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Karleighs pov
"No" I whined it was currently 9:00 PM. Sammy was trying to get me to take a selfie with him but my stomach hurts and no it's not period cramps. I threw up this morning and Sammy did not need to know about that. "Baby what's wrong you have been lying here for hours" Sammy frowned "nothing Sammy" I sighed "babe come on tell me" he whined "my stomach hurts"I frowned giving in "aww" he said "want me to rub your stomach" he asked "sure" I sighed and he pulled up my shirt he put his hand on it and I flinched at the contact he was cold. "Sorry" he grinned sheepishly I smiled at him and nodded. He started to rub it but it felt the same. "It's not working" I sighed "it's okay I'll stay right here by your side until you feel better" he said kissing my lips I smiled at him "thank you Sam" I smiled and he nodded. He kept kissing my stomach(because he's a weirdo) and honestly my stomach felt a little better "Sammy my stomach feels better" I told him he nodded and kissed it again just laying his head down on my stomach I put my hands in his hair and played with it "I love when you play with my hair" Sammy said I laughed "I'll write that down" I smirked he nodded laughing. I got on my phone and went on Twitter having a following spree. I was still running my hands through his hair "karleigh" some one yelled from downstairs "KARLEIGH" they said louder "KARLEIGH" they  screamed. It was gilinsky I texted him

Me: shut up Sammy is sleeping
Gilinsky😂💋💞💪🏼👌🏼: sorry I'm hungry
Me: order pizza
Gilinsky: fineeeeee

I laughed silently smiling at the phone. I'm bored but Sammy is sleeping and I can't move. Although he is a deep sleeper I'm just going to try to escape this situation I slid out from underneath him since his head was on my stomach I had his head and I placed a pillow under his head then I gently placed his head on the pillow I tip toe to the door. I honestly hate myself right now i literally Just freaking tripped over a shoe I went flying into the door I groaned and slid down the door "babe?" Sammy asked "ouch" I said laughing because I hit my funny bone "are you okay" he asked me getting up he stumbled over to me rubbing his eyes "I'm fine Sammy go back to bed" I told him "but I want you with me" he whined "I'm going to go get water and I'll be right back" I said to him "promise" he asked me when I stood up "I promise" I said he nodded and kissed me going to lay on the bed. I walked out of the room going downstairs to see Jack yelling. "Jack why are you yelling" I whispered "because they are not giving me my pop they said they're out of the kind I want" he said sighing I grabbed the phone

Me: hello?
Guy: hello
Me: sorry my friend is giving you such a hard time I'll just take 2 large pizzas 1 pepperoni and 1 pineapple please. Also bread sticks and sauce.
Guy: okay miss your total will be $22.37 and it should be a half an hour till delivery.
Me: okay thank you so much
Guy: no problem

I hung up and looked at Jack who was staring at me already "I'll go get you some Coke" I said to him " I want to come" he squealed girlishly I looked at him weirdly "okay fine hurry up and get your shoes on I have to go back to Sammy before he gets worried" I said he nodded and ran out the door without shoes on I rolled my eyes and grabbed the keys to my car walking outside and locking the door I got in and started the car he immediately blasted California from his calibraska EP I rolled my eyes honestly that song and wrong one were my favorite. I sang along silently and so did gilinsky. I pulled up at a little gas station I told gilinsky to put some gas in and he offered to just stay out there and use his card I agreed. I walked inside and grabbed a pack of Coke and some candy I then went to grab some hot Cheetos. After I grabbed them I walked to the counter and a guy was working I smiled at him "is that all" he asked me I nodded pulling my wallet out and grabbing my card "okay your total will be $18.21" he said I swiped my card and did all the pin pad stuff he bagged my items and gave them to me "thanks" I smiled at him "no problem" he smiled back I walked out of the store seeing Jack still pumping gas. I got in The drivers side greeting Jack. I waited a little bit until he was done then he got in the car "who goes to the store at 12:00 AM to get pop and snacks" I snickered "it's actually 10:00" Jack snickered "really" I asked he nodded and laughed I shrugged and started the car driving home when we got there the pizza man pulled up right after us I gave him $23 and he thanked me Jack grabbed the stuff while I had the bags I opened the door after unlocking it and walked to the kitchen along with Jack I put the rest of the Coke in the fridge grabbing 2 bottles then I grabbed the snack bag "you should probably go check on bravo he was in my room with the cats" Jack said "can you have Johnson check I'm... Not feeling well" I said holding my stomach it was true I felt horrible "are you okay" he asked concerned I shook my head "I have to throw up" I gagged rushing into the bathroom I threw up everything I ate "aww are you okay" Jack said rubbing my back "no" I gagged it felt like I had to throw up but nothing was coming out "KYLIE, KARLEIGH IS DRY HEAVING" Jack screamed "she's gone" he whispered "it's fine" I said as started gagging again "oh I wish I could do something" he said pacing I shook my head "bro what's going on with her" Johnson said looking at me weird "she just threw up everything she's eaten for the past days and she's dry heaving bro what do I do" Jack rambled on panicking "get her some water" Johnson screeched gilinsky rushed to the kitchen while Johnson held my hair back and was rubbing my back I started gagging again and a whole bunch of liquids came out "eww" Johnson sighed "I feel bad" gilinsky said rushing in giving me the water I gulped it down. Bad decision I immediately started gagging again "oh no" gilinsky said "maybe some juice" he said he ran to the kitchen "it's okay your fine shh" Johnson cooed patting my back it was helping a little bit but not that much. "Okay here this is apple juice" gilinsky said giving me it I drank it slowly I stopped drinking it preparing for the gagging that was bound to come but it never did. "Are you okay" Johnson said "I think" I said unsure "you should be, you have nothing to throw up anymore" gilinsky said I nodded "here want this" Johnson asked holding up a mint I nodded and took it "thanks guys" I smiled hugging them "no problemo my friend" gilinsky said laughing I smiled slightly "okay I'm just going to stay down here I don't want to wake up Sammy" I said "are you sure" Johnson asked coming back from upstairs he had all the animals with him I nodded at him bravo ran over to me but stopped and started barking I looked at him confused he jumped on my stomach since I was laying down. "No bravo she's sick get down" gilinsky scolded him. Bravo whined and started moving my shirt up with his nose after he got it up he started licking my stomach I looked at the jacks confused "why is he doing that" I asked them they shrugged bravo whined again going in a circle and laying down on my stomach. "Weirdo" I said looking at bravo he barked at me "fine" I said putting my hands up "should we take you to the doctor" gilinsky asked I shook my head "I think we should you just threw up everything you've eaten in the past 2 days" Johnson said I sighed "fine" I said I grabbed my Boots and put them on along with a coat since it was cold I walked outside with the jacks and went in the back and layed down "hey" gilinsky said "yeah" I said from the back "it's almost halloween" Johnson said smiling " I know" I said laughing and smiling but you probably couldn't see my smile because I was laying down and it was dark out. "I honestly love Halloween" gilinsky said pulling into the hospital. He parked and we all got out walking into the hospital we walked up to the desk "hi how may I help you" a girl said at the window "hi I've been throwing up and after I throw up I gag and nothing comes out but it feels like I have to throw up" I told her she nodded "so you want a check up and some other things" she said looking at her phone "yes" I said rolling my eyes. Rude much. "Okay doctor smith will be right with you" she said giving me a patient bracelet I rolled my eyes and sat down with the jacks soon after my name was called "want us to come with" they asked I nodded and smiled we walked to doctor smith who was Waving at us I smiled and hugged him. "Long time no see" he laughed I nodded. "So what do you need" he said closing the door. I sat on the bed and the jacks sat on the chairs. Doctor smith pulled up the rolling chair and sat in front of me with his clipboard. "Okay well I have been throwing up recently and after I'm done throwing up I gag but nothing comes out although it feels like I need to throw up" I sighed "okay I have a pretty good idea on what it could be so we are going to take some tests and later we are going to have an ultrasound" he said I nodded and he told me to pee in a cup. I walked to the bathroom and peed in the cup. After I wiped it all of I gave it to him he thanked me and took some blood for more tests after that he said he would be back shortly.
45 agonizing minutes later
There was a knock on my door I said "come in" they opened the door and it was doctor smith he looked happy. "Okay so there's" he said "it depends on how you take it so I'm not going to say good or bad news" he said I nodded getting ready for the news "karleigh you.." He paused....


I'm pretty sure you guys have a guess on what's going on 😉😉 idk if I should do this or not. I think I'm going with it😏 anyways goodbye I love you guys. Be good and stay in school my friends. LMAOO😂😂😂


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