Chapter 29- A thousand worded silence.

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I hear the muffled voice of Madam Pomfrey as i blink and open my eyes. "We have to wait until she wakes up and then you will talk. Out now!"

"Im awake." I groan and the curtain around the hospital wing bed is pulled back.

"Lena! How are you?" Hermione is attacking me.

"Fine, Fine just...why is it always me?" I mumble.

"You should probably just stay in here Miss Wilson, you're here so often." Madam Pomfrey says. I frown at the use of my old surname but decide not to correct her. I laugh lightly but immediately feel dizzy.

"How long-" I begin to ask but Ginny interjects.

"Four days, its friday after noon." She says, eyes brows furrowed.

"You have 10 Minuetes." Madam Pomfrey tells my friends, walking away.

"Lena why were you so emotional about the other day?" Hermione asks softly. I know she is talking about Muggles studies and it all comes back to me.

"Where's Draco?" I ask, ignoring Hermione's question. Everyone shrugs.

"Lena." Hermione says firmly, pushing me to answer her question.

"Look not now Hermione. I feel fine i want to go." I demand.

I jump out of bed and feel like am going to faint but i stand straight and march out of the hospital wing.

"Lena! you cant just-" Hermione and Ginny begin to protest.

"Just leave her, she's as stubborn as a rock." Nico mutters.

I go and grab my clothes, despite for to wash clean all the hospital on me.

I was very delirious and light headed when i did all this, my vision was still a little wonky and my hearing muffled. I decide to put the shower on hold and i lie down on my bed. I drift into an early sleep although not a peaceful one.

"WHERE IS SHE?" Bellowed the king of the underworld, leaning over my helpless mother.

"I don't know." My mother whimpered.

I looked to the wardrobe in the corner of the room. I see my aunt peeking out from it. She points her wand at my mum. "Obliviate." She whispers. It was just in time to, Hades drops on tiny drop of Veritaserum on my mother tongue.

"Where is Yelena Tenebris?" He asks.

"I-I don't know. She could be dead. I have no idea." My mother squeaks.

Hades frowns at his ex. "Fine." He says walking away.

The scene morphs into another. Barty crouch Jr and Hades are standing over a glowing cup/trophy.

"This will be the port key, crouch. " Hades says. Barty crouch Jr nods and grins.

It seems as if they were going to elaborate but i miss what ever they were going to say when I feel Someone shaking me.

"Lena. Its dinner time." Nico says, leaning over me.

"Nico, how Did you-" I begin to ask how he got up here when he says,

"Shadow travel."

"Oh Okay. Of course. Um" I mumble.

"How do you feel?" Nico asks, coming and sitting on the edge of my bed.

I feel fine. My head is cleared and my deliriousness has vanished. "Good i feel good." I say. I rub my eyes. Nico's figure is blurry.

"Ughrr you're really blurry." I mumble, getting up and rummaging through my wardrobe.

"Lena, read this." Nico stands beside me, frowning, and hands me a book. The words are blurred big time and looks like someone smudged ink on the page.

"Its so blurry." I say.

"We will take you back to madam Pomfrey after, see if you might need glasses." Nico says. I nod and Nico turns his back while i chuck on whatever i can find.

"Okay lets go." I say. I link my arms though my big brothers and he shadow travels us a few corridors away from the great hall.

My waist feels to light. I feel around where a belt should be and remember that i forgot my two daggers.

I realise I'm not even hungry and i tell Nico i just want to walk around.

"Okay well i'll be eating. Shadow travel to me if you need anything." Nico says. I smile and hug him.

"Thanks." I say and walk to the courtyard.

I sit outside and watch the swingy thing of the big clock swing back and fourth. (swingy thing??)

"You still haven't told me anything about your holidays." I hear Draco's familiar voice say from behind me.

"Okay then i will now." I say not turning around. Draco sits next to me on the grass and remains silent, ready to listen. "I suppose you already have your suspicions." I sigh. "I mean you know who my dad is."

Draco nods. I take a deep breath and tell him all about Camp half-blood. Draco is a great listener. He sits and looks at me the whole time, adding 'hmm' and 'cool' just at the right moments.

When i finish he looks ready to ask questions.

"Thats amazing." Is all he says. "We have our world and then there is a whole 'nother one too."

I nod.

"Tell me about Sam." Draco whispers after a few moments. I am not surprised. I expected him to ask that sooner or later.

"Well you saw the Boggart." I say. "You have seen that memory. But its worse then that. He killed himself because of what he did. Because he thought he hurt me." I am silently crying now.

"I saw him dead. And i could have stopped it, if i wasn't so angry at him and if i have stopped ignoring him. Maybe if i didn't always think about myself then i would have noticed, ages ago, how sad he really was." I cry. Draco puts his arms around me and i burring my face into his chest.

"Why do i have to hurt everyone, Draco?" I mutter after i'v stopped crying a little.

He doesn't answer, just holds me.

And in that silence sat a thousand words.


Kind of just a filler..........

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