Chapter 23- Things go down hill, again.

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The rest of my time at the Burrow was enjoyable. Ginny, Hermione and I put off our trip to the hair dresser until we all went to Diagon ally for school supplies. Things between Fred and i have been less awkward then before and were on more social terms with each other. I can see he is still hurt tho. Every time i look in his eyes all i can see is betrayal and my gut floods with guilt. Although maybe it was for the better. I never had real feelings for him so it was better it broke off then rather than after.

Hermione is still studying lots of Greek mythology and Ginny and I are practising Quidditch no stop.

Mr Weasley got us all tickets to the Quidditch world cup, which is tomorrow, and Ginny and I were running up the walls with excitement.

"Everyone get a good nights sleep!" Calls Mrs Weasley, up the stairs." You have to make a very early start tomorrow!" Everyone chorus's a 'yes' and we go to our rooms.

"Hermione. Go. To. Sleep." I tell her as me and Ginny climb into bed, Hermione is still reading. She just nods, absent-mindedly and continues to thoroughly scan the pages. I groan and turn away from the light.

Im not tired. At least this is what i tell myself because i am afraid of the nightmares, yet to come. But eventually i stop fighting to keep my eyes open, Hermione turns off the light and i feel my eye lids clonk shut, trapping me in another prediction.

(((In dream)))

The crowd is roaring. Green, scarfs, flags and clothing in general is flashing everywhere and the irish are cheering. I look around and find i am at the Quiddich world cup. I spot Harry following the Weasley's into a tent and i trail after. I ever the tent and find its a giant room with many bedrooms.

I then see me. The real me, not the invisible one watching the scene.  The twins are singing and Ron is pouting. Its clear the Irish have won the world cup.

A crashing sound comes from outside and the sound of fireworks fill my ears. Mr Weasley rushes to find out what it is, while no one else really cares.

"I guess the Irish are celebrating." George says.

"Its not the Irish. Everyone C'mon, c'mon. " Mr Weasley orders. I watch as everyone runs out and i look to the sky and spot the dark mark.

Everyone is screaming and i follow myself and the Weasley's. I see myself , away from the group, staring at something far away. I am frozen i fear and Harry is no where to be seen.

"Harry!" Shouts Hermione. "Harry."

"Lena! Lena!" Somone else is shouting. "Lena! Wakeup you lazy Basterd!"

I am shaken awake by Ginny. I sigh and sit up.

"Lena." Begins Hermione and i nod knowing what she is going to say.

"Yeah, nightmare. Its okay though, c'mon lets get ready." I tell them, suddenly not wanting to talk about it. Hermione nods understandingly and Ginny begins to do her hair. I roll over and see it's 5:30 in the morning.

Groaning I get up and pull on (Picture). I lightly do my makeup and, when Ginny and Hermione had their backs turned, grabbed my two daggers from camp half blood, that Chiron had given me. I tuck them in their sheaths and pull a grey coat over so they're hidden although still reachable. Then i walk down to breakfast, ready before both my friends.

After a quick breakfast and lots of complaining from Ron, about getting up so early, we finally walk out the door, everyone yawning and rubbing their red noses. The cold hits us straight away and i am glad i have my coat on.

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