3 years later

517 7 0

Update on kids: they are now 3 and bad af
Karleighs pov
"Babe I love you" Sammy said hugging me from behind me as I was cooking dinner. It was 7:00 at night and he just got home from work work. "I love you too" I said turning around and kissing him. "Can we go outside for a little bit" he asked me I looked at him weirdly "fine but I wanna get on the swings" I giggled running to the back door I heard him behind me. He swooped me up and I seen the kids running behind us "momma" they squealed Sammy put me down as they ran to me "Krissy" I squealed picking her up "momma. Momma" Alex said tugging on my leggings I bent down and heard my knees crack "damn" someone said behind us I turned around and seen Kylie "BABE" I screamed putting Alex down and jumping on Kylie "hey" she laughed "I jut seen you yesterday but whatever" I laughed "I came to go on the swings with you" Kylie smiled I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand and walked outside. While Sammy had the kids. He said he would be out in a minute. Me and Kylie sat on the swings "so how are you doing" she asked swinging high "good." I smiled at her. She slowed down and so did I "no I mean how are you genuinely" she said I stopped the swing and so did she. "I feel really good. Me and Sammy haven't fought. The kids are growing up and I love Sammy with all my heart. I would love to have more kids with Sammy and he's been talking about having more kids. So we might have a few more." I said "you guys need to get married" Kylie said out of no where "I would absolutely love to get married to Sammy. I mean I love him" I said smiling at Kylie "I'm really happy for you karleigh" she smiled I nodded "if you weren't Nash Grier's sister then we wouldn't have met. So be glad that we found out that we were sisters" she laughed. I smiled and hugged her. Then all of a sudden the back yard lit up and Kylie left really quickly. I was confused so I stood up "Kylie" I called out "Sammy" I said turning around only to see the man I love on one knee. My hand flew up to my mouth he pulled out a box "karleigh Jenner I have been in love with you from the moment I met you. I love the way you talk with so much passion. I love when you smile and your eyes crease. I love when you laugh and scrunch your nose up. I love the way you pout when your mad.  I love the way your eyes light up when you see me. And mostly I love you. You make my day and we have two beautiful children that I wouldn't trade the world for. So will you do the honors of marrying me" he finished tears were streaming down my face "yes" I managed to say he slipped the ring on my finger and I immediately kissed him all of a sudden there was loud cheering and clapping I turned around to see fans paparazzi and my family and friends in front of everyone I started crying Sammy hugged me "thank you" I whispered he nodded and hugged me tighter.

"Congrats" everyone cheered except for the fans and paparazzi that left two hours ago. "So is it a good time to say where are my grandchildren" Sammys mom said I laughed and gave her Kristen and Alex. "Babe can I talk to you" Sammy asked I nodded and excused myself from Kylie and walked over to the Hall. "Hey" he laughed "hey" I smiled "so I was wondering if you wanted to try for more kids" he asked nervously I nodded and smiled widely. He kissed me and I kissed back. "I'm glad your mine" he whispered "and I'm glad your mine" I whispered "through the ups and the downs we got through them together" I smiled kissing his cheek. I led him back to the family and we all started talking about anything and everything and anything. Times like this meant the most to me and I'm glad I get to spend these times with my family and friends...


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