Chapter 20- Sibling bonding time!

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Disclaimer: I own none go these characters (apart from Lena etc) all other characters belong to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

This is just a filler. i would say its a short one but its actually over 2000 words so....


I can't sleep. Nico, my half brother, apparently doesn't sleep at all and I see him walking to the lake. I decide to follow him because I don't want to have dreams. All of my dreams/ nightmares involve Abigail and my father, hades.

I still can't get over the fact that I was living with the God of the underworld. It was weird but not impossible.

I sit down next to Nico on the grass and let the silence do the talking. Until he speaks up.
"I heard you locked your self in your room for like 6 months" Nico mumbles. My head shots up.

"Where did you hear that?" I whisper.

"Um you're mom told me to take care of you. She said you're delicate and you need someone to support you." Nico half smiles at me.

I roll my eyes. " delicate. I am fine by myself."

"Apparently you were going to off your self." Nico mumbles and looks now at the ground. He looks ashamed that he knows this. It isn't his Business.

"I wasn't. It was a rumour. My dad is working for the dark lord and he wants me to join him." Nico looks at me, Confused. I go on a exsplain about the wizarding world and about Harry Potter. Nico is hooked the whole time, his eyes wide.

After I finish he says, "that's amazing. Theres another world. " I nod. "I guess most of us wizards and witches are descendants of Hectate. I mean I'm only a quarter mortal when you think about it..." I trail off.

I don't ask about this past.Hazel had told me that it was a touchy subject.

Nico and I sit in slence for a while longer. It was a comfortable silence not an awkward one.

"I'm sorry for your loss." He suddenly whispers.

"Exscuse me?" i ask.

"That boy. I can feel it in your past. i-" Nico begins.

"No" I cut him off. "It doesn't matter. I don't want to remember it."

Nico nods. "I lost my sister." This is all he says. He does say how or when or what he feels. The word lost is enough. I understand, i know what its like to be alone. I nod and slowly get up.

"Cya Nico." I say and he stands up to. Then he gives me a hug, i never expected my half brother to do that. He doesn't seem like the hugging type.

"Thanks." He whispers. "You understand better than Hazel. Thank you for not asking questions and not getting me to talk about my feelings." He puts emphasis on feelings and i understand why. I nod and big him back, glad to have someone who can understand, finally.


I decide its better not to eat breakfast in my pyjams, here. At Hogwarts everyone has grown used to me randomly rocking up in nightwear but here i decide i better not.

I wear what ever i can fish out that is decent. I settle with grey singlet and my usual faded skinny jeans. I grab my pair of black converse and apply a thin layer of makeup.

I got a free day today to hang with people because i needed to relax, or what ever.

I sat down at the Hades table with Nico and Hazel, returning the smile Leo Valdez gave me.

"Oh you so like Leo." Smiles Hazel.

"Oh um no." I say awkwardly.

"Is there someone back at your school?" Hazel pushes.

Dear Draco I Pinky Promise. (HP and PJO cross over.)Where stories live. Discover now