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"So since she's yours that means I can't ask her to help with the snacks" gilinsky asked "no she's all yours" Sammy laughed sitting down. I frowned and walked over to him sitting down on his lap "I don't want to leave you" I said hugging him. I felt.... Different. More emotional. I feel the tears coming. I sniffed and Sammy pulled back "why are you crying" he asked concerned "I don't know" I sobbed. I felt someone grab me and they were strong. "Shhh" they said. Cameron? No. Nash? No too buff. Jack? Yes. I hugged him "what's wrong lil mama" I heard Jack say. But only it wasn't Jack. It was Nate that was carrying me I pulled back from the hug I shrugged and wiped my eyes sitting down just watching the movie. No one sat by me. Even Sammy didn't. I think he was scared to come by me. A sex scene came on and I just shrugged staring at the screen. I seen all of them look at me because I would usually turn my head but whatever. Someone sat next to me. "Are you okay" I heard a female voice say. I looked over and it was Kylie "honestly" I asked. She nodded. "I'm confused and I don't know how to feel. All of a sudden it seems that the weight of the world is on my shoulders and I don't like that feeling Kylie" I said crying. "I feel that I don't belong here and I don't know why. I just don't want to live anymore" I said sobbing really hard. "Oh karleigh" she said hugging me while I sobbed on her shoulder "I need you. You can't leave me" she whispered. "To be honest. I'm only staying here for you guys and my family" I said wiping my eyes. She nodded "want me to get Sammy" she asked. I shook my head "can you tell Johnson and gilinsky to meet me outside" I asked her. She nodded and walked over to them. I got up and walked down the steps and outside to the kitchen island. I seen the door open and Jack and Jack stepped out. My eyes started watering again and I ran to them hugging them. "Please help me" I sobbed into their hug. "What's wrong babygirl" they asked in sync "I don't want to live anymore" I said falling to the floor gilinsky picked me right back up he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist so I was hugging him. I held onto him for dear life. He took me and Johnson outside to his car. He put me in the backseat with Johnson. He got in the drivers side and started driving somewhere. I was hiccuping and sniffling here and there. Johnson was just staring at me. I think he was appalled. I looked over at him and he quickly turned away. I laughed and he turned to look at me. He smiled widely and hugged me. I smiled and laughed. "I love you Johnson" I said hugging him. "I love you too Karls" he said hugging me. "And I love you Jack" I said kissing Gilinskys cheek. He smiled "I love you karleigh" he smiled pulling into a place. It was pet co. My eyes widened and I smiled widely "you guys" I gushed. They laughed and got out. I also got out squealing. " I was thinking for an animal I would want a-" I got cut off "OMG. KARLEIGH JENNER AND JACK AND JACK" a girl screeched. I turned around "shh" I said. She nodded and walked over to us. She hugged me "omg. I love you. Your a big role model and I don't know what I would do if you weren't here" she said hugging me. I hugged her back and kissed her cheek "thanks" I smiled signing her phone case. Jack and Jack did the same thing. At least it was one girl and not thousands. We continued walking to pet Co and we made It in. "I want a puppy" I smiled looking at the jacks. They led me over to the dogs and I looked through them. "What breed do you want and what age" Johnson asked looking through them. "Maybe a puppy that's a husky" I said. He nodded and went to go get assistance. He came back with a young girl and she rolled her eyes. "Can you stop dragging me" she snapped. He let her go and smiled "this is my cousin Lisa" Johnson said smiling hugging her. She pushed his arm off of her "how may I help you" she smiled sweetly at me. "Umm do you guys have any puppies that are huskies" I asked her. She smirked "yes we have 1 he is full husky. Has blue eyes. Was just born a couple weeks ago and he is ready to go a beautiful home" she smiled leading me to a room. A big husky was in there with 1 other baby husky. He was small and cute. I gushed over it "but the price is very high" she frowned "how much" I asked "1,000" she said. I shrugged "I'm karleigh Jenner I have money" I shrugged picking him up. She smiled and put her hand out "since he's so expensive I will give you all his necessities for free" she smiled. My eyes widened "I couldn't ask for that-" I started "no I insist" she smiled. I sighed but nodded "now let's go pick his name and the things he will need. Maybe we can give him a customized collar" she said smirking. I nodded and laughed. When we exited the room we seen Jack and Jack on the floor with a kitten each. I gasped and laughed "Jack, Jack get up we're going to get things. I have a doggy" I squealed. They nodded " we are taking these Siamese cats" gilinsky squealed. "Okay" jacks cousin Lisa said. " they cost 700 dollars each" she said. Their eyes widened "we don't have that kind of money on us right now" they screeched "well then you don't get them" Lisa said laughing. I rolled my eyes. She can be a little rude to them. "I'll pay for them" I smiled widely. They looked at me with big eyes "OMG really" "really" Jack and Jack said the first one and Lisa said the second one. I nodded. I heard Lisa sigh. They hugged me and looked at the puppy in my arms "they are all going to get along great" the jacks said smiling. I laughed and nodded Lisa took us to the desk first "okay what is his name" she asked pointing to my puppy. "Umm" I paused "bravo" I smiled. "radical bro" gilinsky said in a surfer guys voice. I laughed. "What are their names" Lisa asked the jacks rolling her eyes. "His name is blaze" gilinsky said "and his name is Toby" johnson said. She nodded and wrote them down on a piece of paper "he weighs 20 pounds" she said talking about bravo. He was so small "he's 3 weeks" she said "and he can't get fixed until he's at least 5 months" she said smiling. I nodded "okay they're both 20 pounds also and they're 4 weeks. The same goes for them they get fixed when they are 5 months" she said looking at them. They nodded "so the total is going to come up to 1,400 dollars" she said. I nodded and grabbed the money "but wait they need things" I said talking about the cats. She nodded "I'm giving them free stuff to since they were expensive too and you had to pay for all of them" she smiled. I nodded and thanked her. She walked to the dogs and cat aisles. I picked out a 1 blue bowl, a water dispenser, a purple leash, A LOT of treats, he also got a lot of toys, a big bag of puppy chow, a baby blue bag, and a blue and purple bed that happened to say bravo on it. we also got him a customized collar that had his name on it and it was a pretty blue and purple and we got him some clothes. We went to go get the cats some things. We got them 1 blue blue food bowl and another black food bowl, some clothes. 2 customized collars one was blue and one was black with their names on it, 2 water dispensers, 2 leashes I don't know why, they also got treats, toys, kitten chow, and 2 beds that also had their name on it, and they got a black bag and a blue one. We all put it on the counter and smiled at Lisa. She laughed and bagged everything without scanning them. She smiled and gave us our animals that we got. She put them in our bags that we picked out and we all took our animals. Of course they could breathe because why would we get the bag of they couldn't breathe in it.we took everything out to the car and got in. I squealed and got in the front seat. I took bravo out of the bag and smiled at him. He barked and licked my face jumping around "aww bravo is a cutie" Jack said he tried to touch bravo but bravo growled "bravo" I said slowly. He looked at me and barked "be nice" I smiled at him. He jumped around and licked me. I laughed and shrugged at gilinsky. I put his collar on and a cute coat that said 'woof woof' with paw prints on it. I smiled and got his Leash out and put it on him waiting till we get home. I seen Johnson dressing up Toby. I laughed and smiled seeing as he was dressing up blaze too. We finally got home and I squealed. I feel really better and I'm glad I have friends like I do. I got out and put blaze on the floor and I was holding his leash. I left Jack and Jack to grab everything else since they insisted. "Come on bravo" I squealed as he ran with me inside i noticed they were in the living room. I squealed. "Babe" I said going in the living room Sammy looked at me and so did all the others "look at our baby" I squealed picking bravo up. Sammys eyes widened and he ran over to me and tried to pet bravo. Same with Jack he growled. Sammy frowned but kissed me bravo barked and licked me "he loves you" Sammy laughed. Sammy tried to pet him again and this time he let Sammy. Maybe it was because Sammy kissed me and he knew Sammy was nice. "Hold bravo babe I'm going to help the jacks" I said. He nodded and grabbed bravo who licked him. I ran outside and helped the jacks I grabbed all the bags while they grabbed their cats. They set them down on the floor with their leashes and they tried to walk them. To my surprise they actually walked with them. I laughed and shut the door. I walked in with the 3 bags and they were all gushing over our pets. I smiled and laughed. Sammy let bravo down and bravo ran over to me. The jacks put the kittens down and they ran over to me as well. I smiled and petted them all. Bravo was playing with blaze and Toby was just on my lap "aww he likes you" Johnson cooed. Toby looked up and meowed. I smiled and laughed I stood up grabbed Toby "thanks again for buying him." The jacks said. I smiled "no problem to jackitos" I said trying to sound cool but I failed miserably. They laughed at me I rolled my eyes "umm" Kylie said walking up to me. "Yeah" I asked her "I wanted to know if you and the guys would like to stay here so I'm not alone anymore" she smiled. I squealed and nodded "ALL IN FAVOR TO LIVE AT KYLIES RAISE YOUR HAND" I screeched. Everyone raised their hand and I smiled. She nodded and laughed. I seen Shawn and Johnson with guitars in their hands "we are just going to sing" Johnson said smiling at Kylie. She nodded " we don't have to be ordinary" Shawn sang tuning his guitar "make your best mistakes" Johnson continued " we don't have the time to be sorry-" gilinsky got cut off by bravo howling. I laughed and looked at Jack who just smiled "so baby be the life of the-" Shawn sang but got cut off from bravo howling again I smiled widely and picked him up. "Who's my bravo. You are" I cooed smiling. He barked and licked me. "What room am I staying in" I asked Kylie "the room you guys had sex in that one time I was eating watermelon" she said smiling. I nodded and walked up stairs with my bag full of bravos things we bought and bravo. Sammy followed me. I got up I the room and smiled setting bravo on the bed. He layed down and I took his Leash off. I took out his bowl and put them on the floor. I filled it up with food and grabbed his water dispenser. I asked Sammy to give me his water and he gave it to me. The water dispenser was supposed to make the water a little bit more cool. I poured the water in it and plugged it in. It started coming out like a fountain and i smiled. Bravo barked and ran over to us going to his food bowl. I got out the way and watched him as he ate. I set his bed down next to his water and food bowl. I grabbed his toys and put them in the nightstand next to his food. Then I put his treats with it also. I smiled and looked at Sammy who was looking at me smiling. I stood up and walked over to him. "Hi baby" I smiled kissing his cheek "hey babygirl" he smiled. "What do we wanna do today" I smirked and thought long and hard



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