Chapter 33- Embarrassed Teenagers *Face palm*

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I swing my legs back and fourth as i sit in the high branches of the tree, beside the black lake. Alex is beside me and we are casually talking.

His dirty blonde hair hangs carelessly and casually over his eyes, windswept. He had a troublesome look in his eyes, like always. 

It was the day of the first task and we had the day off until 1:00, when the first task starts. I should be with Harry, supporting him but i think he had enough of that already.

Alex and i have been spending lots of time together. He understands me more than my other friends. He is the only one who knows about what the Dragons poison is doing to me.

My smile falls again as soon as i think about my untold further and what it could become. 

Alex, like always, notices that i am sad so he tries to get my mind off it.

"Lets swim." He grins. 

"Its freezing." I frown. 

"Fine. What do you want to do. You can't think about it, Lena." He assures me.

"Im scared." I whisper.

"For you...and Draco." Alex nods. 

"His future is so clear, so dark." I say. "If that makes sense. I promised him i would always be there. No matter how many people he kills, i will always stay."  I swallow, battling to hold back my tears.

Alex takes hold of my hand. "Lets go. Its almost time for the first task."

I nod and we climb down from the branches.


The whole of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor cheer and scream at the top of their lungs, as Harry flies back into the arena on his broomstick. He swoops down and picks up the golden egg. 

The celebration in the common room after was huge. 

I go and stand beside Ron as he scowls when Harry was urged to open the egg.

"You should forgive him you know. Anyone would have to be bloody insane to put their name in the Goblet- well suppose thats why Fred and Gorge tried- but thats not the point. The point is; He is your best friend and right now he needs your support." I lecture Ron. 

He nods and begins to say something when a ear piecing screeching sound fills the room as Harry opens the egg. Harry shuts it and the room is silent.

"Go now." I whisper and push Ron.

"Okay everyone go back to your knitting." Ron begins and i smile leaving him to it. 


"The Yule Ball..." Professor Mcgonagall tells us about the Yule Ball and other things i don't care about. I was so tired. I went to bed early but the party in the common room continued for hours. 

I wasn't listening. Alex, who was allowed to stay with the Gryffindor's, was pulling funny faces and mimicking Mcgonagall from across the room. I was sitting with my arms cross over my chest and my lips pursed, trying to stifle my laughter. 

" a dance." I hear the Professor finish. My head shoots up and all humour leaves my body. I cant dance. Not. one. bit. Alex, who knows this, was now pissing himself from the boys side of the hall. 

"Shut up".  I mouth to him but he keeps on laughing. 

I spot Ron and Harry also laughing at something. 

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