Chapter 35- um . . . ugh

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Important Authors NOte at the end 


"Hello." I yawn and stretch, suddenly i stop because i realise the bloody dance is today. My arms were still in the air, from my morning 'death stretch', but i bring them down, hard, onto my bed and groan.

"Ah! Dance today, Ladies! WAKE UP!" I shout. "Please don't make me go!" I beg Ginny who had fallen out of bed. "Did you like that morning wake up, Gin? Bit of a change, aye?" I laugh.

Ginny rolls her eyes and get up, stumbling over her multiple, un-neccisary, footwear. I sit and awkwardly laugh at her as Hermione sits up. 

Hermione's hair was a mess and she had several books surrounding her.

Lavender and Pavarti were nowhere to be seen so i jumped out of bed and ran to the shower. 

I wash quickly wash my hair and then get out, checking the time on my muggle watch. It was lunch already, we had slept the day away. The dance started in 4 and half hours so was had ages. 

I stare at my pile of clothes and suddenly dont feel like getting dressed or doing anything. My happy bubbly mood had vanished and was replaced with dread, remembering my sister and everything that was happening. I could try as hard as i like to try and forget everything but i couldn't, it was still there wether i liked it or not. 

Instead of getting dressed i throw my panama pants, Skull print (Pic 2) back on and put a hoodie over the top. I stare at my reflection for a bit. Studying my short hair i pull out my wand and mutter a going spell. My hair grows about 6 inches longer and i decided  I was happy with that. I though my hair into a bun on top of my head again and pull on some slippers. 

"I am so exited!" Ginny punches on me as i enter my dorm. "Whats the matter?" She suddenly stops and stares at me.

"Oh nothing just tired." I lie. 

"Are you going to get dressed?" Ginny pushes.

"No." I mutter, staring at the ground and awkwardly shuffling my feet.

"Okay...Are you going to go to breakfast like that then?" She smiles.

"Yeah i guess." I mutter again.

"Good because I'm starving!" Ginny grabs my arm and pulls me out the door, Hermione grumbling behind us.

We enter the great hall and i keep my head down. I steal a glance around and see that almost everyone was still in there Pj's, looking like they just woke up. I look at the Slytherin table see Draco looking at me. He smiles at me and i give a soft tired smile back. 

okay i have no idea what to write i began writing this chapter at the beginning of this year and now its like almost hallowelloween (lmao) so yeah i cant remember the characters or the plot or any of the little details. so idk if ive given up or what ya never knwo i might come back and re read and edit but idk so bye.

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