Chapter 12-And I can not repay.

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I woke in the hospital wing with voices chattering around me, behind the curtain.

"So she saw her Boggarts and then went out cold?" I heard a ladies voice ask.

"Um yeah." said Harrys familiar voice.

"What was her Boggart?" asked the woman.

"Oh well it was rather sad. A memory I'm pretty sure. Of her and some guy, they were arguing." Said Hermione.

There was silence and then the curtain was drawn back. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George were standing there, all with worried exspesions on their faces.

"Lena!" Cries Ginny as she hugs me.

"Um hi." i say awkwardly "How long was i out for?"

"Only an hour." Answers Hermione. I nod. and accept the water offered to me from madam Promfrey.

Then professor Lupin enter the room. "Pardon me, Poppy but my i have a word alone with Miss Wilson?"

"oh yes but be quick." says madam Pomfrey, as she ushers my friends out of the hospital wing.

Lupin stands at the end of the bed with a worried look on his face.

"Now Lena i must ask you if what your Boggart displayed were memories?"He asks. I nod cautiously.

"Hmm. Well it very rare to have a Boggart show a memory as your fear. What exactly do you fear in those memories?"

"Well Professor i'm not to sure but i was wondering about that as well. I think i fear rejection or more over i" I answer wearily.

Lupin nods and says. "lena we need to fix this because to fear and reject love is not good. It can bring darkness and hatred to ones life. Even though many things that people fear are inevitable, love is a rare phobia." just as he finishes madam Pomfrey enter again and says i can go.

Quickly i jump out of bed and hurry off to dinner.


"Everything okay?" asks Fred, kissing my forehead as i sit down.

"Yeah.." I say. Fred raises his eyes brows and i can tell he does believe me . But i ignore him and begin to eat.

What does Lupin mean? It's bad to fear love?

But i had to admit i did fear love. I didn't want to get hurt.

Admit it to yourself. you don't have any real feelings towards Fred.

I dont. When we first kissed, it felt good but there were no fireworks. I didn't like Fred, i never really did. But if it ended then our friendship would end to.

I feel someones eyes on me and i look up at the Slytherin table to see Malfoy's eyes lingering on me. We keep eye contact for two seconds before he looks away. His blue grey eyes made my stomach do little flips and i don't know why...


Ginny, Hermione and I have all finished our homework so we sit in our dorm and chill. Ginny is Brushing her long red hair and Hermione is practising spells on how to refrain her hair from bushiness.

I am laying on my stomach on my bed with my head resting on my hands. I am so board. I look around the room for something to do. My eyes land on my box of paints.

Quickly i jump up and grab the box then sit back down on my bed. I open my box and look at all the beautiful paints. I hadn't had time to do any art for a long time. There was nothing to really paint on. I remember my room at home and how Abigail let me paint the walls. I haven't see Abs in a bit because i haven't had muggle studies yet.

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