Chapter 31- Always listen to Lena...

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Almost every seventh year (and students older then 17 at Beauxbatons and Durmstrang) Have entered their name in the Goblet of fire.

Hermione, Harry and Ron dragged me out to the lake. I don't know who's idea it was to come out here but it was bloody stupid. I am wearing two singlets a long sleeve, two jumpers and a jacket but i am still shivering.

"W-why are w-w-we even o-out h-here?" I ask, my tech chattering.

"Because You need fresh air, Lena." Hermione says. Her attention was on me the moment when she suddenly looks up and blushes.

I follow her gaze and Viktor Krum was walking on the sand, flexing his muscles and pretending to be oblivious to the pack of girls, behind him, swooning.

It takes me a moment because i can be pretty thick but it finally dawns on me.

"You dragged us out here, into weather so cold i could snap off my nose, just to look at Krum?" I hiss, making sure Ron didn't hear and rolling my eyes.

"No. I-i no. No i didn't." Hermione hisses back.

I groan and stand up. "I'm going inside. Its not like there isn't air in there." I muter.

I am at the top of the hill when a hear 'boo' and a pair of hands tap me on the shoulders.

"Hey." I say as i turn and face Alex.

"Wotcher?" he asks.

"Not much. Im freezing though. My Friend dragged me down to the lake just to admire the view." I say.

"Am i right in guessing the view was of the one and only..."

"Krum." we say together, laughing.

"C'mon we had better get to the hall. The champions will be chosen soon." Alex hurries me along.


"The Champion of Beauxbatons is....Fleur Delacour." Dumbldore announces. The hall erupts into clapping and slowing dies down again when the next name is thrown out of the goblet.

"The Champion of Durmstrang school...Viktor Krum"

"And now Hogwarts Champion...Cedric Diggory"

Everyone but me is clapping. I sit next to Harry and grip the sleeve of his robe.

"Lena. What is it? What the matter?" He hisses.

"Harry i told you, you should have gone. For your own safety." I tell him, tears threatening to fall.

"I dont understand-" he begins. But, just as the applause dies down, another name was given from the goblet.

"Harry potter." I whisper to Harry at the same time Dumbldore announces it.

"Lena What-"

"Harry just go." Hermione pushes him forward. Awkwardly he takes his position next to the other champions.

The hall is so silent. I can feel Ron, behind me, glaring daggers at Harry.

I look at Harry who is staring at me , dumbfounded.

"The first task shall take place on the 24th of November." Dumbldore announces. Everyone crowds out of the great hall but the champions go the other way. I decide against following them.

When i enter my dorm Hermione is standing with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face.

"You knew." She hisses. "You knew and you didn't warn him!"

"Who bloody says i never warned him?" I shout back. "I did but he wouldn't listen, jus thinks I'm a loon like everyone else!"

"Lena we don't think-" Ginny begins.

"Yes you do. Im not an idiot. You all think I'm going insane. I see you whispering about me, about the odd things that happen." I say.

I run out of the dorm, unable to deal with everything right now.

I walk the corridors for awhile, thinking. I pace back and fourth a bit, in front of a blank brick wall.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, there appears a door. I stop abruptly and stare at it.

I reach out and push it open, revealing a room full of books. I enter and close the door behind me. I scan the books. They're all muggle ones. I smile. All the books in the Hogwarts library are wizarding books. This is a muggy library. I missed them.

I run my hand across the spin of the books. I jump when i hear a voice from behind me.

"I see you found it to."

I don't even turn, i just know whose voice this belongs to. "What brings you to a muggle library, Draco?"

"Books." He answers simply. "I may not like muggles but it doesn't mean i cant be interested in their odd books."

I nod and go sit on the couch in front of him.

"You knew it was going to happen didn't you?" He asks after a moment. "Potters name being draw, i mean."

I nod and look down. "I did warm him. He is in so much danger now." I whisper. "everyone close to me is."


"Haven't you thought about how my father could use all of you against me. To get me to join them?" I ask.

Draco nods. "I have but he wouldn't do it to me. The dark lord has orders and plans for me."

"You have to become a death eater." I finish, nodding. He looks ashamed.

"I don't know what to do." I say. "Let my friends get hurt or give myself up. He will find out how to use them against me soon enough." A stray tear falls down my cheek and Draco comes wraps his arms around me.

"I wont let them hurt you. I promise." He whispers.

"Maybe, but he could hurt you."

"No i wont let it happen. We will figure something out. We both know what he is planning to do. How the dark lord will come back."

I nod.

"I think Potter can destroy him." Draco whispers after some thought. "I don't what to have faith in him but i will."

I sigh and close my eyes.

I feel safe in his arms and protected by his touch. I feel as though if we could stay here forever then maybe we wont have to be part of the dark dark world outside, ever again. I slowly left myself doze off in Draco's arms.

I am on the verge of sleep when i hear Draco softly whisper, thinking i was asleep. "I love you Lena Tenebris. I pinky promise that i always will."


Dear Draco I Pinky Promise. (HP and PJO cross over.)Where stories live. Discover now