Chapter 30- All hail Viktor Krum...

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No one spoke about the incident for a few days. Hermione kept shooting me worried glances and Ginny seemed very protective.

I walk next to Nico, heading to the Hospital wing. My eye sight was getting much worse, causing me to strain my eyes to read and that resulted in headaches. 

"Yes, dear you need glasses but only for reading." Madam Pomfrey told me. I nod and she hands me a pair of nerdish black glasses. 

I put them on and Nico grinned. "You look great." He tells me and i exhale. My eyes defiantly felt better. 


Today was the first of October. Dumbldore's voice rang out through the great hall, announcing the arrival of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

I clapped with the others as the girls of Beauxbatons pranced around in what looked like silk nighties. 

Once both schools had sat down, Dumbldore announced the rules for the Tri Wizard tournament. He said that for safety reasons no Witch or wizard under the age of 17 may compete. 

I glace at Fred and George who were booing and complaining. I didn't want to enter anyway. 

After dinner i was one of the last to pile out of the great hall, along with Nico, Leo and Grover.

Outside the hall a group of Durmstrang students stood talking. We walked past silently, hoping not to attract attention. A boy with dirty blonde hair and sky-blue eyes turns around to walk away and almost knocks me off my feet.

He grabs my arm just before i go tumbling tot he ground "Oh sorry sorry." He apologises. I noticed he didn't have a Bulgarian accent.

"Its fine, really its okay." I assure him, laughing a little. 

"Um im Alex." He says, holding out his hand.

I shook it. "Lena." He smile at me, looking me straight in the eyes. My stomach does little flips.

"Lena." He repeats, trying it out. "What a lovely name. I hope to see you again."

"Um yeah. You too." I say awkwardly.

I grin, letting go of his hand and walk away. I ignore Nico glaring at Alex and smile to myself.


"Harry Potter!" Dumbldore's ancient voice floods the hall as he reads the ink of the small piece of parchment, recently produced from the Goblet of fire. All eyes rest on Harry.

The famous 'boy who lived 'stood, the centre of attention once again, as pale as a ghost. 

"Harry Potter!" Dumbldore repeats the famous name.

Hermione gives Harry a shove and mutters under her breath. Confused whispers exit students mouths, the staff included.

Un-protesting, Harry takes his place among the other champions, standing stiff and feeling very singled out.

Ron scowls at his best friend, clearly annoyed as Dumbldore announces the four Tri-wizard champions.


"Harry." I hiss to myself as i rap my black dressing gown around me. I pull on my slippers and rush down to the common room and up to the boys' dorms. 

"Harry James Potter. Open your bloody eyes now!" I whispers-shout at him. Harry groans and tuns over to his stomach, snoring loudly. 

I violently shake him, dismissing the idea of drowning him. 

"Harry Potter. Wake up now." I shake him.

"What-what?... Lena?" Harry sits up, grabbing his glasses and looking worried.

"Common room now." I demand through strained whispers. 

"What is it?" Harry asks when we are seated in the common room.

"Harry you have to leave Hogwarts." I tell him bluntly.

"Why?" Harry yawns.

"Its not safe for you here. Please." I beg.

"No. I don't understand.Why?"

"Because something bad is going to happen." I plead.

"How in Merlins Beard do you know that?"

"I saw it in a dream." I whimper, feeling stupid. But i knew something was going to happen. I knew Harry is going to be selected as a Tri-wizard champion and there is something about the cup...i know it...

"Lena. You have been through a lot and i think you aught to get some sleep." Harry pats me on the back and gets up. 

"You-know-who will come again, Harry." I say, quietly. Harry stops in his tracks, not turning around.

"Go to bed, Lena." He says after a moment.

I sigh as he walks back to his dorm. I yawn and lie down on the couch, trying to stay awake...

Harry is in danger. Hermione is in danger. Ginny is in danger. Ron, Nico, Leo, Grover. They're all in danger.


All because of me...


I sit with my elbows on my knees and my chin in my hands,  Hermione sits next to me thoroughly engaged in a book.  I am in deep thought when the crowd of students, who were acting as an audience to all the people entering their name in the Goblet of fire, let out a cheer.

"It wont work." I hear Hermione sing. I look up and see Fred and George on either side of her.

"And why's that, Granger." Fred asks.

"See this." Hermione points to the blue ring  surrounding the Goblet, which was placed in the centre of the room. "That is an age line. Dumbldore drew it himself." 


"And a wizard like Dumbldore could't possibly be fooled by something as dimwitted as ageing potions." Hermione finishes, sighing.

I finally understand what their talking about. I remember overhearing Fred and George discussing an ageing potion to enter the tournament. I knew it wouldn't work but i was keen to see then try and i had to admire their determination.

"Bottoms up." Fred and George say in unison, drinking their potions they jump over the age line.

Everyone waits a moment and then burst into cheers. The twins walk forward and place their name in the Goblet. But their moment of victory has soon evaporated when the goblet rejects their names and throws them out of the circle.

Hermione sighs and mutters something along the lines of, 'grow up', while everyone else bursts into fits of laughter.

The laughter dies down again soon when the doors burst open and in marches Viktor Krum.

Oh all hail Viktor Krum!  I think. Fed up with the celebrity already.

He is serious and buff. But when he spots Hermione his eyes soften and he smiles at her, causing her to blush. I smirk and raise my eye brows at Hermione, making her sigh and pretend she hadn't noticed.

Krum walks out followed by his friends. I spot Alex, who seems to be the only one of Krums friends who isn't overly serious. Alex grins at me and salutes, playfully. I salute back and smile at him.


I feel so proud of this chapter. 

All hail Viktor Krum.

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