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Sky's POV.
" bye. See you guys later" I said to Jack and Jack. " bye" they said in sync. I dropped them off at Johnson's house cause they said that gilinsky was staying there. Okay? Anyways that was the last of them. It was 3:40 I was 35 minutes late😩. I'm going to get questioned by my father. Ugh. I drove to Starbucks and got Starbucks. I got a raspberry team and got my dad a iced cappuccino I walked into my house. "Sky Grier" my dad said firmly " where were you" he continued harshly. " I was taking my friends home since they didn't have a ride" I said scared. "who?" He asked "Ashley, Lucy, Bella, and Lexie," I lied. He nodded and I gave him his drink "thanks" he said. I nodded and walked upstairs. I then started working on my home work.

Skip homework

I finally got done with my homework and my phone rang " hello" I said. "Hey" they said. " Jack?" I asked "gilinsky" I continued. "You know it" he said smoothly. I laughed. " are you dating that Madison beer chick" I asked. " no why" he said. " just asking.." I said. " you like me. Don't you" he said. I could practically hear him smirking. My cheeks turned red from embarrassment " no. It's just I.. Uh.. I just wanted to know" I said stumbling. " mhmm" he said seductively " know it's just.... Yeah. Yup... What were we talking about again" I said stuttering "you tell me. Hey. Can I come over" he said "yeah. My dad has to work anyways" I said. My dad actually does have to work doe. "Be right over babe" he said smoothly before hanging up. Oh sheet. I have to get ready. I panicked and rushed to my closet. "Bye honey. Be back tomorrow. Literally" my dad called out. " bye dad love you" I called back. I heard the door shut. I looked through my closet and found something to wear that's lazy. I put on Nike shorts and a tank top with my hair in a pony tail. With Nike socks. I'm smooth. Lol. I heard a car door shut and I looked out the window. I seen Jack walking up to my house. I ran down stairs and opened the door before he could knock. "Come in" I said. "Nice house you have" he said looking around. "Thanks" I said shyly. He chuckled at my shyness. I shut the door and sat down on the couch. I patted the couch so he could sit down. He walked to the couch and sat down. He's hot AND his pull out game be strong. I put something on tv and it was some movie I haven't seen before. We got into the movie. Later a sex scene came on and the girl started moaning. I looked over at Jack to see he was tensed up. I then looked down to see a bulge in his pants. now it's my turn to tease. "What's wrong Jack" I asked seductively trailing my finger up and down his arm. He looked over at me. "Uhh... Nothing...everything's cool" he laughed nervously. "Really" I asked getting in his lap. "Ahem. Yeah. Perfect. Everything is great" he said coughing a little bit. "Okay...babe" I said pressing my body down. He let out a very faint moan and threw his head back. I kissed his neck and sucked it. I gave him a hickey. He pulled his shirt off and started kissing me. I then started kissing all over his body giving him hickeys everywhere while he moaned. I then got back up to his lips and started kissing him. He pushed me off of him gently and got on top of me. He took my shirt off. we started kissing again. He moved to my jawline then to my neck. He was sucking everywhere trying to find my sweet spot. He found it. He sucked on it harshly and I moaned loud. He smirked and slid my shorts down. The door bell rang and we jumped. I pulled my shorts up and ran to the door. I opened it and it was Nash and the other guys. "Uhhh" Taylor said awkwardly. "What?" I asked. " your shirt" cam said while looking me up and down hungrily. I looked down and noticed I didn't have a shirt on and I was in my black laced bra. Awkward. I laughed awkwardly. Jack came and walked next to me. They all stared at him. " oh...hey guys" Jack said awkwardly. I let them in and ran to go get my shirt. Jack just watched me. I put it on and walked back to them. "It looks like you beat gilinsky up" Aaron said laughing. "No those are hickeys" I said. It got silent. I cleared my throat. "Soo. Watcha wan-" I got cut off by a girl walking into my house. I looked at her and it was Madison Beer. Greeaatttt. "Jack. I was looking for you everywhere an-" she stopped and looked at him. "Are.. Those hickeys?" She asked and looked at him in disbelief. "babe. I'm sorry. I didn't me-" he started. "Babe?" I looked at him. "Sky look I'm sorry this was a one time thing I'm dating Madison" he said. "Madison" I said. She looked at me with hurt eyes. "I'm so sorry. I asked Jack if he was dating you and he told me no. If I would have knew he was with you I would have not done anything with him. I'm sorry." I said tearing up. " bitch" she said looking at me. " I said I'm sorry." I said weakly. "no you caused this fight." She said harshly. I wiped my tears. "Come at me bitch" I snapped. She lunged at me and tackled me. I slapped her hard. She grabbed my hair and banged my head on the floor. Fudge that hurt. "Shit. Fucking thot" I said grabbing her shirt from the back and flipping her off of me. She landed with a thud. I kicked her side I grabbed her by her hair and she screamed. "Ouch" she snapped. She bit my hand. "Oww" I said. I pulled her hair harder and started dragging her to the door. I pulled her so she was standing up and turned her to face me. She threw a punch but I ducked. I grabbed her hair and swung as hard as I could and I hit her right in the nose. I heard a crack. I threw her outside. I turned around and seen all the guys looking at me. I looked at Jack and walked up to him. I punch him hard in the face and kicked him in the nuts. I pulled him and threw him outside with his bleeding girl friend. I grabbed his shirt and threw it at him. I slammed the door and looked at the rest of the boys. " want a piece of me" I snapped jumping at them. They shook their head scared. I laughed. "that bitch made me sweaty." I whined "I'm taking a shower" I said. "Can I come" Matt asked smirking. "Yeah" I smirked. He looked at me with wide eyes "really." He asked in disbelief. I nodded I walked up there and he followed me. "YEET" I said loudly and pushed him towards the guys. He groaned I laughed and ran upstairs.

After shower
I ran downstairs to see the guys watching porn I screeched. "AGHHH MY EYES. HELP" I shouted and fell with a thud. Someone picked me up and put me on their lap. I kept my eyes shut. I heard moans and peeked. UGHHH HER BOOBS WERE IN THE SCREEN. I scrambled trying to get off the persons lap. I was squirming I felt a bulge. "Keep moving and I'll take you upstairs" he said. It was so deep that I didn't know who it was. I turned around and looked it was cam. I tended up and stayed still. They made me hear moans until that movie was over. I never once dared to look at the TV scared I might see a dick somewhere. Although I have seen a lot. Still. When it was over I sighed "FINALLY" I shouted trying to squirm out of cams grip. He moaned and I tried to get out faster. I finally got out of his grip. I looked at him and laughed. I could see his huge bulge. He groaned " you did this to me with your short shorts and tank top" he said. I shrugged. "Since you guys got to watch your porn I get to watch my movie" I said smirking they groaned "get hard" I said still smirking. They groaned even louder I put it in and sat down on cams lap again. It started and I seen Will Farrell's butt. I squealed. " YES. SHOW THAT ASS" I said loudly. They were all looking at me but Kevin hart is bae AF. They finally showed him and I screamed. " yes. Hecks yeah. Your the best" I said the movie went on and the part where he made will go suck a dick was hilarious. I got the unrated version. Omg. He walked to the bathroom with the guy. HAHAHHA. HE ACTUALLY DID IT. "OMG HE ACTUALLY DID IT" I said laughing so hard. Cam had his hands on my waist. It showed that dudes dick again and it was gross. I covered my eyes. "It's over" cam said laughing. I nodded. " come at me bitch" I said to the gay guy flirting with Kevin. Kevin turned him down " HA HA HA he turned your crusty ass down" I said I payed more attention to the movie. When the part when they got to TIP's house I laughed so hard. I guess I was moving too much cause cam moaned. We all looked at him. "What" he said "it's her fault" he said. They all looked at me I smiled and turned to the movie. It was towards the end and when they were on the yacht I laughed. Kevin is so small. It finally got to the part where he went to jail. I kept watching it and it ended. " best movie ever" I said. " no" Hayes said. "Yes" I said "no" he said "yes" I said "say no one more time I'll chop your sick off and feed it to a horse" I warned. "No" he said smirking I got up and walked over to him I raised my hand and put it in his hair. "Nice hair. Would be ashamed if someone came and cut it" I said sadly. He ran and hid behind the door. I heard a car door shut. Shit. I looked and it was my dad he was home early. "My dads home" I said. "Go hide upstairs my room is to the left go hide in there" they ran upstairs and I changed the channel to the regular channel. I unlocked the door "hey why is there so many cars parked outside"he asked "I don't know. Must be next door" I said shrugging he nodded "I'm going to bed its 4:00 in the morning so good night pumpkin" he said and walked upstairs. I walked upstairs after him and told him I was going to bed. I walked in and they were all on my bed on their phones. I jumped on the bed and they got scared "shh my dad is here you can stay if you want" I said closing my eyes. I heard them murmur a 'yes' I had a BIG bed. So we all fit. Someone cuddled up to me. I opened my eyes and it was Matt. I cuddled up to him and drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys. I'm in the car right now sorry for the long wait.

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