Chapter 18- Monster Chase!

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Nico, i think, is about 2 or 3 years younger than percy. But i am pretending that they're 13-14-15. I know leo and Piper and jason etc. Weren't around when percy and stuff were that age but i made it that they are.

Oh and i need to start doing the disclaimer thing! so...

Disclaimer: all characters (with the exception of Lena, Abigail, Lissa, Harper, and the dad bloke, or whatever.) belong to J.K rowling and Rick Riordan. I own nothing!!! Thanks Vote and comment! bc ily.


I sat in the back seat moping with my arms crossed and occasionally pestering my mum.

The only thing that snapped me out of my daze was when grover said,

"Okay i'v had enough. I'm sick of these pants." And then her starts to take his pants off!

"Grover holy shit!" I scream, Not caring if there were adults here. "Please dude keep your pants on! We only met today, at least take me to dinner!"

He ignores me and continues take his pants off. I am about look away when underneath his trousers are donkey legs!

My mouths hangs open. "What?" I whisper. "Do you have donkey genes in your blood? Mate...thats...what?" I cant even speak.

"Im a satyr. Half Goat, your protecter. I would have told you earlier but your mum hadn't told you anything so i kept my mouth shut."

Then i hear it again. The thumping. Cyclops.

"Lissa! Step on it!" Screams Grover and my mum in unison.

Its 1:30 in the morning and we were driving the correct speed limit. Then, i feel sorry for the ute, we take off down the high way at full speed. Swerving around the occasional car, i think I'm going be sick.

"Lissa Keep driving!" Shout grover. I look out the back window and see the Cyclops' gaining on us but their not alone. With them is the ugliest thing i ever saw, apart from Justin Bieber but dat ain't relevant. It was, i assume, a troll. It was long red dreadlocks and pale green skin. He was only wearing a piece of leather covering his, well you know...And he had an axe the size of god-know-what!

The Cyclops' were running at full speed, lead by the Troll.

"Err Grover is that-" I am about to ask and confirm if that Troll is indeed a Troll when Grover looks behind us and screams. "Troll!!!" Well good to know I'm right.

The poor ute is wheezing and swerving, going the fastest it can. We exit the high way and pull to a dramatic stop out side a forest. We jump out of the car and the thumping, well running, Cyclops' and Troll were far behind.

"C'mon, Lena! C'mon hurry up!" Mum, Grover and Lissa shout.

I follow them into the forest. My mum and Lissa share a knowing glance and click the brackets on their wrists. The brackets transform into two golden swords. But that isn't the weirdest thing thats happened today so i continue to run, with nothing to defend myself.

"The monsters are getting closer." Grover says.

"No shit sherlock!" i hiss because the thumping was pretty obvious.

I am about to collapse on the ground and give up, because i suck at running, when we come to a clearing and there is a stone arch on a hill, far away. The arch had 'camp half-blood' written on it in another language. I do a double take. How did i read that?

"Lissa! Hurry up" Screams grover. My mum and Lissa running around the place looking for something. I hear the monsters running and my heart beating in my throat. I want to run to the camp but Grover was clinging to my arm and wouldn't let me move.

"Grove, please lets get to the camp." I plead.

"No we have to kill them." i roll my eyes.

thump thump thump.

Closer and closer. "Lissa i cant find them anywhere!" Hollers my mum, the air getting tense.

thump thump thump.

"I know just keep trying!" My aunt screams.

thump thump THUMP!

The monsters where 50 feet away.

"I GOT THEM!" my mum bellows. And she chucks me and grover a sword each. The camp entrance was at least 100 feet away but the damn monsters were closer. If we ran they could easily get catch up. We had to fight.

"Arrrghhh" Screams The trolls and they come charging towards us. The fear makes me move. it makes me slash at the Cyclops that was coming at me. HE roared in pain at the deep gnash on his leg. He pulled out war looked like...a crow bar? and swung at me. I blocked with my sword, somehow.

I moved my sword and jabbed at the monsters stomach. He moved although not fast enough and i got him in the ribcage. The parts of his body that i had harmed began to disappear. His whole right leg was gone. He was left standing like a flamingo. I couldn't help but laugh.

Being trapped in a dorm for 2 months really made me unfit. But now all i wanted to do was fight.

I hear a woman scream and i look over and see my mum is bleeding. Her shoulder has a cut on it. I am about to help her when i remember there is a 8 foot Cyclops 5 meters away from me. I turn with my sword up but the little-big mofo gets me in the leg with his stupid bloody crowbar. Damn.

"Ah." I wince. "Karma is a bitch." I swing my sword again and slice at his chest. The sword cuts down from his neck to belly button. He screams in pain again and blindly thrashes his crowbar around. I jump over it and duck. Then i do the most disgusting thing ever. I take a wild swing at his neck and his head comes off, rolling until it reaches my feet. I don't even feel that sick just victorious. I see Mum and Lissa fighting the troll and they stab him in the heart. Grover did the same to the other Cyclops. I look down at the dead monsters and they dissolve into dust. Im not even fazed i mean I'm a witch for crying out load. Oh god i could of just used magic. I remember Hermione telling me you can do magic outside of the U.K. God.

"Idiot." i scold myself. Then come to my senses and feel my injured leg buckle underneath me. I fall to the ground but manage to pull myself up again.

"Lena, Lena c'mon let me help." insists Grover when i refuse his aid. I drag myself to the arch and Lissa, mum and grover follow.

I stumble down the hill, sword in my hand. I see crowns of people and a boy comes up to me, when i reach the bottom of the hill.

He has brown hair, crazy brown eyes and a tool belt around his waist. He looks like a latino elf. I giggle at the thought. Then just as he is about to say something my vision blurs, leg buckles and i fall into darkness. The most irrelevant picture stays in my mind ,as i fall: Blue grey eyes, white bond hair and soft lips. I think of Draco....


Question of the day: Pretty but dumb or ugly but smart.

My answer: Ugly but smart. Duh, (BtW thats the right answer)

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