Chapter 26- A glimpse into the past...(Filler)

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Run, Run, Run. I tell myself as i follow the blue motor bike down the street. The man riding it was Sirius Black, although years younger, i recognised him.

I didn't need to see anymore of the dream to know this was from the past and not mine. This night was the night James and Lily Potter were murdered. I follow Sirius until we get to a recked house. I watch as he enters and the scence changes, skipping to inside the house. I see Sirius step over the corpse of his best friend and his wife. They were Harrys parents. Dead.

Hagrid comes and takes baby Harry away to Privet drive, Leaving Sirius alone to mourn. Although not for long.

Everything happens very fast. The ministry appear in Godrics hollow and accuse Sirius for the Potters murders. He was taken to Azkaban and the sound of his cries still fill my ears as i sit bolt up right in bed.

That dream was pointless. I already knew what happened that night. I wash the thoughts of the dream away and get out of bed.

Its 6:00 in the morning and Ginny and Hermione are sound asleep.

I don't feel like going back to sleep to i decide to actually put effort into my outfit for today, seeing Ginny, Hermione and I were going to have a girls day in Diagon ally, after we get our school stuff.

I look in the mirror and scowl at the scrawny figure scowling back at me. I had slight bags under my eyes, not to noticeable, from no more than 3 hours to no, sleep normally. They have gone away a bit due to me being unconscious for three days. I had barley eaten lately, obviously, and it was showing in my thin bony face. I looked lifeless and pale. My bright green eyes were the only part of my body looking alive, apart from my hair. My hair was touching past my butt and was messy and dirty. I wasn't black anymore but light brown. I had changed so much compared to the 11 year old girl i used to be. i went from frail but smiling to alive, flourishing and joyful to-now- frail again but this time not weak.

I sigh and run my hands through my messy hair. I still hadn't showered since before the Qudditch world cup. I almost laugh at how irresponsible i was.

I grabbed my towel and went for a shower. I washed my hair twice, scrubbing the grime and memories from it and my skin. When i got out, wrapped towel around me, and gone back to my room, Ginny was up and getting dressed.

"I'm a mess, Gin. Why didn't you say something?" I ask her, wrapping the fowl around my wet hair.

Ginny shrugs. "You may be pale and a bit too thin but you honestly look fine, you can pull off that look."

I roll my eyes, mumbling, "I don't want to 'pull off this look'." I glance out the window and find its lightly snowing. "yay." I mutter sarcastically.

"I'll help you get dressed." Offers Ginny, who is already rugged up in jeans and a flashy jumper.

"Thanks." I say as she rummages throughout her wardrobe.

(10 min later)

Hermione was now awake and rummaging through her suitcase for clothes.

"Okay...Gin i'll just find something myself, thanks." I tell Ginny, after she makes me try on the 10th pink outfit. In two minutes i have found the perfect outfit (picture).

"GIRLS! LETS GO!" Hollers Mrs Weasley, up the stairs. I grab three pouches of Gallions and shove then in my back pack as i hurry out the bedroom door.

We travel by the floo powder to Diagon ally. Ginny, Hermione ad I quickly run off to get our school supplies as fast as we can.

We have finished getting our school needs and are heading to the hairdresser when through the crowds i spot a head of white blonde hair. We continue moving towards, what i assumed to be Draco when a hand grabs hold of my arm and pulls me and my two friends into a dark alleyway.

"Draco!" I exclaim when i see who it is.

"Lena what are you doing? You were heading straight towards my father! He would have taken you back to your father straight away." Draco exclaims.

I frown. "Sorry, thanks."

"Just be more carful." He says wrapping his arms around me. I nod and big him back, ignoring Ginny smirking and Hermione gawping.

"I have to go. Cya Lena, Weasley, Granger." Draco walks off.

"We will go the back way." Ginny says, quickly changing the subject and hoping Hermione would forget.

But of course Hermione didn't. "What was that about? You act like you've known each other forever."

"Sorry, we are friends though." i mutter.

"Yelena, he is dangerous and bad for you." Hermione sternly tells me. I roll my eyes at her calling me Yelena.

"Whatever, lets go." I say, pulling them behind the shops, until we come to the hair salon.

(((Time lapse)))

I cut it all off. My once long dark hair was now hanging in soft waves below my chin and i didn't regret it one bit. Hermione tried to talk me out of it but Ginny supported me and said it would match me.

Hermione had her hair re-done the same as last time, Ginny went a dark red colour and i had all my hair dyed black, cut to under my chin and then had an ombre light brown.

I was satisfied with my change and walked out of the shop with my head held high. It was late in the afternoon so i was sure the Malfoy's had already gone but the three of us still walked to the side and blended into the remaining crowd. Mrs Weasley said to meet her and the others at the Leaky Cauldron at 4:00 pm so we had 10 minutes.

We entered the Leaky Cauldron at 4:05, talking about Qudditch and Hogwarts.

"Oh there you are!" Exsclaimed Mrs Weasley. "You three look lovely. Come now, lets go back to the Burrow."

"Wow." Says Harry. "You look so different." I laugh. "Its a good different, don't worry." Harry quickly added.

I recived a few more compliments before it was my turn to step into the fire place.

"The Burrow." I speak clearly, throwing the dirt at my feet.

I landed in the fire place, in the kitchen, with a thud and got up, dusting myself off.

"Im so tired." Ginny moaned when we had all gone back to our rooms.

Hermione and I both let out a grunt in agreement and climbed into our PJ's.

"Hogwarts tomorrow." I say, sitting on my bed.

"Yes." Whispers Hermione.

"You can finally meet Nico. Oh and Leo and Grover." I say excitedly.

"Cool" Ginny yawns. "Night."


"Night." Hermione and i grunt and i turn off the light.

I close my eyes and pray to the god of dreams that i had peaceful sleep. I let my body relax, exited to go back to my home again.



A/N I would just like to know who is still reading this story bc i am rather proud of it and want more people to read it. At the intro i have about 30 odd views and the rest of the way the views go up and down. So please comment if you're still sticking with me and vote! Also give some feed back on what you like and dont like and what you want to see more of. If you have friends or know of peeps who read Draco Malfoy fanfic then pleaseeeee spread the word about mine! thank you!

1312 words, that isn't as much as i usually write. This took me forever to finish writing bc its such a boring Chappie. It was pretty much a filler and i felt to was to girly and pointless.


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