Home sweet home

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Karleighs pov
2 long months later
I haven't talked to Sammy for 2 months. I haven't talked to no one actually I turned my phone off. I was staying busy at a house that my grandma had recently bought. she just left it she moved out of it. But she still pays for it. She's weird. I've gotten bigger I mean it's noticeable that I'm pregnant but I don't have a watermelon stomach. I decided to turn my phone on. I mean I did stay off of it for 2 months. I turned it on and waited for it to turn on all the way. A little bit after it started beeping like crazy. There were thousands of messages from my family and friends. I immediately felt bad but hey. I did what I had to I'm a more peaceful person now honestly. I seen Cameron's text first and it said
Cam: karleigh where are you
that was 2 weeks ago
I sighed and called him he immediately answered
Cam: hello karleigh is that you?!
Karleigh: yes Cameron its me
Cam: thank god your alive. WHERE ARE YOU
Karleigh: I missed you too cam
Cam: sorry but I'm worried. No ones at the house right now I'm at Kylies. They all left for like a day to Disney world
Karleigh: I just went there a couple weeks ago
Cam: really?
Karleigh: yeah.... I really miss you guys
Cam: then come home karleigh
Karleigh: no one wants me there cam
Cam:karleigh are you serious everyone does even Sammy cries his self to sleep.
Karleigh: I told him once I walked out that door our relationship may be over
Cam: we will never know till you come home
Karleigh: ugh fine I'll be there in a few hours
I hung up not letting him reply. Honestly I did want to go back I packed all my maternity clothes that were still fashionable because I'm obviously karleigh Jenner and I can't go out looking like a slob. I got changed into a cute loose shirt that was teal I then changed into some black leggings I grabbed my vans and put them on. I grabbed my suitcase and got In my new car it was a Lamborghini. Yay. I drove to the airport that was closer than I expected. I walked in and went to the desk "can I have a ticket to Los Angeles" I asked "yup they're boarding in a few" she said smiling "can I get my car shipped" I asked her "yep I need the type. The color of it. The license plate number and your ID" she smiled I nodded and gave her my ID since I was eighteen I can travel and drive. I told her everything she needed to know and she thanked me writing everything down. She gave me my ID back and I thanked her hearing my flight being called "have a nice flight" she said smiling. I nodded and waved to her grabbing my suitcase and going through the terminal after I was finished I boarded the plane and sat down. This is going to be a long ride.

6 hours later
I sighed stepping off the plane it looked night time here. I went through baggage claim and grabbed my bag checking the time it was 8:00 PM I sighed and grabbed my phone calling Cameron he picked up
Cam: karleigh?
Karleigh: yes it's me can you come get me from the airport
Cam: yes I'm on my way
He hung up and I smiled sitting down and playing on my phone. I went on flappy bird and started flapping away. I was at 213 when someone called my name I snapped my head up to see Cameron at the entrance smiling wide I smiled and grabbed my suitcase walking over to him fast he hugged me but my small baby bump was in the way he looked down and smiled "how's my little niece or nephew" he cooed "good I just got out of the throwing up stage now the craving phase" I whined he laughed and lead me out to his car I got in the passengers seat after putting my luggage in the back "so how's everyone" I asked "not good. Everyone's depressed and Jack and Jack refuse to come out of their room. I'm surprised they went to Disney and as for the animals Kylie gave them back to the animal store because no one was stable enough to to take care of them."he said I nodded and sighed "how are you and where were you" he asked "I'm doing really good actually and I was in North Carolina" I smiled he nodded "well I'm glad your back because you will honestly make everyone happy again" he said laughing I smiled "thanks cam" I grinned "no problem" he said pulling in Kylies drive way we both got out and I told him I was leaving my luggage in his car he nodded and we walked in the house shutting the door. Cams phone rang and I looked around it was the same as when I left. I shrugged and smiled at cam who walked over to me quickly "that was Nash they are pulling in the dive way hide so I can surprise them" he squealed I nodded and hid behind the long couch that can fill all of us up. "Good" he whispered then the door opened I could see through a crack but they couldn't see me. They all looked dull and unhappy. They all sat down on the couch "hey guys" cam sighed "any luck of finding karleigh" Sammy asked cam hopefully. Cam shook his head "who wants pizza" he sighed winking at me quickly they all said I do. I stood up quietly "I DO" I shouted they al jumped off the couch looking at me their eyes widened "SURPRISE" me and cam shouted Kylie grabbed me and hugged me over the couch "watch the baby" I said laughing realizing i didnt say my baby. she apologized and I stepped over the couch and got on the floor gilinsky immediately ran over to me hugging me I hugged him back then Johnson. Finally everyone hugged me but Sammy he was just looking down I tapped his shoulder he turned around and looked at me "I forgive you" I said showing him the text he sent me 2 days ago that said I'm sorry he nodded and hugged me tightly I felt his tears on my shoulder and I felt bad I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him as tight as I could manage that would not hurt the baby "how far along are you" Kendall asked "2 months and 2 weeks" I smiled "so how has pregnancy been treating you" gilinsky asked "not good at all I've been throwing up like crazy but i just got over the morning sickness phase so now I'm in the craving phase" I said laughing they all smiled "I'm so glad your back" they all said in sync I laughed "I'm glad I'm back also" I smiled "group hug" I smiled they all piled around me. I breathed in deeply "home sweet home" I sighed happily.



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