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Katherine POV

I woke up to be cuddled up against a body figure. Probably Roman. I started shivering still burying my face into his chest. I felt his movement as he pulled me closer.

"Katherine" I heard him whisper. My eyes shot open. That ain't Roman voice. I slowly looked up. "Jon.." "Katherine are you ok?" "What are you doing here?" "I came to check on you" "Don't we hate each oth-" his lips crashed on to mine cutting me off my sentence.

I pushed him away. "Jon, what the hell" "Didn't you want this Kat?" "No, it's wrong" "What's wrong about it?" "I'm Engaged. Your my best friend" "Just once please. At least try to see if it means anything" he was staring into my eyes. I nodded. He smiled leaning in as we slowly started making out.

Well this escalated...

Seth POV

"Do you think Kat is ok alone?" Roman and I went to the hotel cafe. "Yeah, she just needs a quiet sleep we'll check on her in 15 minutes." "Yeah that's a good idea"

We ordered a drink and lunch. I saw Renee storming over to us. Oh great. "Have any one of you saw Dean?" "No, Why..." "To give him this" she showed us a baby scan.

Both of our eyes widened. "Oh my god!" "Your pregnant?" "Mhm" "And Dean..." "Yep he's the father" "Are you for real?" "Does this scan prove anything?" "Might not be yours" Roman crossed his arms.

"He was there with me when I showed him the pregnancy test and he was at the hospital with me. But he stormed out" "We'll give it to him" "ok" she passed it to Roman. "Tell him to contact me once he gets it byeee" she walked away. Roman rolled his eyes. "We need to have a word with him" he got up. I followed.

Katherine POV

I pulled away. "Jon" I closed my eyes sighing. "What's wrong?" He frowned. I sat up buttoning my top. "I don't think we should be doing this" "But you-" "Yes I did but it was a mistake I love Wade" I looked at him. "What?" He stood up. "Jon, I'm sorry. I don't see us together"

"Kat, I-" the door opened. Roman and Seth walked in they stopped and looked at us. "What's going on here...." Roman trailed off.

"Why are you here? I thought you went out for lunch?" Jon said "We did until we was interrupted by a certain blonde she wanted us to give you this"

He placed something down. Its was a baby scan. I looked at Jon who was looking down at it. "Renee... pregnant?" I gasped. He picked it up looking at it. "It can't be mine..."

"I thought you guys broke up?" "We did!" "Well obviously you went back to her!" I raised my voice. "Oh why do you care you love your precious fellow Brit Wade!"

"Guys..." Seth stood in the middle. "And to think we were gonna have sex? That's all you do is bang a person with boobs and a hole to stick your dick up there. What a best friend you are" I spat.

I was gonna storm out but Roman stopped me. "No more walking away. I don't care if you hate each other right now but we stick together, as a Team!"

I rolled my eyes. He's right.

Renee POV

"Exactly why are we here?" Summer asked. "Well on the scan it says 3 months. Obviously I need to start finding a manque with a fake bump and steal it from there and wear it around me.

"Did you and Dean even have sex 3 months ago?" "Yes plenty, we had a day off this one week of constant-" "EWW EWW EWW RENEE SHUT UP DON'T WANNA KNOW YOUR SEX LIFE" Summer said screaming.

I smirked. "Is anyone looking?" "No" I ripped the baby pad whatever I don't care thing off the manque and stuffed it in my bag.

"Let's go" We ran off.

Katherine POV

I was sat on the bed watching Tv. Roman came and joined me "Hey baby girl" "Hey" my voice was quiet. "You alright?" He asked. I just sighed. "Yeah, just another week and I'm back with my fiancé"

"Are you gonna tell him what happened between you and Dean?" "Yeah, he's gonna be mad but I need to respect our relationship he's gonna be my Husband soon and I need to be a good Wife"

"Your a good person Katherine" "I've learned from my mistakes." "Thats a good thing and I'm sure Dean has too"

I scoffed. "Come on don't act like that. Describe Dean in the nicest way"

"Why?" "Just tell me nothing bad, I can describe him afterwards" "Hmm, He's... Funny, Cute, Can be Nice, Always caring, He looked after me, His dimples are adorable, He's adorable himself, His eyes, His smile and his booty" I wolf whistled making Roman laugh.

"Got a booty on him" I laughed. Roman smiled. "He helped me improve on my skills, first guy I trusted and fell in love wit-" I stopped myself.

Roman eyebrow went up. "Did I hear that-" "No you didn't. Oh look at the time" I faked yawn. "Goodnight" "it's ok if you did" he whispered. "Because he still does" I felt him get off the bed. "Roman?" he looked at me before he walked out. "What is he like to you?" He smiled. "He's my Brother, My Team mate and my Drinking buddy" he chuckled. I giggled.

"He's a good guy, he just has his moments. You gotta be patients with the guy" "You do" "Talk to him and be honest, What do you want me to ask him?" "Why he reacted over the point Wade said he loved me" "Will do baby girl"

Renee POV

Summer helped me put it on. I pulled my tank top down. "Do I look Pregnant?" I looked at myself from the side looking at the mirror smoothing the round pad.

"Yes you do. A bump of a 3 month old" "Perfect. He's gonna freak and believe me now"

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