What happened

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Sky's pov
We just got home from Starbucks and everyone was in the living room. Their head snapped up and the ran to us and hugged us. "What's wrong" I asked. "Where were you guys" Taylor asked. "Starbucks" Madison said laughing I put my hand over my face and immediately pulled it back since it was the burned one. "Fucker" I snapped at my hand. "What happened" mahogany gasped coming over to me. "I burned myself" I said glaring at Shawn. "Hey. You wanted to bake muffins" he said. "You just laughed at me fucker" I snapped. He laughed. "Are you okay" Sammy asked hugging me. "Yeah" I said. Madison grabbed my hand and started unwrapping it. She unwrapped half of it and screamed. I laughed. "What" I asked. "Your hand looks so much better" she said smiling widely I looked at it and gasped. "Omg. What the hell happened" I asked looking at it. I showed Shawn and his eyes widened. "Who's laughing now biotch" I told him. He laughed "really" I asked squinting my eyes at him. He laughed and nodded. I wrapped my hand up again and just left it. "what should we do" I asked. "We can do prank calls" Shane said. "we could." Madison said happily. I was hesitant from what happened last time I did this but me being me I agreed. Madison noticed I was scared. "What's wrong" she asked me. " I had a bad experience with prank calls. Me and my friend Dylan called this random number and a guy picked up. We said 'hello sir would you like my. Nuts' and he was just breathing through the phone and we hung up laughing. Soon after there was a knock on the door and the same guy said 'where are my nuts' in a deep voice. We got scared and called Dylan's parents and they said they would be home right away. When they got there he was already gone" I told her. She nodded. "We don't have to do it" she said. I shook my head "I want to" I said. She nodded and we walked to the circle. I grabbed my phone and put it in the circle with all the others. "Okay we dial *67 first" I said. They nodded. "Who goes first" I asked. Sammy grabbed my phone and mahogany gave him random numbers. He put it on speaker. "Hello" a girl said sweetly. "Hey babe" he joked. "Hey" she said sexily. I nodded at him to say play along "have phone sex" I said quietly laughing. His eyes widened. "Babe I miss you let's have phone sex" he told her. "Okay" she said happily. "You first" he said. She said an okay. "Baby. I want you to fuck me so hard to where I can't walk for days" she said In a cute voice. I almost laughed. Madison put a hand over my mouth. I looked at her laughing in her hand. She smiled and almost started laughing I put my handover her mouth. She laughed and we calmed down. "You want me to fuck you so hard baby" he asked. "Yes babe. I want to feel your big cock In my tight little pussy" she moaned. My eyes widened and I put a hand over my mouth. Sammy looked at me smiling. He waved me over. I was confused but I walked over to him. "Tell her off" he said after he muted the call. I looked at him wide eyed. The guys and girls did a thumbs up. I groaned and unmuted the call and heard her talking gross. It was still on speaker phone. I smirked. She stopped. "Are you there baby" she asked innocently. "Nah bitch. He's over here fucking me" I said laughing. I heard her gasp. "What" she said loudly. "Yup. You can't have his big dick now" I said smirking. " why can't I still have it" she said sounding Sad. I laughed mentally "because he's mine" I said. "Harry doesn't like you" she snapped I laughed. " bitch. He liked me before he even met you. Swerve the hell off the road you are on right now" I told her. "Bye bitch" she said hanging up. I laughed. "Really Sammy you couldn't finish the call" I told him. He shook his head. "She turned me off" he said laughing. I laughed. Johnson grabbed my phone and I gave him a random number "hello this is your mom speaking" a boy said. I laughed silently. "Hi mom I'm scared" he said in a little kid voice. "And why is that dip shit" the guys asked."because my monkey slapped me" Johnson said. "Sorry to hear that" the other guy said that. "Okay I'm going to go I have to jack off to your friends picture" he said in a voice that sounded familiar. "who is that may I ask" Johnson asked. "Skylynn" he said in a creepy voice and the line went dead. I gulped loudly as they all looked at me. That's why I chose the number. Because the numbers just came to me. "Let's just leave it at that" I said grabbing the phone. They just stared at me. "Someone give me a number" I said looking at Madison. She gave me a random one and I dialed it. It rang two times. "hello Gemma speaking" a girl said. "Okay so just to tell you I slept with your ex" I said I. A preppy voice. The girl gasped. " CAITLYN. YOU DIDNT" she said loudly. I looked at Madison and laughed quietly. "Sorry. I'm not Caitlyn but nice talking to you" I said and hung up. "Okay let's do something else" I said getting up. "Well we can go to a club"Nate said smiling. "Yay" I said. "But I got this outfit that is exactly like Kylie jenners." I said happily. "Wear it" Madison and mahogany said in sync. "Kk lets go get ready" I said. The boys followed us upstairs. We all walked into the bathroom and shit the door after we got out outfits. We hurried and put ours on. I looked at the girls and they gasped. "You look exactly like Kylie Jenner. I'm not even going to lie" mahogany said. I laughed and looked at a picture that she wore this outfit in. I did the same exact makeup and lipstick. I also did my hair like hers. The girls were just waiting for me to be done. I smirked and turned around posing since they were in their phone. "Ahem" I said gaining their attention. They looked up and gasped. I posed like her and everything. They ran up to me and started taking pictures posting them on Twitter. I laughed. The girls told me to wait in here while they introduce me. "No introducing the new KYLIE JENNER" they screamed as I walked out. All the guys gasped and walked over to me. I smiled and laughed. "you even have her lips" Johnson said touching my lips. I laughed and nodded doing the duck face. He laughed. He took a selfie and posted it to Twitter with the caption just met this lovely lady... Kylie Jenner. Lol not really this is Sky he captioned it tagging me and Kylie. I laughed. I seen Brooklyn like it. I smirked stay with your girlfriend boy... Lol jk. I walked downstairs with them laughing at a stupid joke. "Damn. I'm hot" I said passing a mirror. They all laughed. "Omg I'm hanging out with Kylie Jenner" Madison screeched I laughed. "Not really. A Kylie Jenner look alike" I laughed. She pouted and told me that I ruined her Kylie Jenner vibes I laughed. We walked outside and got into My dads Lamborghini. Sammy drive while I was in the passenger applying more nude lipstick because why not. I smacked my lips making a pop sound. "Lmfao. What if someone leaked a picture of me and thought I was really Kylie Jenner" I said. They laughed and all said that it would be cool. "Aye Hayes I seen you dancing with Emma on dancing with the stars." I told him. He nodded and smiled. "She's very nice and funny" he said laughing. I nodded and looked at him laughing. I'm glad I have a brother like him. "Hug me brotha" I smirked he laughed and hugged me. He was squeezing me. I groaned. "Let me go" I croaked. He laughed and let me go and I caught my breathe. "Football player" I said out of breath. He laughed and nodded. I smiled and turned around. Tygas song came on. I laughed. "My boyfriends song is on" I said turning it up. Sammy glared at me and I smiled. I looked at Madison and winked. "Lol. He's hot though right Sammy" I said smiling. He groaned. "He's a fuckboy" he said. "Like you" Cameron said laughing. My eyes widened. "Cameron" sammy snapped his eyes widening. I laughed. "Babe we know your not a fuckboy" I said with gritted teeth looking at cam. He looked scared but played it off and shrugged. "It's fine we all have flaws" I said. They all nodded. "What was your flaw" Nash asked curiously. I groaned. I have one mistake and its huge. It's more like a problem instead. "Umm well you see" I paused laughing. "I cheated on my boyfriend with my best friends boyfriend" I said glancing at Sammy. Nash's eyes widened. "Who did you do that to" he asked scared. "This girl named Madison and her boyfriends name was Dylan. But my boyfriends name was Sam" I said lying through my teeth. It's true. I had sex with gilinsky the a couple days ago. I feel extremely guilty. "Sam as in Sammy" Sammy asked. I nodded. "Me Sammy" he asked staring intently at the road. I shook my head lying. He nodded. "Madison. I had sex with Sky" Jack blurted out. I gasped. "JACK FUCKING GILINSKY" I shouted. "But it was before we were together again" he said quickly. Madison nodded. "I'm not mad. A little hurt but I couldn't be mad at my Kylie" she said hugging me. I smiled widely. "So what that means you had sex when we were dating" Sammy said. "I'm sorry Sammy I was drunk and so was he. I was trying to look for you but. I couldn't and Jack came and kissed me. I'm so sorry" I said pleading. He shook his head and hit the steering wheel. My eyes watered. I shook my head. "I'm not wasting 45 dollar mascara on you fuckboy" I snapped fanning my eyes. His eyes widened. I looked at him and said sorry quietly. We knew that was a sensitive topic since he was trying to better himself. He nodded and just looked at the road. No matter what we couldn't stay mad at eachother. Tygas song ended and good for you came on. I sighed and sang it. Then Sammy started singing. I smiled widely and so did he. He grabbed my hand and smiled. I smiled at Madison and she winked smiling. "I'm justo I go to take this off" I said unwrapping my hand Madison nodded and I looked at it and gasped. "Holy cheese balls" I said showing them. They smiled and laughed. "That's so good" Madison said. I laughed and nodded. Sammy grabbed my hand again and kissed it. I smiled. We pulled up to a club and we got out. "Kylie" a voice said from behind me. I turned around and laughed. When I realized who it was I screamed. "Your.holy shit your tyga" I said fangirling. "Kylie you know it's me" he said laughing. I laughed. "I'm Sky Grier. I'm basically Kylie's look alike." I said laughing. His eyes widened "holy crap you look just like her" he said coming up to me and I felt Sammys hand clench I put my hand on his. He relaxed. "That's crazy I'm going to have to take you to meet her" he said laughing. I gasped. "OMG REALLY" I asked almost shouting. He laughed and nodded. "Well I'm going to get going here's my number" he said grabbing my phone writing it in the notes. I nodded as he walked away. "OMG" mahogany screeched. I laughed and cheered with her. Madison was just star struck. I laughed and grabbed her taking her in the club. As we walked in everyone stopped talking and stared at the large group. I laughed and waved them off. They just turned around and the music started again. I walked to the bar with Sammy hot on my heels. I smiled at the bartender. He smiled back. "Can I have a shot of fire ball" I asked. He nodded and poured mine. "I'll take one too" Sammy said from besides me. I laughed and looked at him. He pecked my lips I smiled as we let go. "What" he smiled. "You have nude lipstick on your mouth I said taking my thumb and wiping the lipstick off. "Thanks" he said. I nodded. The bartender came back with Sammys shot. We both took it and it went down my throat smoothly. I made a weird face and Sammy laughed. "Can I get another shot of Smirnoff" I asked. "I'll take vodka" Sammy said. The bartender came with the bottles and poured them. I took mine and Sammy took his. "I'll have your strongest martini" I said. "I'll take some beer." Sammy said. I laughed and looked at him. "Don't get carried away" I told him grabbing my martini and went to find other people. I looked back and Sammy was staring at me and I disappeared into the crowd. A guy grabbed me and started dancing. I smiled and started dancing since I was a lightweight and I get drunk easily.

Sammys pov 😏
A girl walked up to me and groped my no no square(lmfao😂) I pushed her away. "I have a girlfriend" I snapped "come on baby" she whispered in my ear. I shook my head and got up spilling my dunk on her accidentally. She gasped and ran to the bathroom. I was guilty but whatever. I walked through the crowd looking for Sky. I found her with Jack,jack, and Nate. She was laughing I walked up to them. "So I fell down the stairs and I almost broke my neck" she said laughing hard. The guys started laughing. Jack gave her the blunt and she hit it. She looked up and she gasped and gave the blunt to Nate. "Sammy" she said hugging me. I hugged her back. "Omg guess what" she said laughing "what" I asked. "I'm going to dance wit FAM" she said fam loud. I laughed and nodded. She walked off and just made her way through the crowd. I sat down and started hitting the blunt they passed around. Soon I found myself on the couch with some girl that was not Sky on my lap and same with all the other guys since they joined us. I was high so she started kissing me. Me being high I kissed her.

Sky's pov (sorry for all the povs)
I was with the girls when the girls wanted to go home since we were all high and drunk I nodded and led them to the place the guys were while stumbling. I looked up and seen them kissing girls. Worst of all I seen a girl on top of Sammy kissing him. I shrugged and turned around seeing the girls hurt faces. I sighed. "Let's get revenge" I smirked. They laughed and nodded. We walked to a group of boys who were fairly our age and were hot. We walked up to them. "Mind if we join" I said smiling. They shook their heads. I smiled and sat on a cute boys lap. He had dimples and was really cute. Mahogany sat on another guys lap and he was really cute. I smiled and Madison sat on a guys lap. I looked at the boy "what's your name" I said whispering in his ear "Dylan dauzat" he smiled.(AYEEE) I leaned in and kissed him roughly. He grabbed my face and kissed me equally hard. There were no sparks like I had with Sammy. It didn't feel right so I pulled away just to see the guys staring directly at us girls. I looked at them and they had the same face I did. I got up with the girls "bye dylan" I smirked walking pass the guys with the girls. Sammy grabbed me but I brushed him off. We walked outside and to the sidewalk it was fucking cold and the girls had on pants but I had on a dress. The guys got in my dads car and pulled up next to us. "Come on its cold babe" Sammy said. I glared at him "don't call me that. Call the slut on your lap earlier that" I snapped. Mahogany grabbed me. "Sky come on" she said pleading. I sighed. "Okay" I sighed and got in the passenger seat. Sammy grabbed my hand and I yanked it away. "I love you" he said with his head down. "I love you my ass" I snapped once again mocking him. He sighed and I smirked knowing I won. You may be thinking well you guys are both at fault. This ain't no Maggie and Carter shit. This is fucking revenge. He shouldn't have had her on her lap. I was way more high and more drunk than him and I knew what I was doing. He started the car and drive to my house. Good for you came on and I hit the stereo hard out of rage and Sammy jumped. It was still on. I was upset so I started hitting it "turn off turn off" I said over and over again. I was sober now. It wouldn't shout the hell up. "Let me out of the fucking car Samuel" I snapped. He shook his head. "LET ME OUT OF THIS GODDAMN CAR BEFORE IS STRANGLE YOU" I shouted he slammed on the brakes. I took off my heels and got out the car running through and alley after hearing Hayes's voice. I kept running. I was on track so I obviously could run fast. Hayes kept calling my name and I ran soon enough I couldn't hear my name being called and I was in the woods. I sighed and sat down on a tree stump. "I shouldn't be acting like this. I love him" I said to myself "but he hurt me. He said he loved me and kissed some other girl" I said. "But then again I kissed another guy so we are kinda both at fault" I said and groaned after a while. I got up and walked a long way before getting to a busy street. There were more than a couple people walking when I bumped into a girl. That's when the fighting started and that's how I got the cops called on me.


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