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Karleighs pov (remember. Not sky😏)
"Sammy" I groaned "what" he laughed. "Stop poking me" I said rolling my eyes. "But baby I love you" he said throwing my phone on the bed and pushing me on the bed as well. I laughed and tangled my hands in his hair. He smiled and so did I. "I got so lucky" I said softly caressing his cheek "no I got lucky" he said kissing me. I giggled and smiled widely getting on top of him. He laughed as I kissed his bare chest. I then went up to his neck. Then to his jawline. Then to his mouth and I kissed him. I layed beside him I studied his fingers. They were long but not too long. He had nails so he could scratch my back I smiled and started playing with his finger.

Sammys pov
I just watched her as she played with my hands delicately as if she did do it roughly. She would hurt me. I watched her giggle and try to high five my hand but she would miss it. I laughed at her. She looked at me and scrunched her nose up. I laughed and kissed her nose. She smiled and touched her nose. Someone barged into the room. Karleigh got scared and jumped into my arms. I laughed as I looked and it was just Johnson. "Omg Johnson" she smiled widely jumping on him. He spun her around. I laughed and smiled. "Hey bro" Johnson said Doing our handshake. "Aye what's goin on" I said laughing. "Did your forget" Johnson asked. I was confused. "Bro. We were going over skates to go talk to him about stuff" he said. I nodded as I seen karleigh looking confused. "Yeah. I'll be right down" I said. Him and karleigh walked out. I was going to stop karleigh but I decided not to. I got dressed and ran downstairs where the boys were waiting. Madison has been distant lately. Idk why. But karleigh was the only girl here. I sighed because I didn't want to leave her by herself. "BYE BABE" I shouted. "BYE LOVE YOU" I heard her shout back. "LOVE YOU TOO" I shouted and we walked out of the house. We got into jacks car and he drove to skates.

Karleigh's pov.
It's been a couple hours since they left and I was just sitting in the living room coloring and eating strawberries I heard a loud noise like someone banged on the door. I jumped up scared while grabbing my phone. "Come on honey let me in" a creepy voice said. I started tearing up dialing Sammys number while running upstairs he answered on the first ring
Sammy: hello
Karleigh: Sammy Sammy. Where are you
Sammy: we just left skates house
I heard the door break down
Karleigh: Sammy. Please someone's in the house. He's trying to get me
Sammy: baby. Go hide somewhere and don't make a peep
I ran to Madison's old room and hid in her clothes chute that led to the basement. "COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE PRINCESS" I heard the man scream "Sammy please" I whispered. The line hung up and everything went dark. There was no light whatsoever. He cut the power line. Ugh I'm going to have to pay for that. Okay back on track. I covered my mouth when I heard a long bang. "Come on princess" I heard him getting closer. Then I heard the door bust open. I yelped and that was probably the worst thing I could have done. He opened the door and grabbed me. I started screaming louder than ever. But our neighbor was on a vacation and they were the only people we lived by. I started crying as he grabbed my arm forcefully and he threw me on the floor. I got up and ran down the stairs he was right behind me. He reached out and grabbed my hair I screamed. He grabbed my throat and dragged me outside. I started coughing when his grip got harder. I seen jacks car pull up and I had a little bit of hope. I seen Sammy run towards me but the guy grabbed a gun with his hands still around my throat. They all stopped dead in their tracks when he pointed it at me. I was crying. I coughed and started squirming. "Let me go" I croaked he laughed. "Not today princess" he said licking my face I was utterly disgusted. I looked at Sammy who looked like he was going to cry any minute. Hayes was beyond pissed same with all the other guys. Hayes ran towards us and the guy pointed it at him. I started crying. "NO" I screamed and closed my eyes as I heard a gun shot. I started screaming my eyes were still closed. All of a sudden I fell and I started coughing uncontrollably someone came and hugged me. The cologne hit me and hugged him tighter than I have hugged anybody before "Hayes" I said crying and standing up with him. "I'm here. Shhh. Your okay" he cooed. "Hayes don't do that" I shouted crying "I'm sorry baby I had to" he said rubbing my back. "Wait. If you didn't get shot who did" I panicked someone grabbed my leg and pulled it causing me to fall. I groaned and looked who it was. It was the guy and he was masked. I walked over to him and ripped his mask off. I gasped loudly and covered my mouth. "Dad" I asked and started crying. "Next time don't try to go with your unfaithful mom" he spat. "Your the one who is unfaithful. You left her while she was pregnant and she had to fend for herself. Then you came and took me from my twin and my family. How could you" I spat kicking him as the cops came and took him. I ran to Hayes. "It was dad" I told him he looked at me with wide eyes. "He was mad that I went back to mom" I whispered I seen Kylie's car pull up and all of them. Including my mom ran to me. I hugged Kylie first. "It was dad. He did this" I whispered. "Omg no" she said scared. I nodded. She just hugged me. Then my mom (Kris) hugged me. "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner honey" she said hugging me I nodded "it's fine mom" I said. Sammy was on the floor crying and I told my sisters that I had to go talk to him. They said okay so I went to Sammy and he was surrounded by skate. Dillon and the jacks. I walked over to them and tapped Johnson's shoulder. He turned around and he immediately hugged me. I hugged him back. We let go and I got on the floor by Sammy. I hugged him and as soon as he knew it was me he hugged me back hard. He was crying into my chest. "Shh Sammy I'm here" I said as the same guys just surrounded us. He nodded and I let go of the hug. He looked at me with red puffy eyes and I felt so bad. I kissed him hard and he kissed back just as hard. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. Someone grabbed me and hugged me. It was skate. I hugged him. "You don't look so good" I told him. He put his head down. I got worried. "Please tell me you don't have cancer" I said crying. He shook his head laughing slightly. "I have a stomach ulcer" he said softly. I gasped and hugged him. "Oh Nate. I'm so sorry" I said "it's fine. Your okay" he said hugging me. I nodded. Kylie came over and hugged me once again. "I'm glad your okay" she smiled. I realized we were wearing the exact same thing. Some leggings and a crop top. I laughed and she smiled looking down knowing exactly what I was talking about. "I'm glad I'm okay too" I smiled. "If it wasn't for Sammy. I wouldn't be here right now. He pulled up at the right time" I said smiling looking at Sammy who was talking to khloe. "Khloe really likes him" I laughed and smiled watching Khloe hug Sammy. I know she doesn't like him like that. But she sees him as a younger brother. I smiled at their relation ship. Gilinsky was looking Lost and sad. I walked over to him. "What's wrong sailor. You look like your puppy just died" I smiled faintly. "Madison was cheating on me and she broke up with me" he said breaking down. I was shocked. She couldn't do this. Could she. I have so much drama on my hands it's unreal

HEYYYY GUYSSSSSS HERES YET ANOTHER UPDATE. I'm on a roll. Yay or nay. Lmfao. Anywayssssss. Drammaaa. SAMMYS SO CUTE. And so is Kylie and skate. Omg skate cancelled his tour since he actually did have stomach ulcers 😕😭 anyways I had to update before I go to bed. So ya. Goodnight my babies😂💕💘💋

Their long lost sisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon