Chapter 21- To the Burrow

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Disclaimer: I own none go these characters (apart from Lena etc) all other characters belong to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

Today was the 18th of august and two days ago i wrote to the Weasleys asking to stay at the Burow until september the first. I know it is risky but i have learnt to fight well during the time i have been at camp half-blood.

I got my reply this morning. Everyone thought it was odd i used owls for posting but no one said anything.

Dear Lena.

We would love to have you over until returning to Hogwarts. Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Ron and the twins are very exited.

We will meet you at the Muggle station for air transpiration on 20th. Arthur is very exited to see how the Aireeroplaineses work.

-Mrs Weasley.

I couldn't help but laugh at their attempt to spell aeroplanes and 'Muggle station for air transportation.'  

I ran back to cabin 13 and begin to pack straight away. Nico was laying on his bed, on his back, stuck to his phone screen. Hazel was brushing her hair and chilling until we go down to the campfire. 

"What are you doing?" They both asked at the same time.

Nico i have grown very close over the time i have been here. Hazel and i get along and she tries to understand but we are very different. Nico actually does understand me. he knows what its like to loose someone. (A/N u might me confused about the 'loosing someone' stuff but u haven't missed anything. Its coming up later in the story.) 

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning to go back to England." I tell them, not looking up from packing.

"What?" Nico is standing up now. "No you might get hurt."

I laugh. "remember what i told you about all the things Harry has done, he's like another Percy. And besides you have seen me fight, you even said so you self that i am natural."

"I want to come." He says. 

I frown and then laugh. "Sorry Neeky. But its only until September the first, when i go back to school. So either way i have to leave soon." 

Nico frowns and knows he cant argue with that. 

"But you're coming back for the holiday's right?" Asks Hazel. 

I nod. "Most of them, it depends."

"Depends on what?" 

I shrug. "It doesn't matter i will be back though, don't think you can get rid of me that fast." 

I continue to pack and when i am done i go down to the campfire. 

I sit next to Leo. We weren't official or anything and we didn't kiss again after that. But were pretty close friends.

We sung some songs and then all a sudden everyone hushes each other. I look to see whats happening and Rachel, the oracle, is standing up and he eyes glazed over. 

I stand up walk over to her. Rachel was my friend, closer then any other girls. 

"Rach?" I ask. Her head turns and she begins to recite something.

"Two newest Greek siblings of the god down below

Shall seek these companion then will go:

The son of forges and burning fire,

The half goat that wisdom and water once required,

Dear Draco I Pinky Promise. (HP and PJO cross over.)Where stories live. Discover now