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Dean POV

I glared at her as she looked away. "Come on Katherine" Wade pulled her out giving me the death glare. "URRRR" I threw a lamp at the wall letting it smash. "Dean-" "Why the hell did she kiss me and touch me?!" "I don't know look-" "No I'm done with her, I'm done with relationships, I'm done with love, She was using me just to see what I'm like in bed"

Katherine POV

Wade was asleep beside me, I felt guilty leaving him like that. "Why are you awake still baby?" I heard Wade mumble. "Just...Overthinking" "About?" "It's nothing just a lot of things" I smiled.

Next Day

I kissed Wade one last time. I won't be seeing him for 2 weeks. This gives me time to talk to Jon. I gotta. He stuck in a Car with me so.. I just need to explain myself that's all..

As Wade left and I saw him get into the Taxi. I grabbed all my packed luggages and went outside to put it in our car. "Kit Kat" I turned around and Seth had a Kit Kat in his hand. "Want a piece?" He smirked "Hardy Har Har"

Roman and Jon came out. He didn't dare look at me. He went straight to the front of the car. Roman was driving. Just great..

"Just let him cool down, he'll be fine" Seth reassured. "I just hope.. I really want to talk to him." I sighed and got in the back with Seth. This is gonna be one long journey.


We made a quick stop for petrol leaving Jon and I alone in the car. I quickly climbed over accidentally kicking the back of his head as I sat in the driver seat. "I'm so sorry" I gasped. "What the fuck" he groaned rubbing it.

"Jon-" "No Katherine don't say anything you just wanted to see what I'm like in bed. Yes I use to be a complete manwhore but I've changed and so have you so stop throwing yourself at men and stick to one cuz your turning into a slut" he opened the car door getting out slamming it shut.

What have I done?

I got out. "Jon, listen to me" he walked in the store ignoring me. I kicked the car in anger and went to the boot opening it.

I grabbed my luggages and closed the boot slowly walking away. Its only a 20 minute walk to the next Hotel. I dragged it along the road making my way to anywhere away from him.

Dean POV

"Don't you think your overreacting?" Seth questioned as I was buying a bottle of water. "No" I bluntly said showing no emotion. Roman came out the bathroom. "Guys ready? Where's Kat?" "Car" I said not really bothering.

We all walked back to the vehicle and got in starting the car. "Kat?" I turned around she wasn't even here. Roman looked at me before getting out and checking the boot.

Yeah she totally hid there. "Her bags are gone" "What?" Seth got out. I stayed put taking a swig of my water. I spat it out when Roman banged on the window scaring me. "WHAT THE FUCK" I screamed.

"What happened?" "What do you mean what happened?" "Don't play dumb obviously something happened" "I just said stop throwing herself at men and ignored her" "Urrrrr DEAN!!" "Alright man, calm down you constipated or something?"

Katherine POV

I made it to the hotel and I feel happy cuz I don't know. It was a good workout. I walked in and grabbed the key to our room. "Do you need help ma'am?" "No, it's ok. Thanks anyways" I walked up the stairs to my room and collapsed on the bed letting out a breath. How am I gonna sort it out?

Renee POV

How am I gonna tell him this... I knocked on the door. Wade opened it. "Hey Gorgeous" "Can I speak to you.." "Sure" he opened the door wider. I walked in looking around.

He closed the door. "So what's up?" I sighed looking at him. "I'm pregnant" "What?" "Yeah.." I sat down. "Who's is it?" "I don't even know if it's yours or Dean's"

"It's definitely not mine. We've been using protection." "What if it was Dean's...." "I have a Plan" he smirked.

Dean POV

We arrived and got out taking our bags out. I walked off to get the key for our room. "Sir, one of your roomate has the key" "Let me guess was it a girl with brown hair, grey tracksuit and golden shoes" "That's the girl"

I rolled my eyes. "Cheers" I went up the elevator. "Did you get the key?" Seth asked as he and Roman got in. "Little Miss Slut is already there" "Dean" "Bro" "What?" "Stop it" "Whatever"

Katherine POV

I tied my hair up and took the grey jumper off leaving me in my white crop top, I sat down. They'll be here any minute now. The door opened. They walked in.

Roman, sighed in relief. "You're okay" "Just wanted to walk" I shrugged. "I'll share with you tonight baby girl if that's okay" "I don't mind" I stood up. "You guys go straight to love to hate that quickly"

"Welcome to our friendship. I don't know about this one. He's overreacting." He turned around glaring at me. "I'm overreacting?" "Yeah you are" I got in his face. "Says the one who's engaged and threw herself on me."

"You didn't stop me didn't you so obviously YOU liked it." "Oh I'm sorry am I not like the other guys Miss WHORE!" "I'm the whore? HOW MANY GIRLS DID YOU BANG BACK IN THE INDIES" "MORE THAN YOURS AND MY AGE COMBINED" "SO I'M THE WHORE? YOU MANWHORE"

He let out a chuckle. "Still have that temper of yours." "And you're  still that cocky dick" "Why?" "Why what?" "Why did you throw yourself on me?"

"I...I..I don't know" I mumbled. "You don't know?" He scoffed. "That's what I thought. I don't want to catch whatever you have from your dirty-" "DEAN, THAT IS ENOUGH" Roman barked.

I slapped him. "You are one sick bastard. I hate you" I stormed out the hotel. Who does he think he is treating me like that.

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