Chapter 27-Greetings and Rivalry

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((((((((((((((A/N Just a heads up that i know in the books there is no Qudditch in 4th year(due to the Tri wizard tournament) but i am making it that there is. I also know Harry first meets Cho in 3rd year when they vs in Qudditch but i am making it that they meet in 4th year. THANKS. ALSO THIS MAY BE A RATHER BORING/ ODD CHAPPIE AND I AM SORRY))))))))))))

I had an alright dream that night. I was remembering the day Dumbldore told me my parents were dead and i knew he was lying, deep down, but i still some what believed it. I guess thats why i didn't feel so much grief, because i knew they were still alive.

The dream was short and i wake up with our sweating and screaming.

Ginny and Hermione are already up packing their bags.

I stand up and groan as i stretch then flump back down on top of my bed, face down. 

"Get up." Hermione orders, annoyed. She was always flustered, Ginny told me, at the beginning of school.

I get back up and stagger around my luggage, grabbing what ever clothes i can find. It's only lightly snowing and when stick my head out the window, almost falling out, it isn't even very cold. Finally after pulling apart all my suit cases i settle for a presentable outfit (picture)

All of the other clothes and school things i needed were all packed last night so i was ready to go, long before Ginny and Hermione.

I sit on the edge of my bed, surrounded my luggage and scoffing down the plate of bacon, spinach pastries and fruit sitting beside me, talking to Ginny and Hermione. Hermione was trying to keep her cool as she looked for her lost potions book and Ginny was an elegant mess, trying to control her red hair. 

I laugh at them and then choke on my breakfast so i decide to shut up. "I am always up so much later than you and i always finish packing and getting dressed before you. Funny that ay?" I think aloud, earning waves of death glares from my friends.

I sigh and get to help Hermione find her potions book. I found it under her bed, hidden in a pile of shoes. Then i preform a 'hair controlling' spell, i taught to Hermione, on Ginny.

"There." I say. "Are we ready now?" Ginny and Hermione nod and we begin to make our way out the bedroom door. 

(((Time lapse to Kings Cross Station)))

"Boo." I hear someone say from behind me. I am standing with the Weasley's trying to blend in with the Muggles while we wait to go throughout the barrier. 

I turn around, startled, and come face to face with Nico. "Nico!" i exclaim, throwing my arms around him. He hugs me back although quickly, aware of people watching us. 

"Hey I'm here to." I hear Leo's familiar voice say from Behind Nico.

I run and Hug Leo then Grover. "I missed you guys so much." I say.

Nico smiles. "You look great with the hair cut, Lena" 


"Yeah." Agrees Leo, studying me closely.

"C'mon." i say to them. "We have to run through that wall over there." I point to brick wall.

"Um okay..." Says Grover. 

"Its fine. Its just the barriar to 9 and 3/4." I tell them, leading them over to the Weasley's.

"Ginny, Hermione. This is Nico, Grover and Leo." i introduce them to everyone. 

"lets go, lets go." Mrs Weasley says hurriedly, after everyone makes their greetings.

"Now just run at the wall dears and we will be right behind."  Mrs Weasley instructs Nico, Grover and Leo. They all nod. Nico looks emotion less, Leo looks exited and pumped with adrenaline and Grover is plain terrified. I stifle a laugh at their differences.

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