Chapter Three- last day of winter

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"Ha.Ha.Ha." I retort, sarcastically. "sure, she is my sister." note sarcasm.

"Why she is, miss Wilson." says Dumbldore. "Why wouldn't she be?"

"Errr, she is to pretty to be my sister." I answer, Gesturing to Abigail with her tan skin, full red lips and perfect hour glass figure. Not to mention her not-to-big-not-to-small boobs. My figure was small and scrawny, I have always been under average for everything and earned the nick name 'snow white' hence my pale skin. Abigail and I only shared our messy dark hair, green eyes and red lips. She was years older than me but I still felt like an infant next to her.

"Well she is your sister." Dumbldore snaps, getting annoyed. "And, as I said, you will be staying with her until I have deemed you fit to attend Hogwarts, which will hopefully be in your third year."

I rolled my eyes at the, deemed you fit, part.

"You can't make me-" I begin to Dumbldore but he just frowns and disappartes away.

"Frigging rude! That was." I state, turning to Abigail.

"Sooo...." She says."sis..."


Abigail's House was super hippy/boho themed. With colourful curtains and fairy lights everywhere Although if I say I didn't like it then I would be telling a huge lie. Maybe she is kinda cool. I think.

"Follow me." She says, leading my down a hallway, filled with beautiful paintings.

"Its not much because I only got told you were coming about an hour ago so i didn't have much time to make it feel cosy and at home but you can tamper with it and make as individual as you like." Abigail says leading me into room with a big window draped with earth coloured curtains. The curtains were the only true colour in the room apart from the huge four poster bed that had vines and flowers growing up around the polls. The walls were painted white and made the room seem much bigger.

"This has been a spare room for a while now and I wasn't sure what to do with it so I though you might like to paint it in your spare time..." Abigail nervously tells me.

Then I realised how scared Abigail must be. She always knew I existed but I didn't have any insight of her until 20 minuets ago. She needed to make a good impression more than I had to, due to her having to be my new legal guardian. I felt bad for being uninviting towards her. She was my sister, my only family I had left.

"I would love to!" I reply, giving her a hug. "Its amazing! your whole house is amazing."

She smiles and I see she isn't that nervous anymore. I did mean what I said. I used to paint all the time at my dads house. Before he banned me because he thought it a waist of time. My father wouldn't let me do anything fun, ever. He made me were plain sensible clothes and no makeup or accessories. He always told me that no one liked it when people were happy or when people smiled to much. I knew this wasn't true. When I went to school I kept a straight face, stayed serious and didn't talk much. Although when I saw my friends smiling and Laughing it made me happy and it was at those times when I believed my father was very wrong. He used to hit me and scream at me and i never understood why. I was always well behaved, never spoke back and never hesitated to do as he ordered. The endless days of keeping a straight face and hiding my sadness is what caused me to pick up a razor and slice it across my wrist. I don't know why i did it but it made me feel better. After I did it once it happened again and again and before i new it i was addicted. I know it's something i have to stop but its not that easy...My fathers death hasn't even affected me. In fact i feel rather relived. Perhaps because I know I have another chance to re-build myself, another chance to learn how to smile and another chance to flourish and find myself.


(2 years later)

It was the 31st of August (the last day of winter in Australia) and Abigail and I were sitting out in the beautiful garden, drinking some crazy vegetable concoction she created. After almost 2 and a half years of my sister teaching me all she knows about DADA, charms, herbology, etc. I am finally going back to Hogwarts, like Dumbldore promised, in my third year. Lucky for me Abigail topped all her classes at her time in Hogwarts and she is an amazing teacher. Which is why she is taking over the role, from Charity Burbage (now former Hogwarts teacher), of teaching Muggle studies. I relished my new home, with my sister, more than I expected to. Abigail's hippy nature really rubbed off on me and now we both share love for: colour, fun and art. I had a fair few brackets on my wrists like Abigail although mine were mostly simple beads and small pretty strips of leather. Also hers were for fashion where as mine were mostly to hide the scares, which Abigail doesn't know about. Two and a half years ago, when i arrived here and met Abigail, we only shared a few traits and you wouldn't guess we were sisters. Although now i have grown older and hit puberty Abigail and I defiantly look related. I am still scrawny and under weight but my once pale skin has darkened and my, used to be, black hair has almost turned chocolate brown. 2 years back Abigail, like many others, began to call me snow white. (a nick name i thought i could finally escape from when i came here.) But now, seeing i am not nearly close to pale, the nick name wouldn't fit.

"Hmm." Abs sighed contently. "I am going to have a fit from excitement." She has been waiting for this teaching spot for years.

"Oh please don't." i answer, Laughing. "but i know what you mean. I can finally see my friend again." i mutter quietly.

"oh. Who's your friend?" Abigail asks.

"Draco Malfoy." I remember the grey blue eyes, the white blonde hair and our pinky promise. We didn't even know each other for a day and yet it felt like a life time. I guess thats how you know you have found a real friend, someone to really hang on to.

Abigail gasps. "what? No, Na Na." (since she couldn't call me snow white anymore she decided to call me Na Na instead. Because before i properly started to tan i used to really burn and my skin would peel. Yeah disgusting.) "No. The Malfoys are known Death eaters. and dispose anyone who is less than pure-blood." she tells me.

"What? Draco isn't a Death eater, Abs." i say although not quite believing my own words.

"Well of course, stupid not yet he is only 13 but i can assure you that he will be once he is old enough. His father Lucius Malfoy and our father were friends. Death eater friends. It was Lucius who told you-know-who about our fathers weakness. Our mother. Lena the Malfoy's are the reason why dads dead."

I nodded slowly and then got up. "Im going to go to bed early." i tell my sister.

I lie in bed thinking about what Abigail had told me. I came to the conclusion that I would find new friends anyway and i would distance my self from Draco Malfoy.I didn't want to get hurt or get hurt by being half-blood.

I slowly drift to sleep, thinking about my exiting years at Hogwarts ahead.
Side pic is Abigail

Question of the day: Fav season?


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