Chapter 34- If i DANCE someone had better call an ambulance.

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"I have to find a way to get out of this." I mumble as i get into my pyjamas.

"No, No you're not getting out of this one, Lena." Ginny sternly tells me. "You are going to the ball with your bloody smoke'n hot gorgeous sex god of a friend, Alex, and if we have to force you into a dress and drag you to the ball them so be it!"

I roll my eyes and Hermione laughs.

"So who are you going with, Hermione?" I ask.

She sighs. "You would believe me if i told you."

"So? Just tell." I push.

Hermione mumbles something incoherent.

"WHAT!" I scream and make her jump.

"Viktor Krum!" She squeaks and diverts her eyes back to her book.

"WHAT?" Ginny and I exclaim.

"Oh. My. Gods."I breath. "That's awesome. Okay we have to go to Hogsmeade on the weekend."

The girls nod in agreement. "You're invited to if you want to come." I say to Lavender and Pavarti.

"Really? Awesome, cool we'll be there." Lavender responds.


Ginny and Hermione had to drag me out of bed on saturday, even after they tipped buckets of water on me.

I finally got up and took a quick shower before facing the delicate task of closing what to wear.

I picked out a pair of ripped and faded skinny jeans, grey hoddie, black converse high tops and a My Chemical Romance t-shirt.

When Ginny was finally ready i grabbed my black back pack and Lavender, Pavarti, Ginny, Hermione and I began to walk to Hogsmeade.

To be honest i wasn't to fond of Lavender. Her whole personality pissed me off. I didn't want to hear Ginny and her talking about how cute Dean Thomas was so i took out my iPod, put in my ear buds and listened to some music.

I was still listening to a playlist when we arrived at a dress shop.

I hear Ginny talking but its muffled.

"Lena!" Ginny shouts.

"Oh. Yeah?" I ask pulling out my ear buds.

"I said behave." Ginny tells me. I roll my eyes and nod.

I as soon as we enter the shop i take a seat in a corner, furthest away from people and put my ear buds back in. I was free for 20 minuets before i feel an aggressive pair of hands yank me from my seat and drag me over to the rack of dresses. Ginny looked annoyed although content, if that was possible.

She tugged on my ear buds. "Choose now." She says.

"Gin, i don't want-" I start to say.

"No you will choose now." She frowns.

"Fine, fine." I sigh and flick through the dress rack, not really looking.

"Here this one is perfect for you, sweetheart." The shop owner comes up to me and hold out a fluffy pink dress with white frills around the collor and lace flower embroyded on the bottom.

I actually gag and try to hold it back but instead i start to cough uncontrollably.

When i was well again Ginny coms up to me. "Yeah, Lena, that would look great on you. Hey! Hermione, Lavender, don't you think this would look great on Lena?"

All the girls begin to all nod, seriously, i agreement. I just glare at them and politely tell the shop lady that pink definitely isn't my colour.

Half an hour later i am still moping around the shop. Ginny found a peach coloured dress and Hermione a blue one. They both looked amazing when they tried them on. Pavarti and Lavender had both found their dresses and already left. So now it was my turn.

"I hate this. I hate this, I hate this." I Hiss to Ginny as we scan another rack.

"I don't care, i don't care, i don't care." She hisses back.

I finish looking at the dresses and walk backwards to find another rack of clothes. I stumble over a pile of boxes, trust me to do that, and land on my butt underneath a pile of material.

Ginny is in tears from laughing and had to run to the bathroom before she pissed herself. Hermione didn't think it was funny and helped me up.

As i get to my feet i spot a shimmering piece of black silk. I reach down and pull it from its box. I hold it up and find it is the most beautiful dress i have ever seen.

It had a few tears and rips down the side and a mud stain on the bottom but it was still beautiful.

"Repairo." I whisper and watch as the dress mended itself. Now i had a proper look, it was even more gorgeous.

The top of it, where my boobs sit, was strapless and in the shape of the top of a love heart and was decorated in small silver gems. Then from the waist it flowed out in a wave of slivery black. I just stood and gawped at it, my mouth wide open.

Then after a moment i whispered. "This one. This is the dress."

Hermione nods from beside me. "Yes. That is the dress."

"Hey guys i-" Ginny begins, as she walks out of the bathroom, then stops when she sees the dress. "Bloody hell." She whispers and then laughs "I think we're done today, Lena. That is the dress."

I gather my things and walk with the dress to the front counter.

"How much is this one?" I ask the shop owner.

"Oh sweetheart, i was going to chuck that one out weeks ago. You can have it for 20 Gallions." She tells me.

I grin and pay her.

"I think this ball might not be so bad." I say as we walk out of the shop.

Ginny and Hermione are walking far in front of me when an arm goes around my sholdour.

I look up, straight into a pair of grey eyes. "Hi." I say.

"Hello. So do you want to go to the ball with me?" Draco asks, almost casually.

I stop and turn to look at him. "Draco I'm so sorry but Alex and I are already going together as friends." I tell him, frowning.

He doesn't look surprised. "Okay then but save me a dance or maybe three." He laughs.

"Yeah fine but someone is going to get badly hurt if i try to dance." I say.

Draco turns serious for a moment and look me in the eye so intensely. I cant read what he is thinking, i cant see any thoughts flash before his eyes.

"Lena I need-" He begins.


I laugh and quickly hug Draco. "Sorry. Got to go. Weasley's." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah." He says as i walk away. "Bye."


I could have Pansy, Hannah, Chloe, or any girl.

But i only want Lena Tenebris.


WOW i took ages to update. Btw those other two names that were mentioned in Draco's POv just then are just random names.


Dear Draco I Pinky Promise. (HP and PJO cross over.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora