Chapter one -The Pinky Promise

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A/N please note that this is my first fan fiction. Voldemort does appear earlier in the story and i know this is not what happens in J.K Rowling's books. But i do hope you enjoy and leave positive comments!!! thanks!!!

(Disclaimer) All character belong to J.K Rowling. Apart from the ones i have created.

"Bye dad!" I wave to my father, who stands at the other end of platform 9 3/4. He is looking at his muggle phone and only briefly lifts his head to give a small wave. I feel disappointed he is not hugging me and making dramatic goodbyes like other parents. I don't know whats wrong with my father lately he has become very distant and distracted. I clear my mind of the thought and climb on to the Hogwarts Express, exited to make new friends at have a great school year!

I walk the trains isle trying to find a place to sit. Finally I come to a carriage occupied by a boy with white blonde hair. Two other boys accompanied him. One extremely chubby and the other rather solid looking. They all looked up at me when I open the carriage door but only the blonde boy spoke.

"Who are you?" he asks with a face absent of emotion. He had light blue grey eyes.

"Lena Wilson." I answer, nervously. I wasn't used to talking to boys, especially this cute one.

"Draco Malfoy." he answers with a slight smile. 

"Mind if I sit in here?" I ask.

"Sure." answers Draco moving over for me. "This is Crabbe and Goyle." He introduced me to the two boys who were looking around the carriage avoiding my eyes.

"So." begins Draco. "You sound Australian. Am I right?"

"yes." I answer turning to face him, ignoring Crabbe and Goyle. "You must be Lucius Malfoy's son. Am I right?" I ask, copying him.

"yes, you are right. Wilson?" he confirms and I nod. "Yeah our fathers are friends. Odd that we haven't met before though." Draco says. We talk and talk for the whole train ride. Crabbe and Goyle looked bored although I think they knew better than to try and join Draco and my convocation.

When we reach Hogwarts Draco is already one of the greatest friends I have had. When I went to muggle school none of the people there seemed to understand me. I was different and to muggles it only took one glance to notice it. I was giddy with excitement when the train finally stopped at Hogwarts. Pressing my face against the window, I stare in awe at the magnificent school the lay on the other side of the window.

Then a girl with blonde curls bursts into our carriage. "hi... hi" she says, out of breath. she quickly adds her name before continuing

"Lavender Brown." She points to herself. "Harry Potter." she says simply, still trying to catch her breath. We all stare at her in confusion. "Haven't you heard? Harry potter has come to Hogwarts!" Lavender finally manages to get out before hurrying away to share the news elsewhere.

Harry potter! Harry Potter is sitting on this train right now? Excitement runs through me and I turn to Draco. "Harry Potter!" I say in awe. Draco just nods and says "Well we had better befriend him before he goes off with some one else." I nod in agreement and stand up as everyone starts to pile off the train.

The first years are led up a stair case by Professor Mcgonagall who calls us to a halt at the top of the stair case in front of two enormous doors. She begins to speak and I zone out thinking about how I am finally in a place where I belong. Where i'm around people just like me, who don't think it is weird that I can make bad stuff happen to people. Finally after 11 years I don't have to think about how to run away to a place where I fit in because finally I am at that place. Mcgonagall stops speaking then and walks away, telling us to stay put. Then beside me Draco moves to the front of the pack of first years.

"You will soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making Friends with the wrong sort." Draco held his hand out to Potter saying: "I can help you there."

"I think i can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks." Potter spits. Draco glares at him in failed attempt to make friends with 'the boy who lived.' Draco stands next to me again as we walk into the great hall. I assure him that Potter was just a stuck up, attention seeking celebrity, which was probably true.

"You're right." Draco agrees, annoyed. "I have you anyway." he smiles at me. We get told about the sorting ceremony and what houses there are. I am standing nervously with my arms hanging stiffly by my sides when Draco nudges me.

"Can you promise that what ever house we get sorted into that we will always remain friends?" He asks."And even if we spend years apart we will always be bound?"

I smile at him. "Yes." I answer.

"You promise?" he pushes. I hold out my pinky. "I pinky promise." I say as our pinkies join. We let go just when Draco's name is called. Confidently he takes a seat on the stool and the sorting hat yelled "SLYTHERIN!" before the hat even touched his head. A few more names are called and Harry potter is sorted into Griffindor, with the red headed Wealey and a bushy haired girl, Granger, who all looked happy to be there

"Yelena Wilson!" Damn....Cautiously I take my seat and the old hat is placed on my head.

"Hmm." The sorting hat begins. "Ahhh. It seems like only yesterday I was sorting your father, Michael into Slytherin.'re very similar although very different. Kindness is here and lots of it. Intelligence, courage and cunningness." The hat speaks loudly and I can feel the eyes of hundreds of people on me, straining to hear what the hat had to say.

"Traits of all the houses...but your heart , your heart craves something, something missing from it-" the hat is cut off by a sudden post owl sweeping into the hall. It landed in front of Dumbldore and the whole hall fell silent, watching the head master. He put down the letter and frowned looking worried. Dumbldore whispered something to Mcgonagall.  She nodded, Stepping forward she took the Hat off my head and hissed to me: "quickly come." I obeyed, just as confused as everyone else. I looked at Draco and he shook his head.

"An unexpected event has occurred and I must Apparate Miss Wilson out of Hogwarts." The whispers grew louder and Dumbldore hushed everyone. "Please, please. The sorting will pursue and Professor Mcgonagall will commence the opening speech." With that Mcgonagall stepped away from me and Dumbldore stood by my side. "Please take my arm miss wilson." Draco locked eyes with me and held up his pinky reminding me of our promise. I nodded. Draco's grey eyes sticking in my mind as I took Dumbldores arm and apparated away.


Okay so this was a long Chappie. I have been reading this fanfic and i love what the author does at the bottom of the chappie so i am going to start. This author asks little questions and i think its nice to know your viewers so here it is:

Dear Draco I Pinky Promise. (HP and PJO cross over.)Where stories live. Discover now