Chapter 10- Out with a Weasley!

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I ended up telling Ginny and Hermione about my date with Fred. Mostly Because I have no talent in the fashion area and because I couldn't keep it to myself anymore.

Ginny didn't even mind. She just screamed and said she had to help me find something to wear.

It was saturday and I made Ginny Promise that she wouldn't wake me up at 6 am in the morning. Thankfully she didn't.

When I walked down to breakfast, again in my PJ's, Ginny and George grinned evilly at me.

"What?" I ask as I sit down.

"Oh nothing just remember you two." said Geoge pointing at Fred and I. "Use protection.." George, Ginny and Ron cracked up. While Hermione tutted and told us to 'grow up'. Harry seemed rather distant from the group and was staring, angrily at his oatmeal. 

Aparently I wasn't the only one to notice because Ron says. "Harry, mate whats the matter?"

Harry looks up, startled like he just noticed we were there. "OH. Um nothing." he answers and walks off. I shook my head before i could say anymore Ginny was, again, dragging me out of the great hall.


She finished dressing me rather quickly and I like the outfit a lot more then the last one. I wore (Picture). Ginny also had a date and because it was rather a warm day she used the weather to her advantage. Wearing a tight shirt and jeans she did mine and her make up and we trotted off to check what Hermione was up to.

We found Hermione, Ron and Harry outside at the top of the hill over looking Hagrid's hut. We arrived just in time to see Hermione punch Malfoy in the nose. It was a awesome thing to see and Ginny whooped in happiness. Although i felt something like pity in my stomach i quickly pushed it away. Ginny was still Laughing and i was kind of in shock.

Harry, Ron and Hermione had began to walk down to Hagrids and Ginny and I decided against following. So instead we headed back inside. I just remembered a book i had to get from the library and I told Ginny I would meet her back to the common room soon.

"Okay." Ginny said cheerfully "But remember 1:00 your date." She squealed. I nod and headed for the library. Then I turned the corner and bumped into non other than Malfoy.

"Oh hello you filthy half-blood." he greeted 'friendly'. He was holding his presumably broken nose.

"Hullo Malfoy." I mumbled. "Ego wounded after being hit by a girl? Not to mention a mudblood girl?" I say stressing the word 'mudblood'.

He rolls his eyes and mumbles something about the hospital wing. Then i remember the harmless little boy who made me promise to always be my friend, the one with the silver blue eyes. He was still the same person.

"Wait.."I call after him. "I..uh..I can fix it."

"No you cant you filth. I bet you would make it worse." He spits.

"I know you're not going to tell people that a Muggle born female punched you. So i will if you don't let me help you..." I say, realising i sounded kind of desperate. why do you even want to waste your time?

"Wait." Malfoy says holding up his hands. "you're blackmailing me. So you can help?"

I nod realising he was right and it was rather stupid. Why did i want to help so badly?

"Um. okay then. Fine." Malfoy walks forward.

I point my wand at him. "Episkey" I say. I heard I quick cracking and then Malfoys nose seemed to heal.

He felt his nose, Not quite believing it was still there. He looked at me gratefully. He moved forward and it looked like her was going to hug me then he held out his hand and cleared his throat. Was that disappointment I felt in my stomach?

"Um thank you." He said, i shook his hand.

"Anytime." i answer smiling.

"Bye Lena." He said and walked away. He called me by my first name again. I loved the way he said it.

"Cya Draco." I answered.

I didn't feel like going to the library anymore so i headed back to the Gryffindor common room to chill until 1.

Was it possible that I had feelings other than hate towards Draco Malfoy. Maybe Positive feelings?

I didn't want to think about it. I had a date with Fred Weasley to be exited about and no Malfoy would get in the way of it.



I am still in the Gryffindor common room when it hits 1:00 pm . I am just getting up to make my way outside to the portrait of the fat lady, to wait for Fred when he comes bounding down the stairs.

He smiles when he sees me hold out his hand. "Shall we get going?" he asks, putting on a fake posh voice. I take his hand. "yes we shall!" i answer in the same tone. We laugh and make out way out to Hogsmeade.

The walk to Hogmeade wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. Fred and I always had something to talk and laugh about. We entered Honeyjukes at 1:15. There were a few people from Fred's year there and some from mine. I earned a couple of glares from, what i presumed to be Fred's jealous ex's.

We order some butter beer and sat and talked for an hour or so. It was nice to just have some time with Fred, alone, He was always with George or Lee and I was always with Ginny and Hermione.

The date went well and at 3:00 we decided to start heading back to Hogwarts. The temperature outside had suddenly dropped and i began to shiver. Fred looked over at me worriedly.

"Here." He said and placed one of his many jumpers over me.

"Oh no Fred you don't have to its okay." i insist.

He gives me a look to tell me to take it and when I give him a look that refuses he put the jacket on me himself. I just laugh as i realise i cant argue with Fred and he turn me around to to button the jacket. I smile at him and how he is so close. Then he looks down at me. I stare deeply into his brown eyes.

"Um Lena. I just want you to know." he says getting nervous. "that- I-i-um I really like-" But I cut him off but bringing my lips to his. He doesn't seem to mind i stopped him in mid sentence because he kisses me back. His lips are soft and perfect on mine. Fred pulls me closer and I wrap my arms around his neck. I forget about everything else and only think about how i now may be hopelessly falling for Fred Weasley.




Dear Draco I Pinky Promise. (HP and PJO cross over.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant