, who was heading towards the stage. "See this gold here?" The man talked as if he were speaking to a little kid, which, at that moment, he felt like he was. "We need to hide it somewhere."

"So we're hiding it in the New Andrew County Zoo?"


The younger man frowned. "That's a weird place to hide gold, sir."

"Well we wouldn't want anybody finding it, right?" The 'Boss' said. "Why not hide it where no one would look."

"Oooooooooooo," the other man said. "I get it now."

"Good." The 'Boss' wore a fake smile, annoyed to his bones. "Now go back to your post."

"Yes, sir!" the red headed man saluted, marching his way back to the stairs.

The 'Boss' shook his head as he watched the other man leave. Idiot, he thought. I should have known better than to hire a man who scoops monkey poop for a living.

  The man stepped onto the stage, making his way over to his associate after giving the two devilish girls a long glare. He would have to check them for earplugs.

What the man couldn't seem to grasp was how that girl knew to put in earplugs in. How would she, an unsuspecting little girl, know that he was hypnotizing her with those bagpipes? He would have to have a conversation with (this part of the story has been removed. Sorry. This would have been another spoiler.) He would have to do that after he sent out the search for stray kids.

"Dr. Caine?"

"Yes boss?"

"I'm afraid something went wrong with the hypnotism. I need you and someone else to find any other children like those two."

The dark haired man nodded, and saluted before walking away.

What is it with me and hiring saluting idiots? I need to look at background information better.

His planned needed to run smoothly from here on out. If not, someone was going to pay for it.

"Fireball," the 'Boss' called, not taking his eyes off the receding figure of his associate and his own small posey.

"Yes, sir?"

"Find His Royal Pain In The Neck and bring him here," he cracked his knuckles. "We need to have a chat."

Spoiler Alert: They Ain't Gonna Make ItWhere stories live. Discover now