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Dean POV

When I woke up I found Katherine asleep on top of me with her arms around me and her head resting on my chest. Her arms tightened on me. What the.. her nails digging into my hip. Ok oww. "Kat?" I mumbled.

Katherine Dream


The rope on my arms tightened on the bed post, the tape muffling my scream. I was laying there naked with tears trickling as I tried to free myself. Looking to my side to see Jon mouth taped and tied to the door sat there sill knocked out with his head to the side with the blood trickling down the side of his head.

I heard the heavy footsteps getting louder. Until he revealed his face. I screamed well tried. Fear was written on my face.

A smirk appeared on his face. "Katherine... darling." I tried screaming again. He only had a pair of jeans on. I heard the zip being pulled down. I tried screaming Jon.

Jon was slowly regaining consciousness. He was dazed looking around until he spot me. His eyes widened. He tried moving but realised. He started muffling against the tape moving viciously.

Toby laughed, "Well looks like no one can save you now" he lowered himself towards me. I couldn't kick him off, he pinned my thighs down with my legs opened. Tears were falling... everywhere.

I felt sick went he entered me the pain was so sickening. I closed my eyes sobbing until I felt a stinging pain across my cheek. "Look at me you filthy bitch"

"Kat" I heard Jon muffle trying to escape and get up. My own boyfriend witnessing it and he can't do anything. I looked at him sobbing in pain. I saw the tears fall down his cheeks covering his face with his taped hands. "Kat?" "Kat!"

She gasped waking up. I was looking at her with concern. "Are you ok?" She just crawled up a bit more burying her face into my neck hugging me tight. Very tight. "Woah.. Katherine?" "Just a bad dream I don't wanna talk about she mumbled against my neck" "Baby please tell me."

She looked at me. Before looking away. "Tell me later? Right now. Get some rest, I'm here. I'll always protect you Princess, no matter what the consequences are." I think it calmed her as I felt her body become less tensed. She fell back asleep.

*carrying on*

Katherine Dream

it was no use, I felt disgusted, weak, vulnerable. I was giving up when Toby was tackled off me. I lifted my head up to see Jon on top beating him to a pulp. One last punch and Toby was out.

He slowly got up before looking at me. He ran to my side untying my hands free and pulling off the tape. I gasped breathing rapidly. "Jon" my voice was shaky and broken.

He pulled me into a tight hug. "Shh, it's ok, I got you, you're safe" he hugged me like he didn't want to let go of me, I didn't want him to. "I love you" he whispered in my ear.

"I love you" I whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek. She was smiling a bit in her sleep, it made me smile. I got up going through her drawers. We were at her apartment for the week.

I decided to snoop around for a bit and let her sleep it off. I was going through her photo album. At least she had a good childhood with loving parents and friends, comfort, love... I just sat the album down on the table and went to the gym.

Katherine POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open, letting my pupils absorb to the light. I sat up rubbing my eyes letting out a yawn. "Jonathan?" I looked around. I frowned and got out the bed. I couldn't find him and decided to text him.

Me : Hey, where are you babe?

10 minutes later

Jon : Gym

Me : When will you be back?

Jon : Don't know

I frowned, what's up with him? I just placed my phone down and decide to do the daily wash clean and tidy my apartment. As I did all that Jon came back from his workout.

I gave him a small smile. He just went straight to the bathroom, I heard the shower turn on. I just sighed and plopped down on the couch switching through the channel.

He came out the bathroom and sat on the couch beside me putting his arms resting on the couch, I just leaned my head on his chest as we watched Tangled. "Do you want anything to drink?" I mumbled looking up at him.

"Nope" he said not taking his eyes off the Tv. I'm mentally growling in my head. I just crossed my legs facing him staring. After a minute or two he finally looked at me. "What?" "What's up with you?" "Nothing!" "Nothing my ass Jon" "There's nothing Katherine" he growled.

I just rolled my eyes and got up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down on to his lap. "Alright pissy pants just 'cause I'm mad doesn't mean you have to be mad and although I ain't in the mood I do enjoy your presence and touch"

A smile appeared on my face. He leaned in to kiss me. Urgh I can't be mad at him for that long.

'So umm you and Aj are ok?" "Oh yeah long story" "I'm listening" "We bumped in to each other during the live events...."

"Kat" Aj hugged me. "Hi.. Aj.." "How have you been?" "Good! You?" "Good, Good, How's your health and pretty much relationship?"

And we spoke went back to memory lane and the rest history. I guess my friend back. "And Audrey?" I just rolled my eyes at that name. "She was always urgh down my throat" "I figured back in the days too" "I guess she's still the irritated, bitchy bossy perosn we knew?" I just giggled at that "Guess so.."

"What about me?" I smiled. "Nothing changed about you, all that's changed is your appearance. You still have that cute personality that I've first met" he was brushing my hair making me smile.

My stomach was turning in knots, my throat was burning like acid. I think.. oh no I was. Jon noticed the colour change in my face. He grabbed the bin. As soon as it was handed. I emptied my stomach out.

His hand was on my back slowly rubbing up and down. "Jesus Kat are you sure you're alright?" I just had my eyes closed breathing heavily. "Yeah. I'm fine" He didn't look convinced.  "This isn't the first time Katherine... what the hell going on...." he looked down and saw me bleeding. "Katherine!" He said with a lot of concern.

I think it's time to tell him, He's gonna hate me so much. "I'm so sorry..." I cried. He frowned. "What?" "I... I... had an abortion.."

Way to drop the news.

Baby BoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ