Chapter 25- An unexpected visit

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When i fall i am still fighting to stay awake so i can hear the muffled sounds of everyone, in the burrow's, voices. I feel hands scoop under me and lift my limp body into the house. I let our a groan as my whole body is aching. 

"Its okay, Lena. Everything will be okay." I hear Fred assure me. I open my eyes a bit and see Fred sweating and looking flustered. 

"Lena don't black out! Okay do you hear me? Don't fall asleep!" I can hear Mr Weasley ordering me. "Everyone go back to bed. Lena Stay awake." Mr Weasley's voice is muffling more. I open my eyes and everything is spinning. My eyes roll back into my head and i close my eyes. I am shaking furiously and sweating like mad despite who cold it was.

"Lena! Awake." Fred orders. I groan and he carries me up the flight of stairs. "Please Lena you have to stay awake." 

I feel my eye lids shutting and the frightened shouting around me die out as i slip into darkness.

(((In dream)))

"Avada Kedavra" Snape whispers, pointing his wand at Professor Dumbldore. The old man goes flying from the Astronomy tower. He hits the ground, limp and dead.

I turn and see a group of death eaters laughing. Then my eyes fall on one imparticular. Draco was standing with them, dressed in black and shaking, his wand hanging loosely from his left hand. He is standing at the back of the pack of death eaters, and he isn't laughing.

He looks older. Around 16, he is even paler then usual and unhealthily thin. He has dark bags under his eyes and looks exhausted. He is one of them, i should have known. This is his fate.  To become a loyal supporter of the dark lord- Voldemort. 

I cry out to him and walk in front of him, trying to get his attention. But of course he doesn't see me. 

This is the future, a dark world. 

The scene changes and i am standing in rubble set in the Hogwarts courtyard. Harry, who looks 17, is duelling a man dressed in black robes. The dark lord himself. 

Harry's wand is producing a red spell while Voldemort's a green. The spells connect and they hold. The court yard is filled with Hogwarts students, on one side and death eaters on the other. I see Ginny and Hermione, who have grown up to both be beautiful, on the side with our class mates. Then i see me. Altough i seem to flicker and be transparent. I stand on the 'good' side with Hermione and Ginny. I watch myself as my older figure flickers and appears on the death eaters side, dressed in balck with a  evil exspession. I keep watching me, in confusion, when time seems to stop and before me appears a man with a perfect tan and golden hair.

"Hello Lena." He says in an american accent. "I am Apollo, God of prophecy and when you were a child i blessed you with the ability to see the past present and future. Its a long story, blar blar but this scene will happen in the future although it is unclear where you will find yourself. You can choose either the light or dark, it up to you. I just decided to give you a heads up about it and tell you that Aphrodite is gonna make your love life all hanky panky." I stare at him my mouth open wide.

"Thank you." I manage and kneel before the God. 

"Anytime. Okay cya." Apollo replied and vanished. 

I sat up, fast, gasping for air and sweat trickling down my neck. 

"She's awake! She's awake." I see a blurry red head figure shout from beside me. My vision becomes clear and i see Ginny beside me. "Lena how are you feeling? Everyone was so worried, when you appeared here and then passed out. We had no idea where you went after the world cup. We were so worried." Ginny is crying by now. "What happened? Where did you go? You were out for three days and we thought you we dying! Oh Lena." Ginny sobs, burying her head in her hands. I pat her head, unsure what to say.

Dear Draco I Pinky Promise. (HP and PJO cross over.)Where stories live. Discover now