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6 months later

Katherine POV

I've just left the gym gaining confidence back in myself again and as for Jon he's been babysitting our babies. Gosh they're beautiful.

As for me I shall hopefully be back in my dance studio ready to teach kids and adults some moves. All my stretch marks have finally vanished thanks to this cream I've been using. And so far in life. It's been perfect.

As I opened the door. Blake was crawling over laughing. "No no no" Jon ran over picking him up. "Got ya! Haha!" Blake squealed. "Aren't they a handful" I smirked. "You have no idea"

I dropped my bag and keys down. "Right I'm gonna take a shower, won't be long"

Harry came walking through. He gave me a quick hug before walking out. I sighed. It's been hard on him.

I took a quick shower. "Kat! Can you help me here?" I sighed and found Jon holding the boys in both arms and Cecilia is hugging on to his leg as he's trying to kick her off.

"Jonathan!" I quickly pulled her off as she laughed. "She's evil!" "Don't be rude. Daddy a bully isn't he Lia" I heard him gasp as I smirked.

"Lia and I are going out for Mummy and Daughter day." "Of course!" I strapped her in her buggy and walked out having a nice walk and fresh air with my Daughter.

Dean POV

I was looking online for a bigger house 'cause this apartment ain't doing. I look up for a minute and what do I see! Blake standing on Matthew back as he tried climbing the chair.

You little sod's working together! I quickly got up picking then both up. "Bad boys!" They were giggling.

I separated them putting them in their cribs and sat back down sighing. Harry walked back in. Blake was jumping up down whilst squealing when he saw him. Harry smiled and picked him up.

"What do you think of this house?" I turned my laptop around. "How many rooms?" He asked throwing Blake up in the air catching him as Blake was laughing. "4 rooms. They each get their own room and it's closer to Katherine dance studio" "What about you?" "What about me?"

"Aren't you gonna look for a job?" "Yeah.. I haven't gotten any qualifications except wrestling" "Why don't you open up a wrestling school for kids and teenagers?" he shrugged. True.. I mean there's barely any wrestling school around the area and since I've moved to England but then I groaned. "What if they turn out to be like Wade?" "Paige and Adrian are doing just fine, I think they'll like to have their own characters too" he chuckled.

Katherine POV

She was sat on my lap as I was on my laptop. She was stealing pieces of my food. "What a cute baby!" Someone sat opposite.

I was smiling from looking down at her but as I looked up the smile disappeared. "Hello Katherine" "Toby..."

"I see you were pregnant then" Darn it he didn't fall for the trick. "What's her name?" I stayed quiet I mean he can't do anything we're in public.


"What a cute name, who's the father? she obviously got her blue eyes from him."

"Why do you care?" I growled.

"Just wondering" he smirked crossing his arms leaning back. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with that whore you know the one that wanted you if my baby was dead" "Our Baby" "You were never gonna be the Father to it, you took advantage of me"

"And I could do it again" "Over my dead body" "That can be rearranged" "You're sick! And not in a good way" he chuckled at that.

"And no I'm not with that 'whore' I found someone better I wonder if this name clicks.. Amber."

My eyes widened.

My Ex Best Friend

"I see it does.." he smirked. I closed my laptop down and shoved it in my bag that was hanging on the buggy and strapped Cecilia in and stood up.

"Katherine" Toby had my arm. I yanked it away. "Don't touch me!' "You can't be protected forever Gorgeous. I'll be coming for you" with that he left.

I stood there with fear written on my face as I quickly left the cafe pushing the buggy power walking it home.

My hand was shaking trying to put the key in the key hole finally managing to do it and pushed the buggy in quickly closing the door. Jon and Harry looked my way.

"Katherine.." Jon frowned getting up. Harry looked concerned and placed Blake down.

I was shaking my voice was trembling. I ran into Jon arms hugging him tight. His arms wrapped around me. I felt safe as he was rubbing my back.

"Katherine?" he cupped my cheeks staring into my eyes. "What happened love?"

The one word that finally slipped my mouth.


I saw Jon flinch as he growled, Harry face changed to anger.

"What did he do? Did he touch you? What about Lia?" He walked over to her taking her out of her buggy. He placed her in with Blake.

What Blake did shocked me the most was when Cecilia was placed into the cot. Blake sat down and hugged her like he knew how she was feeling or what happened. I looked at Matthew he was looking at them whimpering. I picked him up and placed him down with his siblings he too hugged Lia.

That sorta made me smile that knowing Lia had Protection from her brothers to look after her.

"Katherine what did Toby say?" Harry asked me.

"That I can't be protected forever and that he's coming for me" Jon bawled his fists up, his knuckles were going white.

Harry looked furious.

I looked down at my adorable kids and Lia was asleep laying over their laps. I could cry just looking at it. Harry smiled lightly. "Me and Jay were like that with you" "What?"

"Mum told us stories on how if you felt threatened we were there with you and that one time we wouldn't stop crying in less we were with you" he chuckled. I smiled and went over hugging him. "I will always protect you baby sis" he whispered as he kissed the top of my head.

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