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Dean POV

"Don't give us that bullshit you want to kiss her, You want that 'dirty' I'm not gonna finish it. That was just anger taking over. Stop thinking about yourself for god damn once in your life. Stop using your pity as an advantage"

"Umm do you see me using it as an advantage? NO! I can totally see the Bro code. Bros before Hoes. More like Hoes before Bros for you" I scoffed and stormed out.

Katherine POV




I stood up shaking my arms about. 100 push ups done. I started to do star jumps. Being around the fields calms me. It quiet and peaceful.

I sat down taking a breather taking a quick sip of my water. My phone started ringing. Wade was calling. I answered it.

"Hi Baby"

"Hey Beautiful you all settled in?"

"Yes, just relaxing on the fields"

"That's good babe, how's the guys?"

"Good, alright just keeping my distance for some alone time"

"Aww, ok well I have to go. I'll see you in 2 weeks"

"Ok baby. I love you"

"I love you too"

I placed my phone down and laid down looking up at the clear blue sky. What happened in just 3 days we were okay and then I randomly threw myself at him now he hates me and I'm starting to hate him. I sighed. I remember the days he took me out smoking and parties.

Always hangovers in the mornings with no memories of the night. Good old days. I'm kinda glad I've gotten out of that habit. I haven't seen Audrey in 2 years and same with April well AJ now. I'll try and find her at the arena.

I stood up and grabbed my phone putting it in my pocket and my bottle of water throwing it in the bin. I decided to jog back to the hotel.

As I opened the door. Roman and Seth was still here except Jon of course. "Hey" "Hey, you alright?" "I'm fine" I gave them a small smile before heading to the bathroom.

Dean POV

I sat down with a cup of coffee. All this bullshit around cuz of her I am not overreacting. Yeah I wanted to bang her when I had the chance but unlike her she doesn't know the amount of times we've made out in the past. Or I've touched her in places where I've pleased her with my fingers.

I never went futher on cuz I want her to remember. But now I don't really care. I don't regret it but I hate her now.

My phone was going off. I answered it "Hello?" "Dean" I rolled my eyes. "What do you want Renee?" "I have something to tell you in person it's urgent" "And how do I know you're not trying to pull something?" "Trust me" "Fine whatever where?"

"In the park on the bench" "Funny enough that's where I'm sat" "I'll meet you there bye Dean"

Great what does this whore want now. I sat back taking a sip of my coffee looking at the view surrounded around me.

"Dean?" I looked up. Renee, was standing opposite to me. I'm gonna admit she looked beautiful. "Yes Renee?" She sat down placing her bag down.

She took a deep breath. "I don't know how to tell you..." "Just spit it out" "Dean....I'm pregnant"

It was quiet for a bit before I burst out laughing. "Oh good one" she was looking at me serious. "Oh come on we've used protection" "Not from when you were drunk and banged me" "I ain't stupid Renee I've banged so many girls that I haven't got one pregnant"

"Well look what happened?" She pulled out a pregnancy test. "Positive" I looked down at it. "Are you serious?" "Look cheating on you was a big mistake and I'm willing to tell Katherine because I want my baby to have a father Dean"

"Well you have a nice family life with Wade oh wait he's marrying Kat. Aww what a shame" I got up and walked away. "Dean, I love you. I love you so much" she burst into tears.

I stopped and turned around. This has to be an act. "Dean, please... I can't do this alone.." I sighed. "Alright, I'll be there for you and the baby" she ran up to me wrapping her arms around me hugging me tightly.

I stood there with my arms up in air uncomfortable. "Thank you" she smiled looking up at me. A small smile appeared on my face.

"I'll see you tomorrow for the ultrasound" "Uh sure" she walked away. As she disappeared from my sight. I kicked the bin down and pulled at my hair. I DON'T WANNA BE A DAD. I NEVER WANTED KIDS!! I SWEAR I WORE PROTECTION.

Katherine POV

I came out the showers putting on comfier clothes. Pj bottoms and a oversized jumper. My hair was down and wavy all dried up. I left the bathroom.

Roman and Seth were sat on the bed watching a movie. "Hey Baby Girl you ok?" I smiled. "Yeah" I joined them. "What are you watching?" "12 rounds" "which one" "John Cena one" "ooo my favourite"

Jon walked in. He looked pissed. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. I rolled my eyes too. Whatever. He can piss off somewhere else for all I care. He's sharing with Seth.

The room was filled with an awkward silence. "So... wanna head to the beach tomorrow morning?" "Sure" "ok" "As long as we're not there for long?" Jon said. "Why?" Roman was getting curious. "None of your business" he snapped.

"Woah mate just wanted to know" "Someone on there man period" I mumbled. "Excuse me?" He looked at me with a glare.

"Whoops was it loud for you to hear?" "Yeah a little" "Maybe you are so get your head out of your ass" I snapped back. "GUYS WILL YOU PLEASE STOP ARGUING THIS IS PATHETIC COMING FROM THE BOTH OF YOU"

We were both glaring at each other.
Roman right. It is pathetic!

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