Almost there

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Update on Karleighs pregnancy: still 9 months. it is the 4th of July currently.
Karleighs pov
"Sam remember no fuckboys" I said as he opened the door revealing like 10 other boys. They were all highly attractive and I had to admit I kind of drooled a little bit. "Karleigh" Sammy whispered harshly I snapped out of it they were all smirking at me "I'm sorry my names karleigh gotta run" I laughed nervously going over To Kylie since Kendall left again. "They are hot" I shrieked "one your pregnant two calm your hormones" she smirked "one you have Tyga two you have Tyga" I sassed "we can drool over them together" I squealed as they came in I sat back down next to Kylie and we cuddled under the blanket watching the guys sit at the table already starting to drink and smoke. They were playing a card game. I felt like a kid who was with her cousin or sister sitting on the couch when all their family is at the able gossiping and drinking. "Hey can I have another beer" a guy asked me. Omfg he looked like Luke hemmings "yes" me and Kylie said I looked at her "sit your little ass down" I sassed "sit your pregnant ass Down" se said getting up. I rolled my eyes "twin" he asked I blushed and nodded he laughed and grabbed the beer Kylie handed him. She glared at me I rolled my eyes "I love you more anyways" I told her she smiled and I laughed when she sat back down "babe" someone said "Sammys calling you" Kylie whispered "I don't want them knowing I'm with Sammy because they are hot" I snickered she rolled her eyes "babeeee" Sammy slurred I sighed heavily and got up revealing my stomach "give me the fucking blanket" I said grabbing the blanket she laughed and I walked over to Sammy "yea" I asked him he placed me on his lap and I looked around the table and they were all still smirking at me I smiled at them I looked at Kylie and she was laughing so hard. I clenched my jaw at her and she shut up. I whipped my head around looking back at the guys one stuck out. He had a quiff and piercing green eyes. He was staring at me smiling I smiled at him he looked down still smiling "babe" Sammy whispered I jumped and he laughed I rolled my eyes "can I get a beer" he asked I nodded and got up going to the kitchen. I grabbed a bud light and gave it to Sammy "um karleigh can I have one too" the guy with green eyes and brown quiff asked shyly. I bent down slightly "sure what's your name" I asked him softly "my names Ryan" he smiled looking up at me "I'll be right back" I smiled at him going to the kitchen grabbing a beer I gave it to him. He grabbed it but I still held it "your my new bestfriend" I smirked he nodded fast and smiled I let go of the beer and winked "bye bestfriend" I laughed walking over to Kylie with the blanket still around me she smiled and I wrapped the blanket around us " your outfit is really cute" she laughed " black leggings and a teal sweater that says bite me with a pair of lips that are biting their lip" I said reciting what I was wearing. She laughed and nodded "I know right" I squealed all the guys stopped and looked at us I smiled nervously I looked at Ryan and he was smirking at me I narrowed my eyes at him and he smiled "anyways" I said loudly "me and Kylie are going upstairs we will be back" I smile getting up "okay lil mama" someone said I turned around "skate" I asked "no" Sammy laughed loudly I rolled my eyes "Ryan he's being mean" I told Ryan he looked at me then Sammy "Sammy" Ryan warned I snickered " you turned the shy guy around" Sammy announced "well she changed you around" a guy said "damn" was all we heard Sammy nodded "because she's pregnant right" Ryan asked I nodded "how many months" a guy asked excitedly " 9" Sammy smiled "awww" they all said loudly I smiled and blushed I sat down on the couch with Kylie "I don't feel like going upstairs" I laughed Ryan rolled his eyes I hissed silently "I'll be right back" I told everyone one they nodded and I got up going upstairs a little quicker than intended I went In My room and sat on the bed and put my hand on my knees a sharp pain came I groaned loudly I breathed hardly another one came right after I stood up and doubled over in pain. Another one came "ah" I hissed I stood up straight and walked quickly over to the jacks room crying silently trying to be calm I knocked and a shirtless gilinsky opened it. He was naked I covered my eyes "sorry" he said sheepishly putting his shorts on "Jack somethings wrong" I said quickly he was confused. Johnson joined him at the door. Another pain came and I squeezed my eyes shut I stepped back into the hallway and right after I felt something trickling down my legs my eyes widened "what's wrong" everyone said coming out of their rooms from a deep slumber " THE BABIES ARE COMING" I screamed having another contraction "oh shit" Jack complained grabbing me and taking me to my room he grabbed me some shorts and underwear taking off my pants "here" he said handing me my underwear and shorts I quickly put both of them on he grabbed my bag for the babies and picked me up carefully taking me down the steps. Everyone was upstairs frantically getting ready everyone was leaving downstairs.  Sammy was sober and he was cleaning up smiling "SHES HAVING A BABY" Jack screamed "STOP SCREAMING" I shouted breathing hard "sorry" he whispered stroking my face I rolled my eyes and Sammy ran to me "go freshen up and come to the hospital later you are a mess" I said he nodded and ran upstairs "Johnson you guys stay here with Sammy I'll take karleigh to the doctors" gilinsky said running out the door I screamed having a nothing contraction gilinksy was calm and I was thankful for that. "Okay we will be there soon babe" he said rubbing my thigh. He's acting like I'm his girlfriend what the hell. I mentally groaned but I shook it off and I let him I was too tired "OH FUCK" I shouted having another contraction "Shh" Jack said rubbing my thigh still "I'm going to kill Sammy" I sobbed and he chuckled "your fine" gilinsky said calming me down. Another one came and this one was sharper I screamed really loud "oh shit my ear drums" he said i was panting as we pulled into the hospital.

2 hours later
"Let's go your ready to get these babies out" Christian said putting on a mask and some gloves. I'm almost there.

HEYYY GUYSSS HERES another chapter. I'm making one RIGHT AFTER THIS CHAPTER. YAYAY!!!!!

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