Chapter 16- End of year.

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So far i am succeeding in having a fun last day with my friends at Hogsmeade. But of course the thought about seeing my mum again is still tugging and interrupting on my train of thought. I am scared for Abigail to. I haven't told Ginny and Hermione about Abigail because i haven't been able to get them alone since last night. After my talk with Abigail i ran up to m dorm, chucked the suitcase with my other belongings in it, away into a corner for tomorrow and burrowed down under my warm blankets, worrying. There is so much going on in my mind that if i learn another thing my head is going to split.

Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Ron and I are all siting in Honeydukes. They're all trapped in a convocation but i am staring into space. I look over my shoulder and see Draco with his friends. Pansy Parkinson is clinging to him like her life depended on it and Draco didn't look to pleased. I laugh silently to my self because i know he hates her. Draco then looks over at me. Our eyes lock and he smiles. I smile back and then we both look away. I hadn't told Hermione about becoming friends with Draco again. I know she Harry and Ron hate him. Ginny i confide in most as she seems to have more time on her hands. Hermione is there for a good old girl talk but mostly stays with Harry and Ron. Ginny didn't hate Draco withe the same intensity as Hermione, she only slightly disliked him.

Harry sees Draco as the dark mean bully who tried to befriend him in first year. Even though i know he does have that side, he is still the same boy from first year to me. The kind one who was my friend and who made me promise...


"Wake up wake up!" hollers Hermione. Her and Ginny were finally back to the normal morning routine: screaming in my ear and drowning me in cold water, So i could wake up.

I get up and get dressed (Picture). I am ready to leave about half an hour before Ginny and Hermione.

We manage to find an empty compartment and Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Ron and I all squeeze in.

I don't talk much for the whole train ride, i just think about my mum and read.

Finally, after what feels like a life time, we pull up at kings cross station. I tell my friends to go on and i pack up my books. I am shaking and dropping my books from nervousness when Draco enters the compartment.

"Here." He says and helps me put away my things. "Nervous?" i nod.

I look into his Blue grey eyes for a while longer as he searches my green ones. We're standing comfortably close. Having him near me makes me feel safe. He is a few inches taller than me so i am looking up at him. His cold hand brushes my cheek so gently i shiver. His other hands intwines with mine and it comforts me dearly. Then he moves closer and we shut our eyes. His lips are warm and they seem to be built for touching mine. He puts his hand on my lower back and pulls me closer to him. I run my fingers through his hair and wrap my arms around his neck.

We break apart gasping for air. His hair is rather messed up but it looks cute. Draco smiles at me "Bye Lena, see you after break." and he's gone.

I meet Hermione, Harry and the rest of the Weasley's on platform 9 3/4 and say our good-byes.

"Why are you blushing?" Asks Ginny when everyone else is a few feet away, into paying attention to us.

"Uhhh...Draco kissed me." I whisper. Ginny's eyes widen then she does a little dance.

"I knew it i knew it i knew it!!!" She exclaims, as i laugh.

"Okay bye Gin i'll see you soon." I say as i hug her.

I walk through the barrier when i have said all my fair wells. There is not many Muggles here at the moment. I spot a woman about aged 40 with long dark brown hair and green eyes. She hasn't changed. she spots me and begin to walk over, smiling. She is wearing a pair of black jeans and a grey jumper. She has a warm loving smile and high cheek bones.

"Lena." She greets me in a light hug. "Look at you, so beautiful." I smile and we begin to walk off to the car park.

The journey to the airport was okay. There was little convocation although i felt as though mum was keeping something from me, something big. Dumbldore said it and so did Abigail. I have to find out.


Question of the day: who much do you hate Umbridge??

My answer: 1000000/10

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