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Katherine POV

I had my feet up resting on the bed as I sat in the comfy chair that was beside Jon bed as I was reading a magazine. He just came out of surgery and he should regain consciousness soon. His bad foot was rested up as in was bandaged good.

I heard a small groan and looked up to see Jon eyes were slowly opening, I stood up. "Baby" I placed my hand on his cheek, my thumb slowly brushing his soft warm skin. "How did it go?" He looked high. "It was successful" I smiled and hugged him.

"Did he touch you?" He asked as I slowly plopped myself beside him. "No but you can thank Seth with the bump I have on my head" I giggled. "How the hell did he do that?" He placed his large hand on the back of my head feeling for it.

"When you told him to protect me, His sort of way of protection is shoving me out the ring" "That idiot" he growled. "It's fine, nothing serious was towards it" I shrugged, he just sighed. It must hurt for him, being out of wrestling. How am I gonna tell him I'm in a Steel Cage match against Cm Punk..

Seth and Roman stormed in. "Katherine we can not believe Stephanie put you in a steel cage match against Cm Punk!" Seth said. My eyes grew wide as so did Jon's in the corner of my eye I can see him giving me that death glare.

"What?" he growled. "Well.... Not that big of a deal I've had worse" "You've never been in a cage before!" "I like trying new things" "That could get you killed? No offence but a women can't handle that type of match" "Dean...." Roman was warning but it was too late. I stood up. "Oh 'cause I'm a girl I can't do it huh?" "That's not what I meant Katherine-" "That was clearly what you meant, pretty much sexist and I'll show you rather I win or lose! That girls are just as better at guys with wrestling!" I stormed out.

Dean POV

I threw my arms in the air letting my hands hit my thighs, Unbelievable! "To be fair I used the term women she said girls" "Either way you just pretty much insulted the women race, you gotta think that they can do guy sports and we can do their girly sports, we're not ashamed and you gotta remember shout out to the women who expand our human race giving us kids." "Oh don't start that shit on me I just care for her health" "She knew the consequences Dean but she signed up for it 'cause she was willing to take that risk like we did as soon as we stepped into the ring"

"It's different then it was back then.." "That my friend is what we call a beating heart of caring, you didn't LOVE her back then to care and you'll be like yeah I'll nurse her she'll be ok to now where is you are stopping her from doing it"

I hate it when Roman right, Seth was too busy playing with the machines. "Bro don't play with that, my life is on that, you could kill me. "Oh no I'm just amused that every time you talk about Katherine, your heart monitor goes up" He smirked.

"Yeah right?" I scoffed. "It was, I was watching it as well" Roman chuckled, I groaned. "Seriously guys?" "Aww big bad boy Dean is so in love." "Whatever" I mumbled.

Katherine POV

After storming out, I went to make myself a coffee sitting down in the waiting room. Why can't he let me do risky stuff without him worrying about my health I mean come on Dean Ambrose is one crazy risk taker guy, I care for his health but yet I allow him to do it because it's our job, if he wants to do something he fancies, then go for it.

"Katherine Valley?" A nurse called out, as a wrestler sometimes you have to get your body tested and checked out. I walked in. My Nurse checked my blood pressure and all that. "Everything good, now I need to uh do a ultrasound just to scan around see if there's nothing serious or damaged."

I removed my bottoms and underwear laying on the bed as she placed the blanket over me propping my legs up

Roman POV

I left Seth to pester Dean about the monitor and walked around. I heard the voice of Katherine and what seemed like a nurse and peeked through. She was having a ultrasound done "All good and healthy" I slowly backed out. Is she pregnant oh my god I just have to tell Dean.

Katherine POV

"All good and healthy" the nurse said, "That's good no displacement, Baby, tumour or tissue damage." I stood back up putting my underwear and bottoms back on. "Be safe in the ring Miss Valley" "No promises" I chuckled.

Dean POV

"Boop" Seth said pressing the button making my bed went up. Oh great "beep" it went back down. "Boop, beep, boop beep, bo-" "SETH" he jumped up dropping it. Roman came in out of breath. "I got something to tell you" he said in between breaths.

"What?" I frowned. "Katherine was getting an ultrasound done, I think she's pregnant I heard the nurse say it was healthy." My eyes grew large. If she is you don't think she'll.. no she won't not again. Oh my god I'm gonna be a Father... to my Fiancé!

Katherine walked in. I smiled widely at her, she lifted her eyebrow up. "Umm... by any chance has the doctor been here and gave Jon some new drugs?" She asked, I playfully rolled my eyes.

"So aren't you gonna tell us?" Seth smirked crossing his arms. She frowned. "Tell you what?" "Don't play dumb Kat" I chuckled. "I am so confused!" "That you're pregnant? " Roman finally said it.

She burst out laughing. "You guys think I'm pregnant? " "But I saw you get an ultrasound done!" Roman protested. "Yeah because I was getting my checkup, No damage nothing. To see if I'm healthy from top to bottom." Roamn looked at me with an apologetic look. I just sighed, and I had my hopes up for nothing.

Happy New Year Everybody, stay safe and hope 2016 a better year.


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