Netflix and chill

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Sammys pov
Me and the boys were in the car with karleigh we were going home for something lazy to wear. Karleigh was driving and no one was in the passengers seat. She started the car and drove to her house which was 10 minutes away. When we arrived we all got out running into her house. She just laughed and got out slowly. We we're waiting for her at the door because she had to unlock the door. "Hurry up" Ethan groaned. She laughed and ran to us. "HEY NICE ASS" a guy said behind her. She whipped around and gave him the middle finger. She laughed and walked towards us. "That's why I don't run" she said laughing pushing through us and unlocking the door. We all pushed to get in which resulted in us falling. Karleigh was just looking down at us laughing. We all just groaned and got up slowly "you guys better hurry up" she said going upstairs laughing. "Her laugh is cute" Nash said. "I know right" all the guys agreed I rolled my eyes. Horny ass boys. "She's mine though" I smirked running upstairs. They all laughed and I went into our room. Karleigh offered the other rooms so we could have like 3 boys in a room but we didn't take it. I changed and so did the boys. I had some jogging pants on and a white t shirt. The guys had similar outfits. A knock was on the door. It was slow and creepy. Nash picked up a baseball bat and Walked towards the door. The knock got harder. He opened the door it was Karleigh. I laughed Nash sighed and dropped the bat. She looked at us weirdly. "I needed some leggings that I left in...Here" she said slowly. She was still in her same clothes. "You told us hurry up but your not ready" Grayson said laughing. She smirked and nodded. "I'll be fast." She smiled grabbing her white aztec print leggings. Don't ask me how i knew that. She walked out laughing at our faces. We were glaring at her because she told us to hurry. I heard bedroom door close. We sighed and sat on the bed.

Karleighs pov
I walked back into my room and grabbed a cute outfit (outfit in media box) I put the outfit on and I put on my cute chain belly piercing. I grabbed some white ankle socks with black weed symbols. What can I say I like weed symbols. Lmfao. Anyways I put them on and I looked good. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair up in a messy bun which I perfected. Then I painted my nails a matte white and I finished it by putting mascara on. Someone knocked on the door. I rolled my eyes and opened it. The guys were standing there looking bored I laughed. "I'm ready" I said grabbing my phone and putting it in My bra. I mean I didn't have a pocket they just looked at me weirdly and I shrugged going down stairs. "Hey I like your socks" gilinsky said. "Same" I said running outside. I waited for them to get outside so I could lock the door. "Aren't you going to get some shoes" Aaron asked me. I shook my head and laughed. They rolled their eyes and walked to the car. I locked the door and ran to the car stepping on a big ass rock. I screamed and grabbed my foot hopping around. "Ouch" I said Sammy got out and came towards me. "Are you okay" he said laughing a little bit. I nodded. He grabbed me and took me to the passenger seat. He got in the drivers side as I handed him the keys. I thanked him and looked at my socks. Thank the lord that i didn't bleed or the didn't get dirty because I. Would have. Died. These are my favorite socks. I got on my phone and went on Instagram. I noticed Kim, kourtney, Khloe, Kylie, and Kendall followed me. I haven't been on Instagram in weeks. I went on the Instagram Camera and posed with Cameron. He had his tongue out and I had my nose scrunched up. I looked at it and laughed. I put it in a black and white filter and posted it with the caption ' bestfrand😂💋💯🔥' all their phones went off " you guys have my notifications on" I gushed. They all nodded and laughed "hey. I thought I was your bestfriend" Jack and Jack said. They looked at each other with a glare. "Karleigh can make anyone fight" Shawn said laughing. "I know right" Sammy said. I looked at him and laughed. He smiled still looking at the road. We came up to a red light. I grabbed my phone and took a picture with Sammy he was kissing my cheek and I was smiling. I captioned it ' with bae... Ily #MCE💋💗💯😜😘' I captioned it and all their phones went off again "awwww" they all said. I laughed and blushed. They gushed over me blushing. I rolled my eyes but laughed. The light turned green and we went to the store to buy snacks. "Guys stay In here we will be right back" Sammy told them. They nodded and got on their phones. I squealed and got out running inside with Sammy. I sat in a cart while Sammy pushed it. "OMG KARLEIGH JENNER" a whole bunch of girls squealed I laughed nervously "don't you want the boy's autograph" I asked them "NO" all the girls shouted. "Damn" I said and started signing things. Kissing their cheek taking selfies signing phone cases all that. Soon they were all gone. "On ward babe" I shouted he laughed and nodded going fast to the candy aisle. "Okay gummy worms, chocolate, Reese's, Nutella, kit kats" I said getting out the cart and throwing multiple bags of candy in the cart with many Nutella jars. Sammy laughed and I shrugged we went to the chips aisle and I got many hot Cheetos bags 30 to be exact. Sammys eyes widened. I shrugged again we went to the drinks aisle and I got small bottles of Coke, Sprite, Pepsi, cherry Coke, and Mountain Dew. Then we got a couple frozen pizzas. "Okay we are done right" I asked Sammy he nodded and we walked to the cash register. A girl was working there she looked 22 I shrugged "did you have a nice time shopping" she said eyeing Sammy I nodded and so did he. I rolled my eyes laughing "what" she snapped looking at me ringing up the last item and I payed with my card. "My boyfriend is uncomfortable with you staring at him" I snapped lying "and you think I care" she said snorted "yeah you should because I can get you fired " I said rolling my eyes and walking away as I walked away with the cart. Sammy was behind me and I walked outside putting the bags in the car and getting in the passenger seat crossing my arms. "It's cold" I said rolling my eyes "well yeah" Nash said. I laughed and Sammy got in he laughed and  looked at me. I shrugged "what happened" Hayes asked laughing "well she went in on the cashier" Sammy said. "Was she hitting on Sammy" shawn asked me. I nodded "duh she snaps at anybody who stares at Sammy" Taylor told Nash. I shrugged "he's mine no one should look at him but me and his mom and my sisters and his sister" I said looking at my white matte nails I heard Sammy chuckle and I felt a kiss on my cheek. I turned my head and looked at Sammy smirking. I leaned over and kissed him he grabbed my waist and put his tongue in my mouth "EWWWW. WERE HERE START THE CAR" they all screeched. I laughed and pecked Sammys lips one more time. The guys groaned. I laughed and sat down. I put my seat belt on and Sammy started the car and drove to Kylie's. We arrived there in 8 minutes. Wow. I got out squealing taking a couple bags that were heavy. I ran to the house and ran in scaring Kylie and Kendall once they seen it was me they ran over and helped with the bags. "Yo" Kylie laughed. I rolled my eyes but smiled. I ran back out to the boys who were struggling. I took the bags and they thanked me. I carried them and went into the house. They had the rest of the bags so they just shut the door after everyone was in. I smiled "I got 30 bags of hot Cheetos" I squealed Kylie gasped and jumped on me whilst hugging me. I laughed and hugged her back " your belly ring is so cute" Kendall and Kylie squealed "thanks" I said laughing "and your outfit is on point" Kylie said laughing "thanks again" I said taking my phone out from my bra the boys looked at me weirdly once again. Kylie and Kendall did the same thing us girls shrugged and turned around walking to the couch. Someone grabbed me and I looked and of course it was Sammy. I laughed and just relaxed in his arms he wrapped my legs around his waist and he was holding me on his hip like a baby "that. Is. The. Cutest. Thing. I. Have. Ever. Seen." Kylie said in between laughs. I laughed and put my head in the crook of his neck. "She's my baby" Sammy said and hugged me I laughed "relationship goals" they all said. I rolled my eyes as Sammy laughed. He let me down and I walked over to the hot Cheetos and grabbed 3 bags. Kylie had 5 so don't judge me judge her. I walked over to her and sat down. We were in their theater room and it was exactly like a movie theater had lots of chairs and a huge ass screen that projected off the projecter. Kylie grabbed the remote and went to Netflix. The big red Netflix screen came on and it was in HD yes. Sammy came and grabbed my hand. I immediately grabbed my hot Cheetos and stood up. He took us to the stairs and to the top of the room and we sat in the wayyy top. The other boys were scattered everywhere and so were Kylie and kendall. Sammy sat down next to me while holding two cokes. I smiled and gave him a bag of hot Cheetos. "I forgot the kit kats and Nutella" I screeched he laughed "it's fine" he said. I sighed but nodded. I started eating my hot Cheetos "KYLIE STOP CRUNCHING" Kendall whispered loudly. "Shut the hell up" Kylie snapped "NO" Kendall said getting up "lol" Kylie said laughing Kendall rolled her eyes and sat back down eating Kylie's hot Cheetos. I laughed loudly and everyone looked back at us. I shrugged and gave them the middle finger "I find that rude" Nate said I gave him both middle fingers he gave me one and Sammy gave him one "OMG" I laughed I slapped Sammys hand "no" I told him. He looked at me with a confused look "you don't give your bestfriend the middle finger" I told him " we do it all the time" Nate said giving Sammy the middle finger "I would never give Kylie the middle-" I got cut off "yes you would" Kylie and Kendall said. I shrugged but laughed. The movie started and she picked pitch perfect "yes" I squealed.
Halfway through the movie
"Can I have the pop" I asked Sammy for like the 7th time. He sighed "this is going to be a long Netflix and chill" he said chuckling I laughed and drank the pop

HEYYYYY GUYSSSSS HERES ANOTHER CHAPTER. but anyways I'm so glad that it's the weekend I don't like school


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