Chapter seven- Truly Laugh Again

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I am a month into the school year and everyday I wake up with Ginny splashing cold water on my head (something I had to put up with Abigail doing as well) and Hermione nagging to me that I will miss breakfast then I won't be able to concentrate in class. Lavender brown and Pavati Patil were the other girls in our dorm. They talked to us a bit but mostly kept to them selves and gossip in hushed tones. 

I was hanging out with the Weasley twins quite a bit and we kept getting ourselves bucket loads of detentions for pranking. Malfoy hadn't spoken to me at all or even acknowledged that I existed, even though we have loads of classes together. 

The only time he said anything to me was when the twins and I put extra extreme slippery soap outside the entrance to the Slytherin common room. 

We all hid behind a tapestry of Salazar Slythrin while the students went sliding around. Malfoy was the first one to manage to gain his balance again. When he did he pulled back the tapestry and cursed at us before ending the lecture with. 

"My father will hear about this, Wilson." Fred, George and I were laughing so hard we had to be taken to the hospital wing so Madam Pomfrey could try to calm us down. That was the first time I truly laughed again.

This weekend was our first trip to Hogsmeade and I felt like I was going to fart excitement. I just wanted to have a good look around Zonko's joke shop with Fred and George. I told Hermione this, including the farting part, and she just tutted. Then Ginny said. "Actually Hermione and I were going to go look around some other shops and get drinks at Honeydukes." I just shrugged. "Oh and you're coming." She added. This got my attention.

"What no I have to go to Zonko's with Fred and George. I'v never been before." I whine.

"NO." Ginny says sternly "We are your friends also. And Hermione only sees you in class while I only see you at night because what ever free time you have, you spend it pranking with my brothers. Then Hermione is always in the library or with Ron,my other brother, and Harry potter. So you can't argue because we are going to have a girls time on saturday and that's that." Ginny orders.

I knew better than to argue with her. She was scary that girl. I guess she'd have to be, growing up with six brothers and all. But her awesomeness never faltered.


sorry this is a short chappie as it is 11:00 pm and i wanted to make a refreshing new chappie for Hogsmeade. ilysm byeeeee ;)

Dear Draco I Pinky Promise. (HP and PJO cross over.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora