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Karleighs pov
A week later. She will be released soon..
I woke up to hear crying. I sighed and got up I grabbed Alex who seemed to be the one crying. I grabbed him and shushed him quietly so he wouldn't wake up his sister. I made a bottle and no, I decided not to breast feed because too much work and attachment goes into that.lolll. Anyways he finally fell asleep after drinking his bottle and I set him back in his crib. "Hi babe" Sammy said hugging me from behind "hey" I giggled "you bounced back real quick" he smirked kissing my cheek I laughed quietly "well I was skinny before I got pregnant by you" I teased "you were horny" he said "as if.. We were drunk and I was trying to go to sleep when you slipped your hand into my no no square sir" I said raising an eyebrow "well you are hot so you can't blame me" he smirked kissing me "bleh bad timing" someone said I looked over and seen Cameron I laughed "nope" I said looking at Sammy who rolled his eyes. "You know I'm started to think these aren't all the kids your having because you guys are horny" Cameron said "it's Sammy" I said crossing my arms "but you feed into it" Cameron smirked "well we did plan on having more kids anyways so why not get it on in the hospital room" Sammy said I looked at him "one, because our kids are in here. Two, because that's gross and three, I had kids a little more than a week ago" I said "true" he said "anyways I came in here to tell you that we have a surprise for you- or actually two surprises for you when you get home" he said correcting himself I nodded smiling "when do I get outta here" I asked Sammy "umm" he said checking the paper "today actually" he smiled at me. I nodded "umm did someone bring me clothes" I asked "yep straight from your sisters closet" Sammy said I rolled my eyes "there a lot of paparazzi so get the kids ready and they will probably wake up with all the fans and paparazzi here. Your guards are not here I'm so sorry" Christian said "what!!" I said "they are all sick" he said "I'll manage..okay I'll get dressed" I told Christian and Cameron they nodded and walked out. I grabbed the bag from Sammy and changed into what Kylie packed me which was: a black tanktop, a pink crop top with the number 69, and some black and black leggings, she also brung me a black lace underwear and bra set. With some perfume. I put all of that on while Sammy turned around and kept whining. I told him to turn around and he did. "Okay help me get these babies ready" I told him "okay give me Alex's outfit" he told me, I nodded and gave him a Michigan state shirt with a matching hat and some matching socks. And some black pants I walked over to Kristen to get her ready and she was already wide awake I smiled at her and she smiled at me. I grabbed her outfit which was a Michigan state shirt, and some black leggings with some Michigan state ankle socks. "She looks exactly like you" Sammy said "her style and all" he laughed I rolled my eyes "don't you like my style" I said he nodded. "Ready" he asked I nodded and grabbed kristens car seat and diaper bag I strapped her in and went to go help Sammy with Alex "you need to learn how to do this" I snickered and showed him how to strap him in. I gave him Alex's diaper bag and I grabbed his blanket putting it On him since it was July and today was chilly I put one over Kristen too. We all walked out and Kylie and all of them came over "I want you guys and the babies to be careful" Kylie told us I nodded and looked out the door to see a huge ass group of people outside. I was nervous "hold the car seat close to you guys" Cameron said I nodded "okay me and Jack will take these while you guys carry them" Kylie said taking Alex's and kristens diaper bag she gave Jack kristens. I held the car seat in front of me and so did Sammy. He grabbed my hand and we walked out hearing a massive amount of screaming and shouting. "KYLIE OVER HERE" "KARLEIGH TAKE A PIC WITH KYLIE" "SAMMY OVER HERE" "KYLIE YOUR HOT" "KARLEIGH HAVE MORE OF MY BABIES" I died at that one but I kept walking to Kylies car. We finally got there and I could tell the babies were crying and they were crying bad. We got in and all you could hear was the babies crying. I took off kristens blanket and her face was all red from crying. I quickly undid her seat belt and grabbed her rocking her "sshhhh it's okay" I kept repeating until she calmed down "Kylie rock Alex he's still not used to guys" I told her noticing Alex wouldn't stop crying she grabbed him and he stopped crying immediately. I laughed at Sammy. Kristen was calmed down so I put her back in her car seat I seen Kylie put Alex in his. I strapped her in and started playing with her "who's the cutest" I smiled "you are" I said poking her cheeks. I seen she had a dimple and so did Alex. We finally got home and we all got out. I took Kristen in the living room and Kylie followed me "now what should we do" Kylie said laughing I shrugged "I know I'm playing with my kids they are so cute" Sammy said coming in. "Let's all play with the kids" Taylor squealed coming in. I smiled and nodded "kids day it is" Cameron said picking Kristen up. I laughed and grabbed Alex.

HEYYYY GUYSSSSSSSS. here's another update #yayyyyyy lolllll <I feel like I laugh at my own jokes. Idc though because someone has to laugh at awesome jokes. Lolllllll anywaysssss. I'm leaving ig. Byeeee see u guys laterzz


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