Chapter six- "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

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(Lena POV)

When we got off the Hogwarts express I said goodbye to the twins and Lee and went with the first years to get sorted. I had no idea where I what house I wanted to be in I just hoped the sorting hat wouldn't put me in to Slytherin because of my father. Anywhere would be fine with me as long as it wasn't that dreaded house.

The great hall was exactly the same way I remember it. Beautiful, with hundreds of candles lighting the starring ceiling. I was called first for the sorting. I felt nerves tingling in my stomach as I sat down on the old stool. My eyes drifted to the Slytherin table, who were all watching me. Then I was looking into his grey blue eyes, they were staring back into mine and it brought me back to the dreaded memory I had managed to push to the back of my mind.


Sam and I sat on our special hill overlooking the dustheap. He turned and looked at me in the dim twilight. His eyes were cyan, his hair was golden blonde and the freckles were unevenly scattered on his cheeks. Perfect.

"Isn't it beautiful? I think it is." he says referring to the dust head and the shinning city beyond it.

"No, not even a bit." I coldly spat.

"Why?" Sam calmly asks.

"Because its so fake." I answer simply. "This discusting society is teaching us that the only way we can be happy is though material objects. We go our whole life working our asses off to buy a new pair of shoes that's in fashion at the moment or a new technical devices so that everyone else can envy us for having it. Everyone has become so selfish and money hungry that we have lost what kindness is left in the world and what care we had for one another. It makes me feel sick, Sam. But its only the truth..."

I trail off, my words lingering in the silence.

This was the moment I should spit it out. The query has been on my mind for months now.

"Could you ever love me, Sam?" He turns and I see doubt in his eyes and also something else that was unmistakable: fear.

He gives the sliest shake of his head. I give a questioning look.

"You're different, Lena." He whispers. "And the way you see the world is to scary. You're unlike so many people and I don't like it. And..." he trails off, clearly having difficulty forcing the words out.

"What?" I hiss.

"Well you're to difficult to handle and you're''re to broken, to pained, to good at pretending to be happy when you're really sad. I have seen your wrists Lena and you're just to broken and I could never love a broken girl." His words hit me like a train, never love a broken girl.

"A broken girl? Is that all I am to you? A shattered piece that you're to afraid to help mend. coward." I spat the last word at him like it was shit in my mouth because it was. Then ridding my face of emotion and got up and walked back home, before he could have the last word.

That convocation toughened me and I was immune to pain. Since then I tried not to ever love because I was in fear. I don't love to much, hope to much or feel to much because that 'to much' can hurt so much.

I guess you could say I am afraid to love. Out of fear of getting hurt and fear that I will hurt someone.I was to strong for him and he couldn't handle it. This what i told myself. It may or may not be true but I believe it.

Pain shapes even the weakest of people. It toughens them and toys with feelings, telling them what to feel and how to fear. If it weren't for years of pain I wouldn't be this strong.

((((Flashback end)))))

"Ahhh."sighs that sorting hat. "I saw that dreaded memory." damn. "yes indeed I saw pain last time and strength...major repel pain is difficult...but to repeal love is even have a talent not many find can separate the real from the fake"

You're right I can and it hasn't gotten me in good places before. People don't want to see whats really in front of them. I tell the hat.

"...Hmm...yes you're right...oh what do we have here...oh that would explain it...not from the mortal world..." What are you talking about? Please just sort me. At least this time the hat was talking in my head while everyone else sat in silence. Then he spoke aloud.

"All right, all right. pushy many similar would do well in either... although there is one that you show more loyalty to...GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted. I stood up and walked to the Gryffindor table. The shouts and cheering for the houses were muffled and i wasn't even paying attention. All i could think about was what the hat had said: 'not from the mortal world...' This confused me so much. I mean yes i was a witch which wasn't exactly normal for muggles but i am still mortal...

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and snapped back to reality. A red headed girl was introducing herself to me.

"Ginny Weasley." she said smiling.

"Lena Wilson." i answer. "nice to meet you."

"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger." Said the girl with bushy brown hair that i saw in first year.

Then she elbowed the two boys next to her. "ged oof herminny." said the read haired boy on Hermiones left. He picky swallowed his mouth full of food and said. "Ron Weasley." The boy on the right of Hermione had black hair and round glasses. "Harry Potter." he mumbled.

"oh wow! The Harry Potter! cool." i exclaim. Harry blushes and nods not meeting my eyes.

Then there a tap on both my shoulders and i whip around to find Fred and George towering over me.

"Hey Lena." says George.

"good thing the sorting hat didn't put you in Slytherin." said Fred, blushing for some reason.

"or we would of had to 'unfriend' you." finishes George. "yeah then you couldn't help prank the Slytherins."

I nod not really knowing what to say to that. "errr okay" i say and they walk off.

"oh don't mind them" says Ron.

"yeah they're only joking." adds Ginny. "I suspect Fred likes you."

"What? haha why?"

"oh well I'm his sister so i can tell and he wasn't meeting your eyes and he was blushing so..."

"oh okay." i say looking down. I didn't want to get to close with anyone, which is another talent i have perfected. If you distance yourself from people then the less it hurts when you finally have to say goodbye, because there will be a day when you bid your fair-wells.


The feast was amazing and Ginny and I laughed and talked the whole time. She was a year 2 but had to stay in a year 3 dorm. Since there was room in her dorm, with herself and Hermione, and none in the others then I would probably stay with her. Hermione seemed nice although a bit of a know it all. Oh well I needed some friends. Harry was cute and Ron was cool. I learnt that there were seven Weasleys although only four of them still attended Hogwarts. (I did my research and Percy graduated in 1993 while Harry Ron and Hermione's original graduation year was 98. So Percy would have left when the golden trio was in year 2)

I hadn't truly smiled in years but tonight wasn't the night to break that personal record. I was content with the friends I had but my eyes couldn't stop drifting over to the Slytherin table and resting on a particular Slytherin prince. I wondered what it would have been like if i never had to leave in first year. Would Malfoy still be the vile creature that Harry, Ron and Hermione tole me he was? Malfoy's whole atmosphere was dark. It was as though i could feel his negative energy radiating around the great hall. It wasn't right, it want right because the energy didn't feel present. I felt as though it was coming from the future. Like a warning of the Malfoy families darkness and Draco's tragically dark future ahead.


(Side pic is Lena)

Dear Draco I Pinky Promise. (HP and PJO cross over.)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin