Jay Wife and Uncle Max

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A/N Yep before you think your seeing things. Colton Haynes also known as Jackson from Teen Wolf. I swear all the male students in Teen Wolf are just hot!!! He's gonna be playing Max, Katherine Brother in law. Rachel Brother.

And that's Rachel Platten who's playing Jay wife, Katherine Sister in law and credit to @/romanreingsfan for suggesting her since I had no clue who to have. xxx

Katherine POV

I was sat at the back in the middle slumping like a little kid with my arms crossed as I just said goodbye to Jon and the other two. Now Harry and Jay were blasting music singing terribly. I rolled my eyes.

"Lighten up you still have us" Jay sang. I burst into tears. Harry was gonna check on me. "Bro it's fine, it's her hormones" Jay said making me growl. "Yep definitely her hormones"

He parked his car as we got out. The door opened. "Daddy" Kylie screamed jumping into his arms. "Hello Gorgeous" he smothered her in kisses as she giggled this made me smile. He put her down. "Auntie" she hugged my legs.

"What about your Uncle Harry?" "No, you look like Daddy. Creepy man. No!" She scowled. I burst out laughing. Oh this girl.

"Katherine" "Rachel." We ran and gave each other a hug. "It's been ages oh my god" "2 years already" "How are you? How's Jon and the babies. I heard the news. Oh my god congrats" she squealed. I laughed. "They're fine. How's my brother been?" "A pain as always"

He faked gasped. "I'm offended by the two women I love" "Hey!" Kylie stomped her foot frowning crossing her tiny arms. "You are still my baby girl Princess." "Nuh Uh. I'm a big girl Daddy" "Keep telling yourself that" he mumbled. "Be nice to your daughter!" "Yeah Daddy be nice" "She's so like you its unreal" "Well it's Karma since I'm having twins" he stuck his tongue out. I stuck mine out.

"Now, Now you two" Max said walking out. "Oh look it's the favourite Uncle" I smirked at Harry. He gave me a cold glare. "Shut up" he hissed.

"Make me!" He charged at me. I screamed running down the streets as I can hear him catching up. Soon I was lifted up from behind by my hips.

I squealed. "Harry!" "Say you're sorry and I'll put you down!" "I'm pregnant you idiot remember that" "I know that's why you're let off without being tackled down."

I groaned trying to wiggle out of his grip. He was just smirking. One thing I decided to do which I haven't done to him since I was 6. I bit his arm. He let go. "OWW YOU VAMPIRE!" "I hope your marked so that warns you if you do that to me again that will happen again!" I crossed my arms.

He put me in a headlock. "HARRY" my phone started ringing. "HARRY MY PHONE" he released me. I answered it. "Hello" "Babe" that made me smile. "Jon" I bit my lips. Harry made kissy noises.

I was threatening to kick him but as I kicked the air I accidentally kicked him there. His face oh my god. I was in shock as he fell to the ground holding his precious man area. Shit.. I was trying to not laugh at the same time.

"Are you still at the airport?" "Yeah, still waiting" "I already miss you" I pouted but I knew he couldn't see that. "Don't worry I miss you too" I can imagine him smiling through the phone.

My phone was snatched off me. Harry held it up knowing he's taller than me and I can't reach. "HARRY!!" I screamed jumping for it. "Try and grab it baby sis" "HARRY!!" "Woah what's going on?" I can slightly hear Jon say through the phone.

"Harry give me my phone you fucking retard" "Harry stop stressing your sister out. Remember her condition" "HARRY" I was close to tears. He sighed giving it back and pulled me into a hug.

I pulled him off storming away. I placed the phone to my ear, "You okay there baby?" "Yeah.. I'm fine" I sighed. "Do you want me to come back?"

To be honest I really wanted to say yes. "No, your job remember" "Screw it" "Jonathan no. Please for me" I heard him sigh clicking his tongue. "Fine, for you" "Thank you.." "I have to go now but I'll call when I get to my Hotel. Be safe Beautiful" "I will, you be safe too" "I love you" "I love you too" "Bye" he hung up.

I kicked someone bin over pulling at my hair. A pair of arms were wrapped around my waist. "Shh, it's okay" he whispered. I turned around to meet the blue orbs of my brother. "I miss him already Harry" I flung my arms around under his arms sobbing into his chest.

He kissed the top of my head rubbing my back. "All you've done is cried today" he chuckled. I dug my nails into his back. "Ow, Ow, Sorry, Sorry!"

He let go of me as I showed my face with a glare. "Aww don't you look adorable?" he ruffled my hair up. "I want a piggyback ride!" "What are you? 4?!" "Yes" I simply replied straight after.

He rolled his eyes turning his back to me dropping down lower. I jumped on wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his torso.

"Giddy up horsey" "Shut up!" He growled carrying me to Jay house as we entered. They were all sat in the front room laughing at something.

"Oh look who's back. Done fighting?" Jay smirked. I nodded smiling as Harry just chuckled putting me down. I sat on Max lap. "How's Sam? Is that his name?"

He nodded. "We're okay. We actually thought about adopting a kid" my eyes lit up on that. "Really?!" I squealed. He chuckled "oh my god" I was bouncing up and down like a little kid. I stopped and groaned.

My stomach was turning. My eyes widened as I rushed to the bathroom. I was being sick. Thought it was over. I groaned still on my knees. Max came walking in. "Are you okay?" "I am now" I mumbled.

He smiled lightly and helped me up. He helped me into Jay and Rachel Room. "Get some rest" "I don't wanna sleep here.." "Why?" "Knowing that your sister and my brother been freaky in this bedroom" "Thanks for that..." "You're welcome" "I bet it's clean just rest" I gave in since my body was aching.

He tucked me in and kissed my forehead. As he turned the light out. Before he closed the door. "Maximus?" He stopped and looked at me. "Your gonna make a great father" I said. He smiled at that. "Thank you Katherine" he closed the door as I slowly closed my eyes with a smile on my face.

Dean POV

"Finally" I mumbled grabbing my Hotel key storming up the stairs. I was not one happy man. First I was blackmailed into losing my Job then I had to leave my pregnant fiancée and now it's gone like 1am. I just got here and Hunter wants me at his office at 7am. I need more sleep than that!

I dropped all my bags and flopped face first on the bed. What felt like 5 minutes. The sun was reflecting in my room and my alarm started going off. I groaned putting the pillow over my head.

Someone started banging on the door. "Dean, hurry up!" Roman shouted. I threw the pillow in frustration getting up. I had time to shower and change.

I met Roman and Seth. Seth was driving I sat at the back and went through my contact and called Katherine.

"Hello?" She seemed like she just woken up. "Did I wake you up?" "A little but I don't mind." "What time is it there?" "Half 12 in the afternoon" "I'm sorry Princess I forgot you need your sleep" "it's fine" she chuckled. "How are you feeling? Everything going alright?"

She sighed making me worry. "What happened? What's wrong?" "Nothing just I was sick yesterday and now I'm feeling the ache affect" "I wish I was there to give you a massage" "I know but it's for the best"

Seth parked the car. "I gotta go Beautiful call you later" "Bye" I hung up. I wish I was there cuddling with her and giving her small things like a blanket, massage, tea, coffee instead I'm outside my stupid bosses office. He's an Asshole! Here goes nothing I'll try not to throw him through a table.

Scratch that

I'll try and throw him through the Table!

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