Life in my Stomach

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Katherine POV

Couple days later

Jon and I flew back for RAW. We arrived at the arena where near enough all the Divas and Superstars were here. When I went to say goodbye to my Mother she seemed off and a lot paler which worried me.

"Bye Mummy see you when I get back" "I love you so much sweetheart remember that even when I'm not around I'll always be by your side no matter what. I'm so proud of you"

If anything happens to her... I don't know I would be lost just the thought of not having my Mother around killed the inside of me.

Like when I was close to being a Mum when I was an adolescent. Trust me losing the baby last year wasn't the first time. It was the second time. I'm no fit to ever be a Mother. 2 miscarriages? That's gotta say something.

"Hey, I'm gonna quickly use the girls bathroom" "Ok, meet us by our usual spot for your match" he kissed me. I smiled walking away.

I reached the girls bathroom and closed the door shut slowly sliding down it. A few tears fell, not a lot. My mind over thinking. My body shaking, my breathing heavier. This can't happen now. Not right before my match...

Dean POV

"Where's Kat?" "Girls bathroom" "Really?" "What?" "She usually uses ours... that's a bit strange" come to think of it she doesn't usually go there. "I'm gonna check it out" "We'll come to"

We walked down the corridors until we made it to the girls bathroom. I knocked on the door. No answer. I tried opening it. It was locked. I looked at the guys.

They looked concerned. "Katherine?" I knocked on the door. No answer again. "Katherine!" I banged on it. I was getting a little worried more frustrated. "KATHERINE!" "Woah Dean" Roman pulled me back. "What?!" I snapped. "Calm the fuck down"

The door opened, she walked out. "Can't I get any privacy?" She scoffed. "You worried the fuck out of me why didn't you answer?" My vocie raised. "I was doing my warm ups as well" she snapped.
"Why are you lying directly to my face" I got up close. "Maybe because I don't wanna tell you" "I'M YOUR BOYFRIEND" "YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW WHAT I'M DOING 24/7" she screamed. "Don't talk to me like that" I growled. "Talk to you like what Jon? HUH!"

I clenched my jaw, my hands balled up into a fist. "Woah... guys" Seth stepped in between us. "Enough, Kat you have a match"

Katherine POV

Like I would tell him what's up. I'm not weak, he doesn't need to know. I scoffed, He can be paranoid and pathetic at times. I was stretching.

"Kat can we talk?" It was Jon. "No!" I turned my back to him. He grabbed my arm turning me around. "Listen to me Katherine" "I don't want to right now! Leave me alone." "Tell me what's going on in that beautiful mind" he was tucking my hair behind my ear leaning his forehead against mine.

He was waiting for me to answer. "Nothing" I smiled walking away.

Dean POV

She lied directly to my face... again! I turned around and Wade was standing there. "What the hell do you want?" I growled. "She acting strange again?" "What do you mean again?" 'She hasn't told you?" "Told me what?" "Come here" he took us to a steel chair opposite to each other.

I sat down and slouched a bit crossing my arms. "Well?" "She was 16..."

"Katherine, Amber down the stairs, she said you and her were having a sleepover tonight?" "Mum, I'm studying!" "Oh sweetheart you study too much have a break for once, it's one night"

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