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Katherine POV

After the little heart to heart conversation with Jon and clearing up my face it got me thinking why he's even talking about kids to me straight away when... we haven't even been dating for 2 weeks.. little too fast.

Oh sh** yeah Renee pregnant with his kid and he probably wants help but not seeking for it. I felt his hand pressed against my back snapping me back into reality.

"You ok there? You sorta toned out" "Yeah, Yeah.. just uhh thinking of when I gotta change my tampon next" Gosh why am I all of a sudden confident saying it to Jon. Jesus Kat snap out of the tampon talk.

"If there's blood I'll say" "I don't wanna ruin my clothes thank you" "Hey you're the one wearing white, not me" he smirked. I rolled my eyes making my way downstairs.

Harry and Jay were playfully wrestling, "You do know there's a thing called a shirt. You should wear one" I placed my hands on my hips.

"Well hello to you too" Jay smirked lifting me up into a hug, I couldn't help but squeal and laugh. "So he's aloud to do it but I'm not" Harry crossed his arms.

"He's not gross like you" "Well that's rude" "I'm so lovely hmm" he stuck his tongue out, I stuck mine out.

"Right I'm taking Jon out for a tour and by that looking for good food. I'll be back later" "Have fun and don't get lost like last time" "Oh come on I was 15" "15 and stupid" "Asswhipe" "And you wonder why I'm here favourite" Jay said to Harry smirking.

"Exactly" I agreed and took Jon hand dragging him out. "Lovely siblings bond there" "I know, such the best" "Where to?" "Fish and Chips, I'm starved and it's my cheat day"

Renee POV

I have a tiny bump but I can't really say it's shurnk but then I could say I lost fat 'cause it wasn't part of the bump but will they believe me.

I just want Jon to know if he finds out that the baby 100% his. Ok. Renee breath don't stress over this you know what to do. Go back home and stay there until the baby born. Yes! I better start packing.

Katherine POV

Jon and I were sat on the bench with some chips sharing it. "These french fries are good" "Chips!" "Damn alright 'chips' there better?" "Much" I smiled as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Are you feeling posh now?" "I may look it but am I acting it?" "My point exactly" he smirked.

"So...when are you visiting your Mum?" "Tomorrow to see how she's getting on, Hopefully they can discharge her soon" "She's a brave women" "Only female I had in my household. I always wanted a little sister" "They're nothing special" "How's yours?" "Getting better" "That's good"

It went quiet. I was looking down but I looked up and looked at Jon, He was smiling at me. "What?" "You're just so beautiful and amazing"

I smiled leaning my head on his arm, He kissed the top of my head. "You were beautiful before too" he whispered. Can he read my mind or something?

I sighed getting up. "I'm gonna see my Mum" "Weren't you planning on seeing her tomorrow?" Jon frowned. I got up taking my hat off. "Nah I need my Mother advice" "On?" "Girly things" "You sure it's not anything else?" "I'm sure" "Ok let's see Mama Valley" "Wow Jonathan" he chuckled.


I knocked on my Mother door. "Come in" I slowly opened it to see her laying in bed fragile as ever. "Katherine" "Hi Mum" I smiled walking over hugging her.

Jon closed the door. "Jonathan Good is that you?" "Yes Mrs Valley it's the street dog" he chuckled making me smile and laugh a little.

"It's good to see you two reunited" "We're also dating" "oh gosh finally I've been waiting years for it to happen" "Apparently everyone has" I playfully rolled my eyes sitting beside her.

Jon sat on the chair beside the bed. "How are you feeling Mrs Valley?" Jon asked. "The same old same old" she chuckled. "Katherine Dear can you get me a glass of water" "Sure Mum" I got up.

Dean POV

Katherine walked out closing the door. "It's good to see her happy again" her Mum smiled but it dropped. "I need to tell you something but you cannot tell Katherine I don't want to upset her" "What is it?"

"The doctors can't do anything anymore the tumour has spread which means my son I am dying" I was speechless Katherine adors her Mum.

I felt her cold fragile hand touch mine. "You were always like a son to me and I want you to take good care of my daughter whether you're dating or not but she loves you so much Jonathan and I want you to watch her. Will you do that for me?"

I nodded. "When my time ends I wrote a letter for her, I want you to give it to her" "Mrs Valley are you sure.. I mean we can find a cure, Anything!"

She slowly shook her head smiling with tears falling. "It's my time soon, I'll be at peace. Just a favor for me, keep her happy, give her marriage, give her kids." "She... doesn't want kids" "Oh dear she will change her mind, you can change it."

I hugged her. "Thank you for bringing the most amazing beautiful girl into the world" "And thank you for being the love of her life" she smiled wiping her tears.

Katherine walked in. "Here you go Mum fresh water. It should be good" she gave it to her and sat beside her.

I feel so bad, soon she's gonna be so lost and so depressed that I can't do anything about it. I watched her talking to her Mum laughing and smiling.

I guess just cherish the moments you have with your loved one's. Because soon you don't know when they'll leave you.

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